Non-motoring > A book that might appeal to Dog... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 3

 A book that might appeal to Dog... - R.P.

I like his comedy style, not too sure of his politics but worth a read I think. Just ordered mine second hand from Amazon, available on Kindle as well !
 A book that might appeal to Dog... - Dog
What I can't make out is how come he's doing the walk (in that video on Amazon) that I do quite often and will be doing again in a couple of hours from now (it certainly looks like it anyway)

So, he's a cockney sparrow is he - interesting book and I like his style, get an idea, then see it through to fruition, bit like me really - spontaneity!

I'd like 'to do' the Holy Lands, tis a part of the world that has appealed to me for some time actually,

I could even ask Espada 111 if he would be so kind as to give me a guided missile tour.
 A book that might appeal to Dog... - Dog
Ah! - that video is of Ilkley Moor (looks exactly like where I live in Cornwall)
 A book that might appeal to Dog... - Dutchie
Plenty of fresh air Dog healthy living,good for long walks with the Dog.
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