Non-motoring > Anybody had an arthroscopy? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Badwolf Replies: 3

 Anybody had an arthroscopy? - Badwolf
Hello all,

It looks like I might have to have an arthroscopy operation on my right ankle. It seems to be a fairly straight forward procedure but I'd like to hear any first-hand (or ankle!) tales.

Over to you...
 Anybody had an arthroscopy? - swiss tony
Had one on my knee 10 years ago, went smoothly.
was up and walking, as soon as I was awake, from memory slight discomfort for a few days.
Issue with knee sorted for the most part, get occasional relapses, but nothing to lose sleep over.
(knee used to feel like it was folding the wrong way!!)
Very small scars, really have to look for them now.
 Anybody had an arthroscopy? - Meldrew
I have googled this and there is an NHS link to the procedure. It all looks straight forward and tells you what you already know! Without being a doomster you might just want to look at this

The link enables you to get back to all the other 5 pages on the subject BTW! Good luck if/when you have the procedure.
Last edited by: Meldrew on Thu 2 Feb 12 at 09:11
 Anybody had an arthroscopy? - Badwolf
Cheers for that, chaps :-)
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