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Thread Author: L'escargot Replies: 17

 Coordinated Universal Time - L'escargot
Why is Coordinated Universal Time abbreviated to UTC and not CUT?
 Coordinated Universal Time - Bromptonaut
French influence -
 Coordinated Universal Time - L'escargot
>> French influence -

I'm pleased we had our say, even if only partially.
 Coordinated Universal Time - Manatee
IIRC the French have been trying to disconnect time from Greenwich for a while.

I am taking up the longbow, so I can tell them about it when I visit them. I have almost perfected the traditional display of bow-drawing digits already.
 Coordinated Universal Time - Pat
UTC = Universal Time Co-ordinated.

 Coordinated Universal Time - CGNorwich
Why are you called 'L'escargot' and not "The snail". Was the naming committee stacked with those dastardly foreigners?
 Coordinated Universal Time - Cliff Pope
L'escargots are edible. Not common or garden snails.
 Coordinated Universal Time - CGNorwich
Au contraire. The French eat the common or garden snail- "le petit gris" as well a the larger Roman Snail.
 Coordinated Universal Time - devonite
Why are you called 'L'escargot' and not "The snail"

Cos he`s called LES and he`s GOT a CAR!! ;-)
 Coordinated Universal Time - Roger.
>> Why are you called 'L'escargot' and not "The snail"
>> Cos he`s called LES and he`s GOT a CAR!! ;-)
.................and sometimes he's OT. :-)
 Coordinated Universal Time - L'escargot
>> Why are you called 'L'escargot' and not "The snail"

I was conceived in the back of a Citroën TUB 11 van, parked on the Avenue des Champs-Elysées. The van was so slow that my parents (Alphonse and Cécile) affectionately called it L'escargot. I chose that as my forum name in fond remembrance of my late parents.


 Coordinated Universal Time - CGNorwich
 Coordinated Universal Time - Armel Coussine
Coordinated Universal Non-Greenwich Time. Good acronym.
 Coordinated Universal Time - WillDeBeest
I was conceived in the back of a Citroën TUB 11 van...

Blimey! I'll file that one under Things I'd Never Have Guessed. Bravo!

Is the TUB 11 the one from the Clouseau films, with the corrugated sides?
 Coordinated Universal Time - Zero
>> I was conceived in the back of a Citroën TUB 11 van...
>> Blimey! I'll file that one under Things I'd Never Have Guessed. Bravo!
>> Is the TUB 11 the one from the Clouseau films, with the corrugated sides?

Nope, the Clouseau ones were Citroën H vans

The Citroën TUB Traction Utilitaire Basse was pre war and flat sided, not corrugated like the H van
 Coordinated Universal Time - Armel Coussine
Couldn't help noticing the gastropod's smiley in bold print... is he necessarily telling the truth?
 Coordinated Universal Time - L'escargot
>> Couldn't help noticing the gastropod's smiley in bold print... is he necessarily telling the truth?

Zut alors et sacré bleu!
I bet my parents are turning in their grave.

 Coordinated Universal Time - WillDeBeest
Two parents, one grave? They're not still in that van, are they?
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