Non-motoring > Oil sabre rattling. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Old Navy Replies: 21

 Oil sabre rattling. - Old Navy
Europe has put an embargo on Iranian oil and Iran is threatening to close the Straight of Hormuz. With the USA and its poodle the UK sabre rattling if this turns nasty fuel prices are going through the roof.

 Oil sabre rattling. - devonite
Europe has put an embargo on Iranian oil

With the USA and its poodle the UK sabre rattling

Nothing to do with America, but American elections are coming up, and as they`re pulling out of Ahfganistan they need somewhere else to deploy the troops!

If they want to start "Sabre rattling" then we should keep our noses out and let them get on with it ......Alone!
 Oil sabre rattling. - Dog
>>if this turns nasty fuel prices are going through the roof<<

And the oil companies will be laughing all the way to the bank.
 Oil sabre rattling. - Old Navy
>> >>if this turns nasty fuel prices are going through the roof<<
>> And the oil companies will be laughing all the way to the bank.

And so will the government if there are enough sales to increase the tax take.
 Oil sabre rattling. - Cliff Pope
What is the practical difference between the West refusing to buy Iranian oil and the Iranians refusing to sell us any?
Why does one hurt the Iranians and the other hurt us?
 Oil sabre rattling. - Zero
>> What is the practical difference between the West refusing to buy Iranian oil and the
>> Iranians refusing to sell us any?
>> Why does one hurt the Iranians and the other hurt us?
if they block the straights it will block oil exports form other countries.

The US wont wont the RN hanging around, the last time we met the Iranians in the that sea, our guys surrendered.
 Oil sabre rattling. - Old Navy
>>the last time we met the Iranians
>> in the that sea, our guys surrendered.

At least they thought about the situation they were in before starting a shooting match they would not have won. It is called being well trained.
 Oil sabre rattling. - Zero
Its called "laughing stock"
 Oil sabre rattling. - Old Navy
Not biting, Zero.
 Oil sabre rattling. - sooty123
At least they got some free suits. ;)

>> Its called "laughing stock"
 Oil sabre rattling. - Old Navy
It won't bother Iran too much, China will buy any oil the west don't buy. The west will get little oil from any of the gulf states as most of it goes through the straits.
 Oil sabre rattling. - Cliff Pope
How does China get the oil then - overland by pipeline, or by tanker through the conflict area?

It just seemed curious that we think we can apply sanctions with such specific and limited effect, to our benefit, but similar reciprocal action has the opposite effect.
 Oil sabre rattling. - Old Navy
I don't know how China gets its oil, I heard the "China will take up Irans surplus oil" on the TV. I believe the plan is to stop buying Iran's oil but keep the straits open to maintain our supplies from the Gulf states (and China).
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 23 Jan 12 at 15:04
 Oil sabre rattling. - RichardW
Brent crude only up 0.7% - still 3$ / bbl below where it was 2 weeks ago. BP and Shell both up 2% - BP recovered most of the ground it lost on Friday on the back of potentially shouldering another $13bn for Deepwater Horizon..... Markets not sure then!
 Oil sabre rattling. - sooty123
>> How does China get the oil then - overland by pipeline, or by tanker through
>> the conflict area?
By tanker I don't think there is one linking china to iran or at least large enough to supply china.
 Oil sabre rattling. - L'escargot
Since we have an oil fired boiler, that's all we need to know.

 Oil sabre rattling. - Bromptonaut
A cynic might think snactions mean no more than a courtly exchange of 'preferred suppliers' between Europe and China.
 Oil sabre rattling. - Zero
This is an attempt to reign in Israel who are preparing military action against the Iranian reactors.
 Oil sabre rattling. - Cliff Pope
The Adams cartoon in today's DT makes exactly my point.
 Oil sabre rattling. - Focusless
>> The Adams cartoon in today's DT makes exactly my point.
 Oil sabre rattling. - devonite
Thats Iranic! ;-)
 Oil sabre rattling. - Dutchie

This is a talk about resources intersesting.
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