Non-motoring > More success for the forum's favourite newspaper Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Iffy Replies: 35

 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Iffy
Strictly, its website, which is now the most visited newspaper site in the world:
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - R.P.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Robin O'Reliant
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Dave_
>> now the most visited newspaper site in the world

They always seem to have the best pictures, I'll give them that.

These won't: (contains swearing)

Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Fri 27 Jan 12 at 21:07
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Bromptonaut
Judging by the reader comments it attracts (for a UK publication) a disproportionate number of subscribers from over the pond.

Good for it's publisher's balance sheet but rather undermines it's credentials as voice of the British English nation.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Fri 27 Jan 12 at 21:43
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Stuu
>>Good for it's publisher's balance sheet but rather undermines it's credentials as voice of the British English nation.<<

It sells pretty well, whats the circulation of Guardian vs Mail just out of interest?

How do you know how many subscribers there are from different countries? You would either need to have spend a large amount if time on there to qualify that statement ( seems unlikely ), have hacked into the details or its prejudice talking and you just like the way it sounds.

I thought it was a newspaper, it doesnt speak for anyone but those who write for it.

Ive read the Guardian a few times. Its as alarmist and fruity to the Right as the Mail is to a Lefty.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - R.P.
Lot of American sourced stories in it, they don't even bother to correct the spelling. Yes I do browse it now and again - yes the photos are very good.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Zero
I dont - it annoys me, it annoys me that some people might accept the crap within as "news" or "factual"
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Dog
Everything you read in the newspapers is absolutely true!
except for that rare story of which you happen to have first-hand knowledge of.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Dave_
>> it annoys me that some people might accept the crap within as "news" or "factual"

I grew up with it as the only paper in the house. As an impressionable young 'un I had no idea that the papers could put their own slant on stories and I swallowed everything in it wholesale. I swear its opinions drove my mum to distraction as I grew older and more independent, and more of my activities fell within its sights :(

I was advised on a work course as a teenager to buy the Sunday Times for the business section, and I still buy it now. I take in a wide range of other news sources online these days, of course, which negates the need to buy a daily paper.
Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Fri 27 Jan 12 at 22:41
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Bromptonaut

If you read the article comments 15-20% are from the USA. Over time that will influence coverage 'cos readers = ad subscribers.

And while those who write it speak for themselves too many of our politicians regard the Mailas the 'voice of the people'.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Stuu
Oh I dont think its the voice of THE people, but it does have that knack of tapping into the sensibilities of middle england conservatives, of which there are many and we are in a period where they are more vocal than before.
Lib Dems wont care what The Mail has to say, unless it is to automatically take the opposing view. The Conservative Party pays attention because they want to make sure the larger public doesnt go further Right than they are.

In truth Conservatism follows Socialism followed by Conservatism in politics - atm we had a long period of Socialism and the swing towards the Right is part of the natural order, The Mail simply capitalises on this. Right place, right time. Id be shocked if we dont see another left-wing government before the decade is done. The Sun will be backing Labour again. You know its true.

 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Iffy
...the Mail as the 'voice of the people'...

The Mail is the voice of the people, its enormous circulation tells you that.

Unless everyone buys it to crib, carp, moan and whine about its content.

 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Meldrew
I wonder at what IQ level of the paper's wide ranging readership this drivel is directed?
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Dog
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Bromptonaut
>> I wonder at what IQ level of the paper's wide ranging readership this drivel is
>> directed?

Great comment from a Brit - is it an X-plane or a Y-plane!!

Story about a 'sperm shaped' surveillance drone.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Zero
There are 62 million people in the UK.

The Daily mail has a circulation of 2 million - thats 3% of the population

Lets not get carried away with ridiculous terms like "voice of the people" shall we.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - sooty123
>> ...the Mail as the 'voice of the people'...
>> The Mail is the voice of the people, its enormous circulation tells you that.
>> Unless everyone buys it to crib, carp, moan and whine about its content.

Doesn't the mirror and sun outsell it?
Last edited by: sooty123 on Sat 28 Jan 12 at 08:45
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Meldrew
The claim is based, SFAIK, on visits to the Mail's website. It is no more our favourite newspaper than BA is our favourite airline!
Last edited by: Meldrew on Sat 28 Jan 12 at 08:51
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Bromptonaut
Raw circulation figures for December 2012:

Mail a tad under 2million, Sun 2.5million.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Duncan
>> Doesn't the mirror and sun outsell it?

Link to Wikipedia
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Meldrew
Only the Sun, according to Duncan's link, and by 900,000 copies a day so not even a close 2nd
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - madf
I had an early lesson in not trusting any newspaper when a student. Our library bought EVERY newspaper.. so it was fun to rea what they said about the same event viewed through different biases.

At that time there were protests outside the US Embassy about the Vietnam war (stop sniggering: I did not say Korean!).. and the various newspapers managed to count the crowds involved differently ... from 100,000 to 10,000.

