Non-motoring > Job advice please! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Badwolf Replies: 50

 Job advice please! - Badwolf
Good morning all,

I am in desperate need of a new career. I have been driving PCVs for over fourteen years and, while I still (mostly!) enjoy the driving I am fed up of working for companies that treat you as part of the bus rather than a human being. I also crave a relatively normal Monday to Friday job, working sometime between the hours of 0500-1800.

I can't afford to take time off work to do a degree (for example) but I do want to do something that woild challenge me and make me use my brain more than I do already. I'm thinking of something that would give me 'on-the-job' paid training, but I really do not know what.

Any sensible suggestions would be gratefully received.

Ta in advance,

 Job advice please! - Zero
First off, you need to catalogue your current skills, natural abilities and what you enjoy doing.

At the moment you have presented us with a length of string.

For example, are you good with your hands, is there an natural fit to trade or craft skills.

 Job advice please! - -
Have you tried progressing within your field into admin/management.

Some companies recruit for such posts with no previous or in some cases any experience, but there is always a need for someone aorund who knows what the job is about.

The obvious one that springs to mind as stepping stone is getting involved in new driver training.
 Job advice please! - Badwolf
>> Have you tried progressing within your field into admin/management.

I wouldn't want to try progressing with my current employer as the way they treat their Duty Inspectors is not ideal.

>> The obvious one that springs to mind as stepping stone is getting involved in new
>> driver training.

At the previous garage I was at, I felt that the management wanted me to progress and would have supported me in that. At my current depot, however, there is no encouragement and I ( and every other driver) find it a very discouraging place to work. Sadly, there is no chance of moving back to my previous garage as I had to transfer out for my own safety - long story, documented on here a while back.

 Job advice please! - Badwolf
Fair point!

Natural abilities - good concentration, excellent inter-personal and communication skills. I'm quite good at analysing data and building reports etc from that data. Trouble is, I'm not trained in this and can't prove that I'm good at it!

I'm not terribly good at DIY but that is probably more to do with a lack of confidence.

I still enjoy driving, and would probably take another driving job if it could be 9-5, Mon-Fri. I do need a career change though as I feel well and truly in a rut.

Enjoyment-wise, I love reading and listening to music. Not exactly the path to a career!
 Job advice please! - Dog
I orften wonder if mini cabbing is a goer, I hear of so many stories from friends n' family about the NHS picking up the tab for long journeys to & fro hospital etc., etc..

My brother got picked up and returned home for a hospital appointment last week via a mini cab funded by the NHS, he is quite comfortably orf, drives his own car regularly, and is as fit as a butchers dog.
 Job advice please! - Badwolf
>> I orften wonder if mini cabbing is a goer

Been there, done that! I did private hire and hackney driving in Southport some 15+ years ago and there was a lot of competition for work then. Now, there are a few more cab companies and a load more cabs on the road. I couldn't make a comfortable living driving the hours I would want to work.
 Job advice please! - Runfer D'Hills
I think Dog's on the right scent though. You are never fully in control of your life unless you go self-employed. I've done both and while being a one man band is sometimes a lonely and scary place the satisfactions of knowing that your efforts are targetted where you believe they should be and that the results of them benefit you and your's directly cannot be underestimated.
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Mon 9 Jan 12 at 10:00
 Job advice please! - Stuu
The only problem with self-employment is its too much freedom to want to hand back.

The idea of answering to someone of sub-human abilities again fills me with dread, hence id rather be short of money than go back to that game.

The most successful self-employed people I know tend to turn their hand to a number of different trades depending on what they can do - ive taken up house sitting and cleaning in addition to the valeting and the three things complement eachother nicely, but if some old dear asks me if id mow her lawn for a tenner, you bet I will.

Thats the beauty of having that level of freedom and its not that scary really, I never feel Im about to go under as the people who pay my wages are numerous so any one lost customer is only a small percentage of my income and easily replaced.
 Job advice please! - Runfer D'Hills
Strikes me that Plumbers, Plasterers, Electricians and Builders seem to rub by. Not sure which would be the easiest / quickest to train for mind.
 Job advice please! - Stuu
Gardening is a very simple trade to get into and cheap start up costs, nor do you need to know a great deal if all you do is cut peoples lawns for instance.

