Non-motoring > Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dog Replies: 18

 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - Dog
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - Armel Coussine
Charming and artistic, a bit Hobbit though.

I've been meaning to start a thread about these Hobbits, coming here, not taking our jobs or seducing our women, who do they think they are?

I'm no racist guv. I had that Bilbo Baggins in the back of the cab once. Very short wide man. Couldn't understand a word he was saying. But you never can, can you?
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - R.P.
And another 20k inlabour
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - Armel Coussine
>> another 20k inlabour

Hard to cost that sort of work. Could really be a lot more than 20k.
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - Dog
>>And another 20k inlabour<<

So that's £3000 and 20k - wossat come to I wonder?
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - MD
Tis all crap. Can't be built for 3k or even 23k. Lock it until someone tells the truth.
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - rtj70
Even the kitchen and bathroom will have cost more than £3000 all in. And how much did it cost to connect it to the electric, sewage, water, gas etc.
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - R.P.
Doing work on my old home in 09, I reckoned that 13 quid an hour for a JCB and driver was a bargain, reckon it must be north of £20.00 an hour now. So one digger for a day £160 - soon mounts up.
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - rtj70
I helped someone build his garage extension when I was 16 or 17. Manual labour digging trenches etc. Good fun I guess but on the second day we were all behind and flagging. He announced he was off to find a JCB and was off.....

... maybe 30-40 minutes later he returned with an arm waving out of the sunroof as in a triumphant type salute... behind him was a JCB he'd flagged down after finding it! Made easy work of the remaining foundations. Cash in hand was paid. This must have been 1987? So not much paid but saved us some graft.
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - CGNorwich

"Even the kitchen and bathroom will have cost more than £3000 all in. And how much did it cost to connect it to the electric, sewage, water, gas etc."

Kitchen etc all reclaimed stuff

Not connected to electric, water or gas,

Composting toilet

NO JCB used

All done for £3,000

See the man's website for how to build one

I reckon these builders overcharge you know

Last edited by: CGNorwich on Sun 22 Jan 12 at 23:05
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - Zero
>> I reckon these builders overcharge you know

Only if you dont want to live in a stupid house in the back woods of nowhere.
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - CGNorwich
Well it wouldn't be for me for me but at the end of the day you've got to admire the guy for creating it. Not sure my wife would get on with the composting toilet and fetching the spring-water though

I guess though that a lot of people want to live in the back woods of nowhere and it costs them a lot more than £3,000
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - VxFan
>> Even the kitchen and bathroom will have cost more than £3000 all in.

Not if you're Melinda Messenger. She can blag it for free when there's a TV camera right behind her.
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - Dog
Maybe Armel Coussine was correct in his assumption that the Hobbits had a hand in it, hence the 3 grand.
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - R.P.
Humph probably sells Hobbit safety boots in an extra wide fitting
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - rtj70
>> Humph probably sells Hobbit safety boots in an extra wide fitting

Hobbit's don't need footwear. They not only have wide feet but very thick skin. So Humph is not exploiting these fictional people.
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - rtj70
>> I estimate 1000-1500 man hours and £3000 put in to this point (from

So if we assume say £16 per hour for loss of earnings then we can add to the £3000 an additional £24k. Those man hours were not free.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Sun 22 Jan 12 at 23:45
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - Harleyman

>> Hobbit's don't need footwear. They not only have wide feet but very thick skin. So
>> Humph ............

........ is probably one of them.
 Man builds fairy tale home in Wales for £3000 - Cliff Pope
You are all looking at it from the perspective of a mainstream person who is used to buying stuff in shops and employing builders and hiring labour, connected to the main services.

If this is someone who is time-rich and is used to scavenging for things from skips then it is entirely believable. I know people who have bought their own old JCB to do a job and then sold it on. You could borrow one from someone like that for very little.

His biggest problem will have been (or may be still to come) with the planners, who are an unimaginative lot of jobsworths who do nothing creative themselves but make it their job to find out what other people are doing and then stop them.
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