Non-motoring > How European are you ? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 71

 How European are you ? - R.P.

I took the test and I'm 26% which feels about right actually !
 How European are you ? - Runfer D'Hills
24% - feels a bit low in truth. Answered honestly though.
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Fri 27 Jan 12 at 19:26
 How European are you ? - Zero
The percentage means nothing, its the grouping you are in that is the measure.,

I am a Eurostar - like 24% of the population.
 How European are you ? - -
13%, far too high, some fiddling going on, probably EU scoring.
 How European are you ? - Stuu

Eurotrash-Eurostar - labelling people, much?
 How European are you ? - Dog
I'm a 13% septic :)
 How European are you ? - Zero
All of you except dog are too stupid to read the result let alone be given a choice about being in Europe or not.
 How European are you ? - Stuu
I can read. Your in the 24% of Euro-nutjobs, its ok. Do you wear the blinkers while driving or just around the house? :-p
Last edited by: FoR on Fri 27 Jan 12 at 19:45
 How European are you ? - Zero
>> I can read. Your in the 24% of Euro-nutjobs, its ok. Do you wear the
>> blinkers while driving or just around the house? :-p

Our posts crossed you were not in the insult target group.
 How European are you ? - Stuu
I usually am, its like predictive text.

If it makes you feel better, id apply it to anyone in the 24% group :-)
 How European are you ? - henry k
>>I took the test and I'm 26% which feels about right actually !
I got the same result but did you get the same summary ?

"You are either indifferent or ambivalent about a union headquartered in a city with a urinating boy as its principal icons"
 How European are you ? - R.P.
That's me in a coquille de noix
 How European are you ? - Slidingpillar
I'm amazed, I got 35%
 How European are you ? - Lygonos
Less European than I'm British, less British than I'm Scottish, and less Scottish than I'm a human being.
 How European are you ? - Armel Coussine
Rather worryingly, I am in the largest group (35%) labelled Euro-paean. It seems I like and value Europe and its inhabitants, without really trusting them.

Funny that. I feel exactly the same about the British.
 How European are you ? - Stuu
I only really trust the Cornish. Its the icecream see.
 How European are you ? - Dog
>>I only really trust the Cornish. Its the icecream see<<

I've been eating Rodda's clotted cream all this week, I know it'll shorten my life by 10 years, but it's worth it!

 How European are you ? - Ambo
Eurospetic along with 13%. I am amazed we are only 13% and urgently wish we were out. I never thought I would be grateful to Gordon Brown for anything but thank God he kept us out of the Euro.
 How European are you ? - Skip
13% - probably about right !
 How European are you ? - Robin O'Reliant
 How European are you ? - Zero
For gawds sake - You are being put into a category not a percentage score of europeanness.

The possible results are

Eurostar - 24% of the population are this
Euro-paen - 36% of the population are this
Euro-logical - 26% of the population are this
Euro-septic - 13% of the population are this
Euro-trash - 1% of the population are this

Even GB didn't express enough scorn and derision to get in the most anti European grouping. He must be kicking himself.,
 How European are you ? - -
He must be kicking himself.,

as i said its a fiddle, like everything else in the EU, kerching.
 How European are you ? - Stuu
Oh I dont know. To be really anti-europe you have to be reading from Nick Griffin's school of politics and most people in the 13% group think he does more harm for their view than good.
 How European are you ? - Bromptonaut
>> Rather worryingly, I am in the largest group (35%) labelled Euro-paean. It seems I like
>> and value Europe and its inhabitants, without really trusting them.
>> Funny that. I feel exactly the same about the British.

Pretty much sums up my score and position on Europe/Britain. I'm not worried though.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Fri 27 Jan 12 at 21:32
 How European are you ? - Dave_
>> >> Rather worryingly, I am in the largest group (35%) labelled Euro-paean. It seems I like and value
>> >> Europe and its inhabitants, without really trusting them.
>> >> Funny that. I feel exactly the same about the British.

>> Pretty much sums up my score and position on Europe/Britain. I'm not worried though.

