Non-motoring > New Nutritional Snake Oil or a Good Thing? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Meldrew Replies: 11

 New Nutritional Snake Oil or a Good Thing? - Meldrew

It is a lot to get thru but here is a sample of what I think I would classify as unsupported mumbo-jumbo

"Water for Health supply leading edge alkaline ionized water products, quality green superfood powders and alkalising supplements to help clients alkalize and oxygenate the body by supporting better body pH balance."

How can drinking water, still or fizzy, oxygenate your body? I do it by breathing and it has worked for me for over 70 years!
 New Nutritional Snake Oil or a Good Thing? - devonite
To me I would suggest tis "Snakey"!
I would think "We" are "Neutral" by design as although the Stomach produces Acid, the Liver produces just enough Bile to neutralise it.
By "Oxygenation" I think that is just a VERY loose marketing ploy based on an idium of truth, the Body is 80% water and water is H"O, by flooding the tissues with excess water you will at Molecular level at least increase the number of "O" molecules.
 New Nutritional Snake Oil or a Good Thing? - L'escargot
The British Homeopathic Formulary recommends drinking alkaline water as one way of
reducing the risk of having too high a tissue acidity.
 New Nutritional Snake Oil or a Good Thing? - Meldrew
Thanks.I find homeopathy a bit snakey in itself! Drinking a glass of water containing one part in 10 million of some chemical can help cure things? Maybe.
 New Nutritional Snake Oil or a Good Thing? - WillDeBeest
I find homeopathy a bit snakey in itself!

Only a bit? And the potions are nowhere near as concentrated as 1 in 10 million.

Any claim about substances in food that influence the 'balance' of the body or (my favourite) 'purify the blood' ignores the basic fact that they first have to be digested, which reduces most things to simpler molecules, which can then be built back up into what the body actually needs. The body is generally pretty good at balancing, detoxifying and even purifying itself.
 New Nutritional Snake Oil or a Good Thing? - Meldrew
I didn't want be charged with exaggeration WDB! I was thinking one sugar cube in an Olympic swimming pool but couldn't be bothered to turn it into a ratio.
 New Nutritional Snake Oil or a Good Thing? - Armel Coussine
>> British Homeopathic Formulary recommends drinking alkaline water

One would take advice from such a quarter with, er, a grain of salt usually, but Vichy water is alkaline and just the thing, with a couple of aspirins, for hangovers. I don't seem to get them any more but I used to.

Ther's a Byron verse about hangover... 'Bring me a glass of hock and soda-water...' The hair of the dog/homeopathy solution. Risky I would say.

So-called heartburn can get one sometimes at night. A small draught of water with a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda or baking powder does the trick. Indeed water alone will usually do it.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Sat 4 Feb 12 at 14:27
 New Nutritional Snake Oil or a Good Thing? - Lygonos
 New Nutritional Snake Oil or a Good Thing? - Armel Coussine
>> /rollseyes

At the OP Lygonos? The whole thread? My own banal post on self-medication for excess stomach acidity?

 New Nutritional Snake Oil or a Good Thing? - Lygonos
"Water for Health supply leading edge alkaline ionized water products, quality green superfood powders and alkalising supplements to help clients alkalize and oxygenate the body by supporting better body pH balance."

And any mention of homeopathy.

Drivel backed up with no evidence of value.
 New Nutritional Snake Oil or a Good Thing? - Armel Coussine
OOh, aaah... a bit like 'positive energy' from pyramids of cheap glass you mean?

D'accord... but Vichy water - the real thing, not other fizzy waters - while pretty useless for alcoholic drinks whatever people may say, is very good for hangovers (with painkillers and a bit of nutrition when you can stomach it). As soon as you belch you know everything is all right again.

Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Sat 4 Feb 12 at 18:49
 New Nutritional Snake Oil or a Good Thing? - Dutchie
I am enjoying a nice cranberry lemonade and wodca.Don't know if its any good for me must be better than snake oil.

Had a uncle who lived on raw food he kept telling us it was healthy.He popped his clogs just over sixty.Grandfather Jan who drank like a fish made it into his nineties..;)
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