Non-motoring > Foibles of Tennis Players Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Meldrew Replies: 10

 Foibles of Tennis Players - Meldrew
I will start by saying that I have never, ever, been as fit as any tennis player but I am puzzled by some of their antics. In no particular order

1. Why do many of the ladies have to make a noise, every time they hit the ball, as if they have sat on a hedgehog?

2. Why do very many players find it necessary to wipe their faces at the end of every rally? Footie players go 40 minutes for without having to do this

3. Why can't the talented Rafael Nadal get his shorts tailored so that they don't go up his backside, and when they do, why do the TV cameras have to show him retrieving them?

4. Why does Murray have to rush around the court pumping his fist, shouting at himself and gurning at the crowd? Federer doesn't do this and seems to get better results

5. Why does the servers have to bounce the ball on the ground up to 10 times before they serve?

6. Why do they get two tries at getting a service in. Footie & rugger people only get one go at a penalty?

Even so, the Australian Men's Final is a corker!!!
Last edited by: Meldrew on Sun 29 Jan 12 at 13:01
 Foibles of Tennis Players - Roger.
Why does anyone bother with tennis?
Can't like it myself - not a patch on Rugger!
 Foibles of Tennis Players - Meldrew
I agree but there isn't any rugger on TV today! I prefer League to Union - waaaaay fewer stoppages!
 Foibles of Tennis Players - L'escargot
>> I will start by saying that I have never, ever, been as fit as any
>> tennis player but I am puzzled by some of their antics. In no particular order
>> 1. Why do many of the ladies have to make a noise, every time they
>> hit the ball, as if they have sat on a hedgehog?

I believe it enables them to hit the ball with a greater force than if they'd remained silent. Don't ask me to explain why it has that effect.

>> 5. Why does the servers have to bounce the ball on the ground up to
>> 10 times before they serve?

It helps them to check that the ball is in good condition.

I'm open to correction on both points.
 Foibles of Tennis Players - Focusless
>> >> 5. Why does the servers have to bounce the ball on the ground up
>> to
>> >> 10 times before they serve?
>> It helps them to check that the ball is in good condition.

I would guess it's partly just something to do whilst preparing for the point ahead, and habit.

Don't mind tennis but do mind when it replaces 'Something for the Weekend'.
 Foibles of Tennis Players - Old Navy
>> Don't mind tennis but do mind when it replaces 'Something for the Weekend'.

Tennis has absolute priority in our house. If I want anything else on I am relegated to one of the secondary TVs. Hell has no fury like a woman deprived of tennis. :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sun 29 Jan 12 at 14:11
 Foibles of Tennis Players - Roger.
>> >> Don't mind tennis but do mind when it replaces 'Something for the Weekend'.
>> >>
>> Tennis has absolute priority in our house. If I want anything else on I am
>> relegated to one of the secondary TVs. Hell has no fury like a woman deprived
>> of tennis. :-)

Same here - Sigh!
 Foibles of Tennis Players - L'escargot
There are two sides to every story.
 Foibles of Tennis Players - Meldrew
Respect to any two athletes who can sustain that level of physical activity for 5 hours and 53 minutes. They are somewhere well beyond fit!
 Foibles of Tennis Players - Roger.
I agree - but it still leaves me cold.
 Foibles of Tennis Players - Runfer D'Hills
Just been watching my son playing for the local under 12s club rugby team. As for random noises, some parents do rather seem to be under the impression that bellowing constant and heated instructions at their progeny will make them play better. My son assures me it doesn't and would I "please shut the ( insert expletive ) up dad...and let me get on with it".
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Sun 29 Jan 12 at 15:45
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