Non-motoring > Best Dressed Men in UK Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Meldrew Replies: 18

 Best Dressed Men in UK - Meldrew
As a man with a puiblic service background and not in the habit of jim jams to work I suppose I know how to appear smart casual, most of the time. I can't link to the picture the 5 best dressed men in UK but here is one of the man placed second. Anybody guess who he is? Clue - it isn't Daniel Craig or Prince Harry!

Looks like a blind man who got dressed in a charity shop IMO

Last edited by: Meldrew on Mon 30 Jan 12 at 12:14
 Best Dressed Men in UK - L'escargot
Here's the list of the top 50. For some reason they're shown in reverse order.
 Best Dressed Men in UK - Armel Coussine
I once stayed for a weekend in a more or less ruined stately home. The owner was one of two brothers who in the early thirties were considered 'the best-dressed young men in London' by the Tatler. In the late sixties though he dressed like a tramp and looked like what he was: an old homosexual bohemian and former repertory actor living in contented domesticity with his partner and former dresser.

I'm not that grand or homosexual, but I too am well-dressed like that. My white moccasins are running in nicely in the seasonal mud.
 Best Dressed Men in UK - Old Navy
The choice of clothing is similar to the choice of cars. Everything from ostentatious through tacky, practical and on to cheap.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 30 Jan 12 at 13:18
 Best Dressed Men in UK - Dutchie
I have noticed more men wearing jeans.Or tracksuits.Is this the new fashion or is this the norm up north?
 Best Dressed Men in UK - Old Navy
There are areas where a white tracksuit identifies the bride.
 Best Dressed Men in UK - Dutchie
A decent pair of trousers can't be that expensive or am I a snob.
 Best Dressed Men in UK - Armel Coussine
>> A decent pair of trousers can't be that expensive or am I a snob.

Roomy ones are best Dutchie, and made of strong material:

'Twenty head of cattle he must carry to the seat of his hempen drawers'.

'Ten thousand rams he must sequester with wisdom about his person, the half about his armpits and the half about his trews'.

I doubt if Savile Row can cut the mustard with a decent pair of breeks like that.
 Best Dressed Men in UK - corax
Humph must come somewhere in that top 50 surely?
 Best Dressed Men in UK - Pat
What in beige driving gloves with a horseshoe shaped hole in the back, I don't think so:)

 Best Dressed Men in UK - Armel Coussine
>> beige driving gloves with a horseshoe shaped hole in the back, I don't think so:)

Don't forget the snakeskin platform boots Pat...
 Best Dressed Men in UK - Pat
...and the Chino's;)

Give me your hippy look any day AC!

 Best Dressed Men in UK - Dog
>>Give me your hippy look any day AC!<<

Don't insult the man for gawd sake!
 Best Dressed Men in UK - Bigtee
Trousers are for work or going to court!

Jeans are casual and fashionable you have to move with the times really.

It's like these young lads who wear jeans with there backsides hanging out they just need a good slap but our lass says thats fashion, i say they look a prat.
 Best Dressed Men in UK - Old Navy
Now thats good planning!
 Best Dressed Men in UK - Manatee
The only blue denim jeans I have were bought for gardening, DIY, doing oil changes - they're work clothes aren't they?

Outside of work and formal occasions I inhabit corduroy, moleskin or walking breeks. I was informed by a surprised trendy colleague recently that the cords and the Harris tweed jacket are now back in fashion, though to be fair he wasn't keen on the Tattersall check shirt.

I don't possess a pair of 'trainers', nor shall I unless I am put into training, and I'm too late for this year's Olympics anyway.

But I'm one of those people who looks scruffy regardless. Sniff.
 Best Dressed Men in UK - Bigtee
recently that the cords and the Harris tweed jacket are now back in fashion,

Yes and the hat to match it's back in fashion.

It depends on what age you are i guess for wearing jeans now no offence here guys but men 65+ don't seem to look right in them, im 40 been wearing them all my life and probably will at 60+ so will most men my age now.

Trousers are not for us unless we work in the office etc, look at men/women on a night out age 22-45 ish they have jeans on.

Trainers worn most of the time Nike ones & boots worn when going out.
 Best Dressed Men in UK - Armel Coussine
Spats over piebald golf shoes anyone?

There used to be a geezer down the Grove with a waxed moustache and that sort of gear. Looked noticeable, which is a no-no.
 Best Dressed Men in UK - Dog
>>40 been wearing them all my life and probably will at 60+ so will most men my age now<<

>>Trousers are not for us unless we work in the office etc<<

Ah, we've got something in common then Big T (apart from the trick with the pillow!)
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