 Job advice please! - spamcan61
Yeah, I've been doing a bit of gardening this year, trouble is, to make it a living you need to find something to do in the winter when gardening jobs are few and far between.
 Job advice please! - Roger.
A Green Thumb franchise?
 Job advice please! - DeeW
My lawn needs cutting already Spamcan, so I suspect lots more do in our part of the world! And how are you on pruning apple trees - that should sort you out this month ;-)
 Job advice please! - corax
>> Yeah, I've been doing a bit of gardening this year, trouble is, to make it
>> a living you need to find something to do in the winter when gardening jobs
>> are few and far between.

The way the weathers going, it'll soon be a year round job. Grass is still growing here in January. But I take your point.
 Job advice please! - John H
>> a relatively normal Monday to Friday job, working sometime between the hours of 0500-1800 >>

>> it could be 9-5, Mon-Fri. I do need a career change though as I feel well and truly in a rut. >>

How many hours minimum/maximum/average are you willing/hoping to work?

What gross-before-expenses and net-before-tax income minimum/maximum/average are you willing/hoping to make?

Taking FoR's gardening example, would you survive on 40 separate jobs in a week of on average of one hour each, paying on average £10 a go: i.e. giving you a gross weekly income of £400?

Last edited by: John H on Mon 9 Jan 12 at 10:53
 Job advice please! - Dog
Another thumbs up for gardening, chap charged me £80 to trim my hedge just before we moved house,

I usually diy it, I've known quite a few mobile gardeners since I came to Cornwall, they all do alright!

I've never had any edumacation but I live in a 3 undred pound cottage in Cornwall,

How? = Gumption! (and a bit of luck) ;)
 Job advice please! - BobbyG
I can't advise on new career but what I would say is that up and down the country there are thousands of workplaces with disgruntled staff, whether they be warranted issues or just folks that don't want to work.

In the current climate, employers know they can turn the screw tighter on employees as many will have no option but to put up with it.

Do you think you fall into this category? How would you feel if you moved to a new employer and found similar situation? And remember if you move you won't have the same security of employment - maybe a probationery period, last in first out etc etc?
 Job advice please! - Runfer D'Hills
Very sound point Bobby. Most people you talk to are fed up. Lots of "blame" going on. What's the old adage? Something like - "When money stops coming in the door, love goes out the window". Applies to businesses too.
 Job advice please! - -
Yes Bobby has put that point very well.

My job aquired last year has been like turning the clock back some 40 years, with standards of respect within the still growing company at a distant past level, obviously there are rare exceptions from people who are blinkered and frankly stupid.

It works though, personal responsibility, pride in the job and customer care commitment are at levels i haven't witnessed in many years, people don't mind putting themselves out to get the job done and the customer served, company needed help on New Years Day, no problem.

From the norm within my industry which is sometimes bullying, often confrontational both ways and not productive.

The bullying attitude gets no goodwill, little commitment and no interest in keeping the company well regarded by providing the customer with the best product and service.

Good attitude comes from the very top and filters down, the reverse is the same.

 Job advice please! - Zero

>> with standards of respect within the still growing company at a distant past level, obviously
>> there are rare exceptions from people who are blinkered and frankly stupid.
>> It works though, personal responsibility, pride in the job and customer care commitment are at
>> levels i haven't witnessed in many years, people don't mind putting themselves out to get
>> the job done and the customer served, company needed help on New Years Day, no
>> problem.

Oh dear, this wont do at all, not at all. What this company needs is the business consultants and a human resources director in at the top, and a union convenor in at the bottom.

That will sort them out.
 Job advice please! - bathtub tom
A colleague took a bank loan, bought a people carrier and started an executive transport business. Most of his work is airport transfers.

He can choose his hours and recently bought a second vehicle for an employee.
 Job advice please! - Badwolf
Thanks for all your input so far folks, much appreciated.
 Job advice please! - Bigtee
Come and join the Railways.!!

If you start at the bottom which is carriage cleaning on nights a real poor job involves 1 week of nights and a week off in your spare time do another job, after 6 months you can apply for any internal job that comes up as all the rest have done, some are train drivers others in high management.

Wage is poor but pays bills £14.5k a year plus over time or do another job in your time off, drivers on £44k.

