Non-motoring > Car4play quiz. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 12

 Car4play quiz. - R.P.
I've found a book on my shelves (well I sort of knew it was there) it's one of those Road Test Annual from the 80s - anyway it set me thinking, there are some pearls and some lemons in there, cars that became legends which even JC wouldn't slag off (mind you he's too fat to fit in most - as an aside Private Eye describe him as "long faced").....anyway there's tests on 30 or so cars - including a "Verdict" which IMHO stand the test of times.

How about a little quiz - if I copy these verdicts and we play "guess the car" first one with the make and model gets 10 points and so on until we do all of them - the outright winner gets nothing other than the adoration of the others.

It won't be a fraction as complicated as Oilrag's quizez - just a bit of laugh and a chance to discuss old motors from the perspective of 20 + years on....

IF there's a modicum of interest I'll do it - otherwise I'll count the bricks in the gable end again...
 Car4play quiz. - Zero
post it
Last edited by: Zero on Sun 15 Jan 12 at 22:45
 Car4play quiz. - -
yes please.
 Car4play quiz. - R.P.
OK - I'll post it in another thread any comments in here.
 Car4play quiz. - Kevin
Austin Allegro?
 Car4play quiz. - R.P.
No not in the book (thank goodness) most of the ones were and are still reasonably regarded cars
 Car4play quiz. - madf
Mini Cooper S = original?
 Car4play quiz. - Zero
Can we not have the car quiz starting late at night please, and also preferably at a time when a certain jock doctor is at work with better things to do.
 Car4play quiz. - Iffy
Last edited by: Iffy on Mon 16 Jan 12 at 09:43
 Car4play quiz. - Old Navy
I suspect the doc has the book. :-)
 Car4play quiz. - Lygonos
Teenager of the 80s - change it to the 60s and I'll be stuffed ;-)
 Car4play quiz. - Old Navy
Too many old duffers here for the 60s, you youngsters would not stand a chance. :-)
 Car4play quiz. - R.P.
I'm sorry I've only got an 80s book - at least as level a playing field as it can ever be - impossible to Google for the answers...! :-)
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