+1. At least we read our results right.
Last edited by: VxFan on Sat 28 Jan 12 at 16:06
 How European are you ? - Badwolf
>> I got the same result but did you get the same summary ?
>> "You are either indifferent or ambivalent about a union headquartered in a city with a
>> urinating boy as its principal icons"

I got that one - Euro-logician apparently, with 26% of the population.
 How European are you ? - Meldrew
To be honest it was more about our/my attitude to the structure and function of the European Union and very little to do with the potential enjoyment of the people, cuisine, scenery and culture. I got 13% and I love the place! Madeira and Croatia last year, Holland and Austria this year.
 How European are you ? - Westpig
 How European are you ? - L'escargot
I'm a 13% Euro-septic.
 How European are you ? - Roger.
Proud to be 1% Euro-trash. YAY!
(True result; answered honestly)
 How European are you ? - Zero
Only one person in here could be in that bottom 1% AND be proud of it.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 27 Jan 12 at 21:44
 How European are you ? - Manatee
 How European are you ? - swiss tony
>> Septic.
 How European are you ? - MD
 How European are you ? - Crankcase
Didn't work for me - did the whole thing but wouldn't give me the result. But I run script blockers and that thing was so riddled I wasn't going to unblock them all, even temporarily. But I can guess which category I'd have been in.
 How European are you ? - sooty123
13% for me. Eurosceptic.
Last edited by: sooty123 on Fri 27 Jan 12 at 21:53
 How European are you ? - devonite
Didn `t do it! cos i`m not European, i`m English!! - but IF I had to be catergorised i`d be 13% because i`m not Trash either!!
 How European are you ? - Dulwich Estate
24% - Eurostar. PS - My car drinks as much euro diesel as UK stuff.
 How European are you ? - CGNorwich
We are all European, geographically, linguistically, culturally and historically. To pretend otherwise is absurd. Whether or not you agree with the current political set up is another matter but our future is irrevocably bound to that of Europe by those ties.
 How European are you ? - Stuu
We are a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural society. What absurd is to think we can be fitted into a neat 'European' box.

To try and lump even the English and Scots together seems incresingly difficult these days - to do that with the rich and diverse cultures of Europe is just crass.
 How European are you ? - Pat
13% septic.

 How European are you ? - Iffy
Euro-trash, that's me.

Like one per cent of respondents.

I didn't realise the Guardian had any sensible readers, so one in a hundred is not bad.

Last edited by: Iffy on Sat 28 Jan 12 at 05:29
 How European are you ? - Dog
>>We are all European, geographically, linguistically, culturally and historically. To pretend otherwise is absurd<<

I am English, geographically, linguistically, culturally and historically, to pretend otherwise is absurd.
 How European are you ? - Dutchie
I am Dutch historically living amongst a load of foreigners you should all move.>;)
 How European are you ? - Dog
>>I am Dutch historically living amongst a load of foreigners you should all move.>;)<<

At least you're not a Frog!

 How European are you ? - Roger.
>> >>We are all European, geographically, linguistically, culturally and historically. To pretend otherwise is absurd<<
>> I am English, geographically, linguistically, culturally and historically, to pretend otherwise is absurd.
Me too!
 How European are you ? - R.P.
All of us came from Europe and beyond originally - there is a myth about that we have looked westwards to the USA since the war - that's all it is, a myth, we have been involved in European affairs for a thousand years, to pretend otherwise is isolationist nonsense..
 How European are you ? - Dog
>>All of us came from Europe and beyond originally<<

We all came from Africa originally - but we're not Africans.
 How European are you ? - R.P.
OK - accept that but for over a thousand years our foreign policies have had a huge European influence - check out all the battlefields from Portugal to Germany and south to Italy - we went to wars because of alliances with different European nations - we didn't do that for fun. We cannot isolate ourselves.
 How European are you ? - Manatee
>> check out all the battlefields from Portugal to Germany and
>> south to Italy - we went to wars because of alliances with different European nations
>> - we didn't do that for fun. We cannot isolate ourselves.

Maybe you're looking down the wrong end of the telescope there - I could produce your statement as evidence that the main benefit our involvement with Europe has been being dragged in to a lot of conflict. Thatcher's view in fact.

