Non-motoring > Building Control Certificate of Completion Miscellaneous
Thread Author: L'escargot Replies: 4

 Building Control Certificate of Completion - L'escargot
The rectification work on the re-routing of our drainage system from septic tank to public sewer has now been carried out. The drainage system now requires a Certification of Completion from the Building Control section of our local council.

Is it customary to wait until receipt of this certificate before paying for the work?
 Building Control Certificate of Completion - Clk Sec
>>Is it customary to wait until receipt of this certificate before paying for the work?

I did so recently, but with the prior agreement of my contractor.
 Building Control Certificate of Completion - Clk Sec
Too late to edit, but If you are happy to accept verbal confirmation, give the Building Control people a ring.

 Building Control Certificate of Completion - Focusless
>> I did so recently, but with the prior agreement of my contractor.

Ditto, for our kitchen extension. Might be an idea to ask building control how long they think it will take to provide the certificate.
 Building Control Certificate of Completion - L'escargot
>> Might be an idea to ask building control how long
>> they think it will take to provide the certificate.

I rang him up and he's coming tomorrow afternoon. I asked him "how long" and he said if I give him my email address he can send me the certificate "almost immediately".
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