Non-motoring > How not to loop a Helicopter Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dog Replies: 20

 How not to loop a Helicopter - Dog

 How not to loop a Helicopter - Lygonos

 How not to loop a Helicopter - Bigtee
While were at it there's plenty more clips of fatal crashes shall we show these?
 How not to loop a Helicopter - L'escargot
I think the pilot was very brave to try it.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Mon 23 Jan 12 at 22:55
 How not to loop a Helicopter - Bigtee
The Lynx can do the loop sort of.
 How not to loop a Helicopter - rtj70
With enough air speed etc most helicopters can sort of do a loop. Not really quite a loop because of how they need to pull positive g (something like that)

Airwolf had no problems with speed :-) Capable of super-sonic flight don't you know!

There's a 'new' helicopter with a rear prop that really is going to be capable of flying at higher speeds:
Last edited by: rtj70 on Mon 23 Jan 12 at 23:14
 How not to loop a Helicopter - henry k
>>There's a 'new' helicopter with a rear prop that really is going to be capable of flying at higher speeds:
IIRC the Lynx mentioned in Wiki reached the limit of conventional helicopter top speed as the tips of the rotors are at about supersonic speed
 How not to loop a Helicopter - rtj70
>> IIRC the Lynx mentioned in Wiki reached the limit of conventional helicopter top speed as
>> the tips of the rotors are at about supersonic speed

Still got to around 290+ mph. Impressive. Airwolf is faster of course.

 How not to loop a Helicopter - Zero
>> I think the pilot was very brave to try it.
>> :-D

There are old pilots and bold pilots.

But no old bold pilots.
 How not to loop a Helicopter - Fursty Ferret
Royal Navy came to my school and took six of us for a spin in their Sea King with the door open. Remember hearing the pilots discussing the possibility of doing a loop on the intercom but deciding against it!

Finished up by winching us out of the helicopter into the tennis court.
 How not to loop a Helicopter - devonite
I think he might have "made it" if he had started with more altitude! - he got it "over the top"
 How not to loop a Helicopter - Old Navy
>> Royal Navy came to my school and took six of us for a spin in
>> their Sea King with the door open. Remember hearing the pilots discussing the possibility of
>> doing a loop on the intercom but deciding against it!
>> Finished up by winching us out of the helicopter into the tennis court.

As you were a schoolboy I think we can forgive you for falling for that one. :-)
 How not to loop a Helicopter - Fursty Ferret
>> >> Royal Navy came to my school and took six of us for a spin
>> in
>> >> their Sea King with the door open. Remember hearing the pilots discussing the possibility
>> of
>> >> doing a loop on the intercom but deciding against it!
>> >>
>> >> Finished up by winching us out of the helicopter into the tennis court.
>> >>
>> As you were a schoolboy I think we can forgive you for falling for that
>> one. :-)

Think they were serious, they were complaining about the low cloud base restricting the flight!
 How not to loop a Helicopter - Armel Coussine
Retpocileh is lying low I notice.

That wasn't Chichester harbour in Dog's OP link was it? I think we should be told.

 How not to loop a Helicopter - Focusless
I'm as guilty as looking at these videos as anyone else, but as implied by Bigtee (I think) I do think it's a bit sad watching people die. Or was there a miracle?
 How not to loop a Helicopter - zookeeper
any landing you can walk (swim) away from is a good landing
 How not to loop a Helicopter - Old Navy
>> Think they were serious, >>

How often have you seen a Sea King upside down and still flying?

Even without schoolkids onboard and the door open.

Sorry don't buy that one.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Tue 24 Jan 12 at 15:48
 How not to loop a Helicopter - Meldrew
All very dangerous but to be correct what he was attempting was not a loop but more like a wing over or a stall turn. He flew away from the camera, pulled up and turned so that he had changed direction 180 degs ie came back towards the camera. A loop starts and finishes on the same heading. Whatever he tried it was not well done and he was going to hit the ground/water whatever he was at. Italian?
 How not to loop a Helicopter - helicopter
I have not been lying low by the way - just been particularly busy at work.

I just assume it was an Italian pilot with the same show off mentality as an Italian cruise ship captain...

 How not to loop a Helicopter - helicopter
I checked it out ....

This video involves an Italian army Agusta NH-90 helicopter over Lake Bracciano during an airshow on June 1st 2008. The NH-90 failed to recover from a dive following a torque turn (aka a "stall turn", "hammerhead" or "Fieseler" on fixed-wing a/c), struck the water & disintegrated. The pilot was killed, but the two other people who were on board, were lucky enough to survive & be subsequently rescued.

 How not to loop a Helicopter - helicopter
Full story here.......
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