Non-motoring > Wikipedia black-out - NOT! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: FocalPoint Replies: 8

 Wikipedia black-out - NOT! - FocalPoint
I kind of understand the point that Wikipedia is making by blacking out their English-language site, but what I don't get is why a presumably computer-savvy web giant makes it so easy to get round the problem.

What happens is that you get the Wikipedia page for a split-second before the dark screen takes over. I don't regard myself as much of a computer techie, but the first thing I thought of actually works. All I have to do in Opera is hit the Esc key immediately before the dark screen appears.

Pointless, or what?
 Wikipedia black-out - NOT! - Bagpuss
>> All I have to do in Opera is hit the Esc key immediately before the dark screen appears.

Same with Firefox.
 Wikipedia black-out - NOT! - CGNorwich
No not pointless. An effective protest that you are going to notice and hopefully investigate what the issue is.
 Wikipedia black-out - NOT! - BobbyG
Heard a rep from Wiki on radio this morning being interviewed about this and he really didn't seem to make any sense at all.

On the question of piracy and why it is wrong, he said that the film and music industry was making more money than it had ever done and so piracy wasn't a problem.
 Wikipedia black-out - NOT! - Iffy
They need to be careful what they wish for.

There are plenty of other sources of information on any given topic which are far more reliable than Wiki.

 Wikipedia black-out - NOT! - Dog
Dun me a favour as it appens because I wanted to look up The Windmill Theatre (for olde times sake) and where I would normaly use Wikipedia, I ended up using a far better site which even includes a piccie of Fiona.
 Wikipedia black-out - NOT! - Dave_
The mobile site's working fine.
 Wikipedia black-out - NOT! - Dog
>>All I have to do in Opera is hit the Esc key immediately before the dark screen appears<<

Doesn't work in IE9 or Chrome (para mi)
 Wikipedia black-out - NOT! - Crankcase
Doesn't blackout at all for me - just goes to the ordinary Wikipedia with a little message saying it's currently blacked out top right, but it isn't. Can use it fine.

Anyway, without being isolationist, why they think that anyone outside the US can do anything whatsoever about SOPA or PIPA bills in the US legislature is beyond me. Why not just block US readers?
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