Non-motoring > Books you would like to see turned into films Miscellaneous
Thread Author: TheManWithNoName Replies: 31

 Books you would like to see turned into films - TheManWithNoName
My son was recently bought the book 'Warhorse' which has recently been released.
What great books have you read which you think would make a great film?

I'd like to see Vulcan 607 adapted.
 Books you would like to see turned into films - devonite
Not so much a film, more a documentry I would imagine but it`s a book i`ve had for years and everytime I start to read it, something crops up, it gets put "on-hold" and gets put away again!
Maybe if it was "on-telly" i`d get to see the end!

Stephen Hawkins - A Brief History of Time.
 Books you would like to see turned into films - Armel Coussine
Count Belisarius, Robert Graves's best historical novel in my opinion, would make a fabulous movie.

But I was told many years ago that it would cost far too much - cast of thousands, all the horse wranglers in the world, armour, palaces etc. No doubt it coula all be faked digitally these days, but one wouldn't want that.

I do recommend the book very strongly to anyone who liked the somewhat garish Claudius novels. It is far better than they are.
 Books you would like to see turned into films - Crankcase
Without wishing to answer the wrong question, I can't think of many books that have turned into films that are watchable, never mind "as good as the book", for obvious reasons. There are a few that are so different that they shine in their own right. Lord of the Rings is an example.

But most films of books, at least for me, have been dreadfully disappointing. I think one of the most extreme examples is "Barbarians at the Gate - the fall of RJR Nabisco", about big business and takeovers in the tobacco industry. A wonderfully written book that's really gripping - and possibly amongst the worst films ever produced. Another in the same class is "Rocket Boys" by Homer Hickham - really good book, really poor film.
 Books you would like to see turned into films - Dog
Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke.
 Books you would like to see turned into films - L'escargot
Broads Don't Scare Easy by Hank Janson.
and Dames Don't Care by Peter Cheyney.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Mon 23 Jan 12 at 14:13
 Books you would like to see turned into films - Cliff Pope
I read "Tarzan of the Apes" once to see if it was any better than the film. It is much, much worse.
 Books you would like to see turned into films - L'escargot
>> I read "Tarzan of the Apes" once to see if it was any better than
>> the film. It is much, much worse.

They couldn't make Tarzan's call in the book.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Mon 23 Jan 12 at 14:51
 Books you would like to see turned into films - Zero
Red Storm Rising, by Tom Clancey.
 Books you would like to see turned into films - Roger.
The Story of O.
 Books you would like to see turned into films - Zero
>> The Story of O.
>> (Smirk!)
 Books you would like to see turned into films - R.P.
Funny Tarzan should be mentioned - there was a trailer in the flicks the other night for "John Carter" an SF flick - I was immediately transported to Edgar Rice Burroughs' SF books, the first of the genre I ever read nearly forty years ago and kindled a life long love of SF. Carter is his character....glad to see that these books are being rendered onto the cinema screen. I read somewhere that he wrote this under the influence of narcotics.

Recent books I've read ? Guy Walter "The Leader" as pacy as TV's 24 - would make a cracking film
 Books you would like to see turned into films - Crankcase
I too really enjoyed most of the John Carter of Mars books as an adolescent, and for years couldn't work out why it hadn't been picked up as a film. But I watched the trailer recently and of course it appeared to bear no resemblance to the books in feel, or even the characters. But perhaps it will be ok in its own right.

Mind you, at the time, I was enjoying the "Priest Kings of Gor" series, so I wasn't exactly the most sophisticated reader! You don't need to have read them, but the covers will give you an idea...

(Link to Google).
 Books you would like to see turned into films - R.P.
I moved on the Asimov and Arthur C Clarke after him - now Rendezvous with Rama was penciled for a film...wonder what happened.
 Books you would like to see turned into films - Crankcase
Wikipedia tells you what's happening with the Rama movie - still planned but not found a script yet, so basically, not in our lifetimes.
 Books you would like to see turned into films - Roger.
Duw, Duw!

>>The Story of O.
>> (Smirk!)
Last edited by: Roger on Mon 23 Jan 12 at 23:10
 Books you would like to see turned into films - rtj70
There's a few more Tom Clancey books that could make a good film. This book in particular - I think you've mentioned this before.

We ought to have a book review thread ;-)
 Books you would like to see turned into films - Lygonos
Raymond E. Feist's 'Magician' and sequels.
 Books you would like to see turned into films - TheManWithNoName
>> Raymond E. Feist's 'Magician' and sequels.

A good choice.
 Books you would like to see turned into films - Kevin
Capt. Corelli's Mandolin.

The cartoon version with Nicholas Cage doesn't count.
 Books you would like to see turned into films - CGNorwich
It would have to include the arrival of Bunny by parachute.

If you haven't read them Berniere's Colombian trilogy is brilliant
 Books you would like to see turned into films - CGNorwich
And talking of magical realism the Life of Pi would be pretty amazing but filming a Bengal Tiger, a hyena, a zebra and an orang-utang in a lifeboat might be difficult
 Books you would like to see turned into films - CGNorwich

I've just googled and theyr'e actually making The LIfe of Pi - to be releasd this year!!!!!!

Amazing - can't wait

 Books you would like to see turned into films - Kevin
>It would have to include the arrival of Bunny by parachute.

And the great snail escape.

>If you haven't read them Berniere's Colombian trilogy is brilliant.

No, I haven't.

Where's my goddamn Kindle?!
Last edited by: Kevin on Tue 24 Jan 12 at 00:25
 Books you would like to see turned into films - rtj70
>> Where's my goddamn Kindle?!

In the post? Not sure why you posted that??
 Books you would like to see turned into films - R.P.
Not heard of rhetorical question rj ?
 Books you would like to see turned into films - Crankcase
I'd love to see a proper attempt made at the Adam Hall Quiller books. He's a, well, sort of spy, really, but much more "realistic" than Bond. Great for car/plane/weapon buffs too.

There was one useless attempt in the sixties but it was utterly dire.
 Books you would like to see turned into films - apm
As a sci-fi/ space opera fan, I'd love to see any of Ian M Banks' output on the big screen, particularly Excession.

 Books you would like to see turned into films - Dog
I'd like to see The Kama Sutra turned into a film.

 Books you would like to see turned into films - Crankcase
Must try harder, Perro.

I love the phrase "and is intimate with her".

I can only hope she doesn't become great with child.
Last edited by: Crankcase on Wed 25 Jan 12 at 13:54
 Books you would like to see turned into films - Dog
Is it available in 'blue' ray I wonder!
 Books you would like to see turned into films - devonite
If it featured the "Hostess" it would need to be Panavision!!
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