Non-motoring > Wales' Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Jewell Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 6

 Wales' Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Jewell - R.P.
Obviously educated at the the University of the Bleedin' Obvious.

While we cannot control the weather, there are some simple steps we can all take to help us get through severe conditions as safe and well as possible.

"It is important people wear several layers of clothing and keep their homes warm to reduce the risk of health problems. Drinking hot beverages will help, too.

"Keep unnecessary trips outdoors to a minimum, but if you have to go out, people should wrap up warm with hat, scarves and gloves and take extra care as many of the pavements might be slippery."

How many thousands is this Doctor paid to treat us like imbeciles .
 Wales' Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Jewell - Zero
You just know that if some poor old welsh crone passed out from the cold and slipped under the wheels of a skidding bus, he would have been castigated for lack of warnings and advice.


Thats a new welsh word BTW,
 Wales' Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Jewell - R.P.
Ydishido - is another.
Last edited by: R.P. on Sat 4 Feb 12 at 09:07
 Wales' Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Jewell - PeterS
>> Ydishido - is another.

bless you :-)
 Wales' Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Jewell - madf
>> How many thousands is this Doctor paid to treat us like imbeciles .

The Welsh need that kind of advice. It's the impact of living on benefits (!) and inbreeding for centuries..


Note the English don't need such advice: In Sunderland they're too tanked up to notice the cold :-)

(Insults freely given to avoid any accusations of racism)
Last edited by: madf on Sat 4 Feb 12 at 10:06
 Wales' Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Jewell - Roger.
>> Obviously educated at the the University of the Bleedin' Obvious.
>> While we cannot control the weather, there are some simple steps we can all take
>> to help us get through severe conditions as safe and well as possible.
>> "It is important people wear several layers of clothing and keep their homes warm to
>> reduce the risk of health problems. Drinking hot beverages will help, too.
>> "Keep unnecessary trips outdoors to a minimum, but if you have to go out, people
>> should wrap up warm with hat, scarves and gloves and take extra care as many
>> of the pavements might be slippery."
>> How many thousands is this Doctor paid to treat us like imbeciles .

.....or failing to use the correct form of the English language?
Wrap up warm, indeed. :-(
Has he, with all his expensive education failed to learn that a word qualifying a verb (to wrap, in this case) is an adverb, i.e. WARMLY.
 Wales' Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Jewell - Cliff Pope

He's a very perceptive man:

"He also pointed out other parts of the UK and Europe were seeing better health improvements than Wales."

That's because they smoke and eat junk food.
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