Time to have a go at letting them stew in their own juice, as long as we can reverse the damage already done to our way of life by the EU. It can't get any worse, and if we can opt out of the worst of it then we will have a significant advantage economically, the EU has done is tie itself up bureaucracy and waste. Can I get the Mail on subscription?
 How European are you ? - Dog
>>We cannot isolate ourselves<<

Course I realise that, and I know my/our history, right back to the arrival of the Celts from Europe, but I'm staying English 1st, British 2nd, and then €uropean.
 How European are you ? - CGNorwich
"English 1st, British 2nd, and then €uropean."

That's about how I feel. Feel much more "at home" in Europe than in North America even allowing for the language differences. The United States , now that really is an alien culture.
 How European are you ? - Runfer D'Hills
Don't worry too much about national identity confusion chaps, the English are unmistakeably recognisable to the rest of us...

 How European are you ? - Dutchie
Ochy de nu.(spelling) >:)

Les yeux disent ce que les mots ne peuvert pas exprimer.
 How European are you ? - Falkirk Bairn
13% means I am Euro-sceptic. That is not surprising!

Joining Europe? Not really for me.

I still have concerns about OUR KING JAMES VI taking over in 1603 and the merger of Parliaments in 1707!

 How European are you ? - Clk Sec
13% Euro-sceptic.
 How European are you ? - L'escargot
I would be very concerned if ever we adopted the Euro. If another country which had the Euro declared war on us they could ruin our economy (thereby gaining an advantage) by flooding the UK with genuine currency.
 How European are you ? - R.P.
That wouldn't make any difference - we would be in the same central bank.
 How European are you ? - Manatee
>> That wouldn't make any difference - we would be in the same central bank.

I think he's quite an intelligent mollusc as they go, and it was a satirical reference to Operation Bernhard?
 How European are you ? - Manatee
The percentages are cobblers in relation to us, even when interpreted correctly.

They are based on the percentage of respondents in each group in the antecedent survey.

Since the respondents appear to have been recruited from the readership of the Grauniad and "five other European newspapers" it's no surprise that the vast majority are broadly pro-EU.

Get the answers from a quota of typical Brits, and the Euro trash and septics together (14% in the Grauniad survey) would be the majority without a doubt.
 How European are you ? - Dog
>>The percentages are cobblers in relation to us, even when interpreted correctly<<

Why d'you have to spoil it, you sea cow you - I was quite enjoying being septic for a while.
 How European are you ? - Runfer D'Hills
I'm a 24% / Eurostar apparently. In truth though, I don't feel epecially aligned to anything, just muddling through trying to get to the finish line without too much grief.

We are all just smart monkeys in the end, when the thin veneer of civilisation is cracked or broken. Most of the things some want to identify with or be part of are seriously flawed when it comes down to it.
 How European are you ? - Dog
True but, it's good to have the old foe, whoever he/they be - keeps us on our toes.

The alternative would be akin to a dystopian Logan's Run type society where we were all the same ilk :(
 How European are you ? - Armel Coussine
Of course the British are European. Anyway they aren't Asian or African or American or Australasian.

But there's no need to get worried about your xenophobia and local racisms chaps (and Pat).

Slandering the next-door neighbours as baby eaters, mother-rapers etc. is standard practice in all cultures. After all, they think just as badly of you.
 How European are you ? - Ambo
Although one of the 13% septics as far as the UK's membership of the EU goes, I would still prefer to live in
Paris. Unfortunately, my wife can't see it, "donc il me faut d'abord un divorce".
 How European are you ? - Bagpuss
 How European are you ? - Dog
I must be honest and say that when we lived in Tenerife I enjoyed the mix of Northen & Southern €uropeans,

Especially the Scandinavians ;)
 How European are you ? - zippy
Euro-paen 35%

I thought that I was more European than this!

After all I love Ode To Joy but I suppose the lyrics explain it all.....

 How European are you ? - Cliff Pope
Time for Zero to point out, again, that the percentages are NOT percentages Europeanness, but represent the size of the category you fall in.

The reason you can't score more than 36% is because that is the largest category.

Gawd help us!
Last edited by: Cliff Pope on Sat 28 Jan 12 at 18:28
 How European are you ? - Dutchie

Nice song.
 How European are you ? - DP
I scored 35% and am "Euro-paean" apparently.

Seems reasonable.
 How European are you ? - Manatee
>> I scored 35%

...and another one. To be fair, the presentation must be carp for so many apparently intelligent people to run off with the stick by the wrong end. Grauniad trying too hard, as usual.
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