Everyone applies to be a train driver over 1000 applicants 100 apply to clean trains and some can't speak English.!!

Good luck to you.
 Job advice please! - RattleandSmoke
I've always fancied the railways myself, not as a driver but wouldn't mind being a conductor on one of the less local services, (would get too much hassle on local routes).

To the OP how old are you if you don't mind me asking, I ask that because if you're say 60 it might limit the sort of work you could do. Not many people would train a 60 year old to become a spark for example as its too physical.
 Job advice please! - Zero
Friend of mine has been accepted as a Guard on SWT
 Job advice please! - Iffy
Any possibility of using your bus licence in a training environment?

 Job advice please! - zippy
Firstly, good luck. Changing jobs is a challenge but ultimately worthwhile.

Think about the sort of job that you want and read the job adverts carefully.

Re degrees, there is the OU. Start before the end of Feb 2012 to enjoy 2011 fees. You can do an open degree (lots of different subjects that could interest you).

Go to interviews. Lots of companies have different interview styles. Mine for example insists on a presentation and a panel with skills based interviews, i.e. you have to answer specific questions, e.g. give us an example of when you helped a customer. They give you about a weeks notice for the presentation.

Others are just a chat about your experiences and how you will fit in.

The interviews will give you experience but don't worry if you don't get the job. Many people have to undertake lots of interviews before getting the job that they want.

Canvas friends, family and anyone else you can think of. You are more likely to get a job via someone you already know.
 Job advice please! - sooty123
Bigtee, what is the demand for people working in depots on the trains themselves, maintaining them? I think I might be in a career change not too far away, would be interesting to know thanks.
 Job advice please! - Badwolf
>> Come and join the Railways.!!

Funny you should say that, B. I've a couple of applications in with First TransPennine Express, one for trainee conductor and one for trainee train driver. Are the cleaning jobs advertised on the operating companies' websites or are they handled by a third party?

I have to admit that the focus of my efforts will be to get a job on the railways. I see it, rightly or wrongly, as a good 'industry' to work in.

In answer to those who have suggested gardening, I do appreciate the thought but I am by no means green-fingered. I am one of a select band of people who can kill mint...
 Job advice please! - Zero

>> I have to admit that the focus of my efforts will be to get a
>> job on the railways. I see it, rightly or wrongly, as a good 'industry' to
>> work in.

So the

>relatively normal Monday to Friday job, working sometime between the hours of 0500-1800

Was just a trick to throw us off the scent then?
 Job advice please! - Badwolf
If anybody was going to pick up on that, it was going to be you Z ;-)

Generally, a job with 'normal' shifts is what I'm after but I'm happy to forego this if it means I get my ideal job.
 Job advice please! - devonite
>>I am one of a select band of people who can kill mint... <<

And there you go! you`ve just landed yet another gardening job!!! ;-)
 Job advice please! - R.P.
Bad career move would be an Iranian Nuclear scientist...
 Job advice please! - Zero
Better than CIA spy, Tehran Branch.
 Job advice please! - Bigtee
Badwolf. The cleaning is done through agency contracts and after 6 months the staff are given the choice of full time employment and this is when you can apply for better jobs.

Do look into conductor or Guard as i know them as, as this is the usual step before becoming a train driver as many have.

I work for Northern Rail check there web sites for jobs daily. ( if i can help you get in i will )!!

Sooty 123 To get a job in train maintennace which is level 4 fitter/electrician/vehicle builder etc you need the qualifacations on paper how you get these is up to you !!

Time served in the motor trade/hgv/marine/aircraft/plant fitters/etc we have them all as i was a plant fitter & motor mechanic.

There is another job which is level 3 no qualifactions really required but better if you have as these lads do the brake block changes and the oils and filters, final drives oils etc.

You will again have to check the web sites for these jobs & recently took on MDD drivers which is maintenance depot drivers, driving trains around the depot throught the wash into sheds and this is the step below main line driving.

TPE Trans penine express are just as good as any other and East Coast & Northern are no better and in some ways as the frachise is coming to the end in 2 years they not spending the money as they should be!!

Shift work is expected with 98% of jobs which include public holidays and Christmas/new years day. Some night shift working of 3-4 nights 10hr-12hr etc.

