Non-motoring > Croc Revenue to Reach $1bn... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: rtj70 Replies: 12

 Croc Revenue to Reach $1bn... - rtj70
Humph you've got to save all the Croc wearers for us... I hope it's not too late. How can this be right - one billions US Dollars of revenue from crap plastic 'clogs'.
 Croc Revenue to Reach $1bn... - R.P.
Shhhh.....along with Scenic that word breaks Humph out in a sweat. Proves you can fool most people most of the time. The most hideous looking shoe ever thought up in the history of cobblers

 Croc Revenue to Reach $1bn... - CGNorwich
comfy though
 Croc Revenue to Reach $1bn... - rtj70
Whilst at Uni I knew someone who did wear proper wooden clogs. His father made them (a business). Not the most sensible shoes for cycling - but they managed.

Now if I could think of something as stupid as a Croc and sell as many... I would be doing it and become rich.
 Croc Revenue to Reach $1bn... - mikeyb
They do other shoes - not just the cloggy type things. My 5 year old has a pair of Crocs boots - fur lined! quite nice
 Croc Revenue to Reach $1bn... - R.P.
I have to confess to owning two pairs of canvas croc soled shoes, nothing special, had much better footwear.
 Croc Revenue to Reach $1bn... - mikeyb
For those who are not familiar with the range!
 Croc Revenue to Reach $1bn... - R.P.
My biking buddy - the one who crashed in France, bought a pair on the strength of seeing so many nursing staff wearing them. I put it down to the effects of Morphine. Another friend publicly burned his on Facebook - he's never sniffed Morphine.
 Croc Revenue to Reach $1bn... - BobbyG
They are banned on many wards for health and safety reasons. My wife said they were the comfiest shoes she had ever had for working.
 Croc Revenue to Reach $1bn... - CGNorwich
Not sure I'd walk down the high street in them but brilliant for the beach or around the garden in summer. Great for children too. Innovative idea brilliantly marketed. Not difficult to see how the company made a fortune.
 Croc Revenue to Reach $1bn... - Dave
I've got a couple of pairs - one for general use, the other for best. Everyone here wears them for almost any occasion. Great for coming in and out the hose as they pass for slippers, although they aren't so good on the snow - apart from the holes, they have no grip. I bought an immitation pair once, but they were rubbish as small stones would penetrate the sole.

But I do get funny looks when I wear them back in blighty though.
 Croc Revenue to Reach $1bn... - R.P.
But I do get funny looks when I wear them back in blighty though

Quite rightly :-)
 Croc Revenue to Reach $1bn... - Runfer D'Hills
>> Shhhh.....along with Scenic...

No, Scenics have never done me any harm. The Espace though, now that is a work of evil... :-((((

As for Crocs, good luck to 'em, wish I'd thought of it. Moral of the story perhaps is that no one should ever over-estimate the taste of the consumer.
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