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Thread Author: Armel Coussine Replies: 11

 From bad to worse - Armel Coussine
The stylish film-maker Robert Rodriguez always appealed to me. I think the first film of his I noticed was El Mariachi. But my nephew complains that his films are all the same, and that seemed to be true for a while, nice violent Mexican modern westerns with very heroic heroes.

But I got hooked by Machete last night and am happy to report that Rodriguez is definitely going downhill. The hero this time was played by that huge ugly lank-haired pock-marked brute who so often plays villains in such movies. Kills or jumps on practically everything that moves including four extremely winsome babes of one sort and another. Represents good hard-working Mexican-American illegal immigrants against a cartel of wicked gringo politicians, frontier vigilantes and Mexican drug lords, bit of sorcery in there too, a fascizing left-populist theme of great moral dubiousness... utter, utter schlock.

I loved it. After the end credits two more Machete movies were promised. But that might have been a joke.
 From bad to worse - TheManWithNoName
Thank you for providing a useful service - namely giving me the name of a film I should avoid like the plague.
 From bad to worse - missyMe
Sounds like a jolly good romp to me :D
 From bad to worse - Armel Coussine
Not at all nameless one, my pleasure. Anyone else with good taste, tender sensibilities and an eye for rational plotting should avoid it too.
 From bad to worse - Dog

 From bad to worse - madf
>> Not at all nameless one, my pleasure. Anyone else with good taste, tender sensibilities and
>> an eye for rational plotting should avoid it too.

Well that clinches it.

We'll all go.
 From bad to worse - CGNorwich
The hero this time was played by that huge ugly lank-haired pock-marked brute

You mean Danny Trejo. Nobody does villains better mainly because he was one. Interesting biography.

I like the quote;

"It was the funniest thing I'd ever heard. I'd been in Soledad, San Quentin, Folsom, Vacaville, Susanville, Sierra--and here's a guy asking, "Can you act like a convict?" I remember I said. "I'll give it a shot"."

 From bad to worse - Armel Coussine
Thank you CGN. Evidently you are adept at looking things up on the internet. It hardly seems likely that you share my depraved tastes.

Danny Trejo, Danny Trejo... I just know I'll forget it by tomorrow....
 From bad to worse - corax
>> The hero this time was played by that huge ugly lank-haired pock-marked brute
>> You mean Danny Trejo. Nobody does villains better mainly because he was one. Interesting biography.

At first I thought you meant Steven Seagal, but Danny Trejo makes him look like a cuddly bear...
 From bad to worse - Armel Coussine
>> Steven Seagal

He played the samurai sword wielding Mexican drug lord in the film, a sinister presence throughout threatening the American bad guys... but the sword machete fight was pretty poor and he just committed whatever they call it with the, er, machete in the end. Disembowelled himself.

But there was a much better disembowelling scene earlier on, Danny Trejo in savage mode. I won't describe it though. Don't want to spoil it for anyone or throw up on my keyboard.
 From bad to worse - Armel Coussine
Apart from Steven Seagal threatening the wicked Senator and his sidekick on Skype from his Central American hacienda, the movie contained the superb line: 'Machete doesn't text', uttered by the man himself in a sinister growl.

Later of course he is obliged to. When the winsome babe reminds him he doesn't text, he won't give her the mobile and taps keys growling: 'Machete will improvise.'

It's the sort of movie Cahiers du cinéma critics used to call 'delirious'. But in those days there wasn't nearly as much blood and entrails on show.
 From bad to worse - Dutchie
Charles Bronson similair mould don't mesh with me.

Streetfighter I think that was one of the films I liked.Ex miner,east european real name I am not sure.

John Wayne fake.Errol Flyn tough guy also Robert Mitchum.
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