Plenty of time off and 31 days holiday a year good pension, if you can stick shifts and make it work for you then you have cracked it. :-)

Last edited by: Bigtee on Thu 12 Jan 12 at 09:51
 Job advice please! - sooty123
>> Sooty 123 To get a job in ...

mega snip quote

Thanks for the reply bigtee. I've got the experience, on a/c rather than trains, and bits of paper needed, I was more interested in if they were taking people on and the general state of the industry. No problem on the shifts as I've worked them for the past 8 years or so. Do you know what the money is like to start with on the maintance side and what it goes upto ?
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 12 Jan 12 at 12:58
 Job advice please! - Bigtee
Sooty 123. Where do you live?

Yes there recruiting from time to time at many locations which are Neville Hill, Newton Heath, Heaton, And another new place over near Liverpool the name i have forgot but check the web sites.

Level 3 approx £29k

Level 4 approx £35k

Promotion comes up at any time i got mine after 9 months on the job.

If your mechanical or electrical or a body fitter plenty of these jobs going & better still if you can do all of them.

The genearal state of the industry is there's a massive skills shortage as they employ staff into there late fifties which is good but they retire 60+ and no new young blood is coming through which is a shame as the youngest bloke is early thirties.

Apply see what happens what have you to lose?
 Job advice please! - sooty123
>> Sooty 123. Where do you live?

In lincolnshire at the moment. Any depots in that area?
>> Yes there recruiting from time to time at many locations which are Neville Hill, Newton
>> Heath, Heaton, And another new place over near Liverpool the name i have forgot but
>> check the web sites.
>> Level 3 approx £29k
>> Level 4 approx £35k
>> Promotion comes up at any time i got mine after 9 months on the job.

What's the money further up like?
>> If your mechanical or electrical or a body fitter plenty of these jobs going &
>> better still if you can do all of them.

Mech mainly but a bit of electrical.

>> The genearal state of the industry is there's a massive skills shortage as they employ
>> staff into there late fifties which is good but they retire 60+ and no new
>> young blood is coming through which is a shame as the youngest bloke is early
>> thirties.
>> Apply see what happens what have you to lose?

Seems like a good time to get in then, I'll be the baby of the bunch should I get in. Thanks for the heads up. :)
 Job advice please! - Badwolf
>> Badwolf. The cleaning is done through agency contracts and after 6 months the staff are
>> given the choice of full time employment and this is when you can apply for
>> better jobs.
>> I work for Northern Rail check there web sites for jobs daily. ( if i
>> can help you get in i will )!!

Thank you, I appreciate that. Most civilised of you.
 Job advice please! - Dog
Advert in the Jerusalem Post today for motorcycle courier, ballistics experience desirable but training given if required.
 Job advice please! - Dutchie
What is going on in Iran Dog?Have you got any insight information with you being in the know..;)
 Job advice please! - R.P.
I don't think you have to be a rampant anti-Zionist to suspect er.....not mentioning any names, just follow my eyes....
 Job advice please! - Dutchie
Ok we keep it stum.....
 Job advice please! - Zero
Mossad deny it, CIA deny it.

I believe them

 Job advice please! - R.P.
Doubt whether the CIA have got involved. Too slick by half, plus they have a very bad association with pre-Shah Iran/Persia.
 Job advice please! - Dog
>>What is going on in Iran Dog?Have you got any insight information with you being in the know..;)<<

Ah! - you want to know the truth about Iran, Dutchie.
 Job advice please! - corax
>> Advert in the Jerusalem Post today for motorcycle courier, ballistics experience desirable but training given
>> if required.

A friend of mine used to be a motorcycle courier in London, but that was quite a few years ago. The money was good and there was plenty of work, but a lot of immigrants have taken over and will work for a pittance now. And it's always dangerous.
 Job advice please! - Dutchie
Always these bleeding immigrants corax.>:)
 Job advice please! - corax
>> Always these bleeding immigrants corax.>:)

Heh heh, only quoting my friends words Dutchie, no offence.

He's an ozzie by the way :)
 Job advice please! - Dutchie
Our middle son lives in New Zealand for a year now.He is settling down , but in the beginning he told me he did feel foreign.Same language but different culture.

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