Non-motoring > 35mm DIY film developing. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 24

 35mm DIY film developing. - R.P.
Possibly uniquely (or more likely rarely) we were taught to develop our own 35mm films in school as part of an opt in to the school's curriculum - we even did residential courses on it ! Happy days.

I still have some respect and fondness for 35mm film, especially in black and white.

Is anyone here doing it ? If so what kit do I need ? Have the ubiquitous Durst enlargers become redundant in the age of the PC (or Mac) ?

Let me know what you think. I have a room that has no windows (or any other OS !)
Last edited by: R.P. on Sat 21 Jan 12 at 19:12
 35mm DIY film developing. - Runfer D'Hills
 35mm DIY film developing. - R.P.
 35mm DIY film developing. - Runfer D'Hills
Oh OK, just thought I'd ask. Wales etc.
 35mm DIY film developing. - R.P.
Not in this bit, Longshanks only got as far as Beaumaris.
 35mm DIY film developing. - spamcan61
I did my own B&W film developing & printing and colour slide developing for 20 odd years, I enjoyed the first look at a newly developed film, especially slide; but I always hated printing - so this digital malarkey was a godsend to me, and presumably many others.

I've still got developing trays etc. in a box somewhere, you do seem 'em in charity shops now and again - or you can have mine for the cost of postage.
 35mm DIY film developing. - R.P.
Deal - I'll e-mail my address to you. Let me know how much you want and add a tenner for a couple of beers. Paypal (gift) ok ?
 35mm DIY film developing. - Kevin
Used to do all my own developing Rob. Mostly B+W (a frustrated Ansel Adams) but also colour stuff using the old Agfa processing packs for slide film. An evening in the darkroom was a good way of winding down.

I went digital years ago but I still have a few items in the loft that I've never sold or thrown away, multi-reel tank, changing bag, measuring jugs and developing trays etc.
Still have my old OM4 and a Lubitel TLR too.

Paterson ( ) still sell alot of the kit and chemicals for B+W but it's not exactly an expanding market.
 35mm DIY film developing. - Kevin
Just been to see what was left up in the loft.

A Paterson System 4 twin reel developing tank, a changing bag, half a box of 10x8 paper, three ancient rolls of Tri-X and one of Plus-X.

Interrogation of Mrs K has determined that the developing trays are now being used as seed trays.

If you want the tank and bag, you can have them for the cost of postage donated to RAF Bomber Command Memorial Fund.
 35mm DIY film developing. - R.P.
Thanks Kevin - I'll add another tenner I'll e-mail you shortly..paypal gift 0k ?
 35mm DIY film developing. - Kevin
I'll send them on Monday by cheapest method.

You can donate through their website

Giftaid/Paypal etc.
 35mm DIY film developing. - Zero

>> Interrogation of Mrs K has determined that the developing trays are now being used as
>> seed trays.

Hmm the prints will be a little gritty.
 35mm DIY film developing. - R.P.
Mine were always rather seedy...:-)
 35mm DIY film developing. - Kevin
>Hmm the prints will be a little gritty.

Might be a bit mucky too :-0
 35mm DIY film developing. - spamcan61
>> Deal - I'll e-mail my address to you. Let me know how much you want
>> and add a tenner for a couple of beers. Paypal (gift) ok ?

Yeah, that'll be OK. might take me a few days to find 'em!
 35mm DIY film developing. - FocalPoint
Not strictly on topic, but this discussion has reminded me that I still have my late father's 35mm camera with a (undeveloped) colour transparency film in it, from several years ago. Those of you old enough will remember that one used to buy Agfa/Kodak 36 exposure or whatever and the cost of the processing was included in the price - you sent the exposed film off in a little canister and got the slides back in the post.

How would I get this film processed?
 35mm DIY film developing. - spamcan61
If the film is E6 processing then there are still a fair few places that can do that, if it's Kodachrome I suspect you have a slight challenge ahead.

For E6 processing
Last edited by: spamcan61 on Sat 21 Jan 12 at 20:20
 35mm DIY film developing. - spamcan61
Too late for the edit...

In general E6 process = ektachrome / fuji / agfa

Kodachrome is all on its own, and wiki says can't be processed in colour any more.
 35mm DIY film developing. - Robbie34
>> I still have some respect and fondness for 35mm film, especially in black and white.
>> Is anyone here doing it ? If so what kit do I need ? Have
>> the ubiquitous Durst enlargers become redundant in the age of the PC (or Mac) ?

I used to be a keen photographer and still hgave my Durst 35mm enlarger together with a Schneider Comparon lens that I bought in 1968. The lens was very, very expensive in those days. I also have a Philips exposure computer.

I don't use these any more and they are in a cupboard in what used to be my darkroom. If you are interested you could make me an offer. I have no idea of today's value.
 35mm DIY film developing. - R.P.
Thanks Robbie I'll have a look around the net - have you got a model number ?
 35mm DIY film developing. - Robbie34
I'll have to dig it out as it is covered in a bin bag - to keep out the dust - and locked in a cupboard.

It was one of the top of the range models and has a filter drawer for colour photography. It also has condenser lenses. Some of the cheaper models had translucent filter for the light.
 35mm DIY film developing. - Runfer D'Hills
I know that somewhere I have a shoebox full of undeveloped but used 35mm film. All of it will be at least 25 years old so probably wouldn't develop anyway. Curious to try it though but ever so slightly worried as I can't for the life of me remember what's on ithem and they all pre-date the current Mrs D'Bout...There was a relatively wild time had on occasion in the period of my life between the marriages, some of which is a bit of a blur, but I'm sure the photos are innocent enough.

 35mm DIY film developing. - Zero

>> life of me remember what's on ithem and they all pre-date the current Mrs D'Bout...There
>> was a relatively wild time had on occasion in the period of my life between
>> the marriages, some of which is a bit of a blur, but I'm sure the

Probably best left in the bin

>> photos are innocent enough.

Are you prepared to take that risk? give them to Rob, see if he can develop them for you as practise. Pretty sure he wouldn't blackmail you.

 35mm DIY film developing. - Robbie34
For R.P.

The model is a Durst M300.

I also have a print dryer/glazer and a print easel that will take up to 10" X 12" paper that I will let you have if you want the enlarger. I should also have a Paterson 35mm film developing tank somewhere.

Contact me by e.mail if you want any more info.

Last edited by: Robbie34 on Sun 22 Jan 12 at 14:47
 35mm DIY film developing. - DeeW
For any other bits you need, our local auction room often has photographic developing lots as well as older cameras and lenses. Presumably they are from bereavement sales.

Sons g/f has been using my old Pentax for part of her photography degree - which she has found quite challenging as there is no tweaking of the pictures! I explained to her that fashion photographers used polaroids to check the lighting and composition of shots before starting on the proper films - and even then would take a whole sheet of contacts to get one good one. Not sure she believed me until I showed her a sheet from a shoot taken in 1982. I suggested she used her digital camera as a substitute for the polaroid. Sadly she is not learning to develop pictures herself - I remember my father and brothers spending long hours in the cellar developing their films, which took over from the large model railway down there.
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