No further comment needed.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Armel Coussine
They're all slightly smelly at least but the Mail stinks to high heaven, even compared to the Sun. The Sun is yobbish and bawling, the Mail mean and snivelling, with filthy underwear.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Meldrew
Sounds quite like my ex-wife, except she wasn't a "Mail", last time I saw her!
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Iffy
...from 100,000 to 10,000...No further comment needed...

Typical conspiracy theory claptrap.

Probably a typo, guesstimates, figures drawn from different sources, or a mixture of all three.

 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Bromptonaut
>> Probably a typo, guesstimates, figures drawn from different sources, or a mixture of all three.

Organisers claimed x turned out while police say x/10 is part of any demo story back to Peterloo and further.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Iffy
...Organisers claimed x turned out while police say x/10 is part of any demo story back to Peterloo and further...

What tends to happen is the hacks present agree on a guesstimate, a process on which we only waste a minute or two.

The police are often asked, as if they could be expected to know.

I've been at demos where the senior copper present has joined in the guessing game, so we all put out the same number.

 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Bromptonaut
>> How do you know how many subscribers there are from different countries? You would either
>> need to have spend a large amount if time on there to qualify that statement
>> ( seems unlikely ), have hacked into the details or its prejudice talking and you
>> just like the way it sounds.

Simple observation Stu. If you look at the comments on articles lots of them are from folks in US. The phenomenon has also been noted on the media pages of other publications.

I've consistently said I don't like it and cannot do better than AC's description.

What it does it does very well, to the point that it's seen off it's rival The Express and has a near monopoly amongst those to whose thinking it appeals.

The Guardian is an unashamedly liberal/left newspaper. It's not the Mail's conservative bias bias that riles me; it's the constant 'editorialising' and pejorative language in the reporting.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - R.P.
I have three scrap-books from 1915-17 containing paper cuttings from various newspapers including a Mail, I keep meaning to scan them in, some of the headlines have a certain ring to them and wouldn't look out of place in an edition from today.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Bromptonaut
>>>>Some of the headlines have a certain ring
>> to them and wouldn't look out of place in an edition from today.

Funny you should say that. As part of preparing for forthcoming closure we've been going through the 'archives' at work. Stumbled on an academic report from 1971 on the problems facing the Welfare State; would only need a little tweaking to plagiarise for today's circs.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Stuu
>>pejorative language in the reporting<<

That European survey that was linked to sought to call those who it most strongly disagreed with 'Eurotrash'. Thats just plain unpleasent to call someone that and yet Left-Wingers approve of such language because its 'in the Right direction'.
You wont be able to see it because its not you being called 'trash'.

I dont deny The Mail is sensationalist - if Top Gear was a newspaper.... - but im afraid from the Righthand side of the spectrum, theres alot of bile coming this way aswell.

The bias is as much to do with the reader as what they are reading.
Last edited by: FoR on Sat 28 Jan 12 at 16:11
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Armel Coussine
>> Thats just plain unpleasent to call someone that and yet Left-Wingers approve of such language because its 'in the Right direction'.
You wont be able to see it because its not you being called 'trash'.

Aren't you being a bit fragile and whingeing here Stu? Surely no adult would take being called 'trash' by some idiot to heart?

I'd be surprised if you didn't find some of those on the 'righthand side of the spectrum' as trashy and deplorable as they come. Such people are to be found in large numbers all through the spectrum. The problem for us all is to find anyone who is honest and has half a brain. Those are rare everywhere.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Stuu
Not really, its the Left that encourages us to be easily offended so for fairness, it has to be a sensitive two-way street.

At its core, calling someone trash is suggesting they should be discarded. If your happy with the idea of discarding human beings on the basis of their political beliefs, then thats fine, works for dictators I suppose.

Id rather hope the Guardian would use less demeaning language.
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Roger.
Well, as a paid up "euro-trash" scorer, I'm happy to be called by that epithet, No offence taken here!
The big failing, for me, of the Mail is the "holier than thou" captions attached to pictures of so-called "celebrities ". Is that shade of puce flattering ?" addressed to a z list bimbo is typical,
It's rubbish writing , I think.
There are some good opinion columns (that's 'cos I agree with many of them :-0 )
 More success for the forum's favourite newspaper - Armel Coussine
>> Not really, its the Left that encourages us to be easily offended so for fairness, it has to be a sensitive two-way street.

... in a world without abuse or robust polemic, in which everyone has to watch what they say for fear of not seeming PC? How unspeakably dreary.

All you are doing is playing what you say is the lefty game Stu. It goes without saying that all newspapers are smug and bigoted, because they think, rightly in my opinion, that their readers tend to be smug and bigoted.

Some are a bit more grown-up than others though. That's what makes the difference.
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