Non-motoring > Found A Visa Debit Card Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Robbie34 Replies: 9

 Found A Visa Debit Card - Robbie34
I found a Barclaycard Visa debit card this morning and 'phoned the number on the back of the card to report it. Eventually I got through to India and gave them the details. I asked them if they would contact the loser to let him/her know that it had been found. They refused to do that and kept repeating that it had now been cancelled.

I hope whoever lost it has realised it is missing. If it were mine I might not know for weeks as I only use it occasionally to get some money from an ATM. Most of my purchases are done with my credit card that I pay off in full via direct debit.
 Found A Visa Debit Card - Bromptonaut
There will be a specific process for lost cards and part of it is likely to keep contact with third parties to a minimum.

 Found A Visa Debit Card - R.P.
I "lost" my card after the CAB office party - cancelled it and it got replaced in a couple of days despite Christmas rush....I have now found it it was under the passenger seat of the car. Too red-faced to take it from there yet.
 Found A Visa Debit Card - Duncan
>> under the passenger seat of the car. Too red-faced to take it from there yet.

So what were you doing under the passenger seat - and with whom?

I think we should be told.
 Found A Visa Debit Card - Runfer D'Hills
Reminds me of something which happened a long time ago. A friend ( no not me I hasten to add ) who worked for a fairly unpleasant guy was eventually fired by him. Knowing that the boss and his wife travelled to work in the same car, he managed before leaving the premises to obtain a fairly indulgent quality shall we say, ladies' bra and knicker set and put them in the glove box of his boss's car...Evidently after a day or two it was confirmed that Mrs Gaffer had opened the glove box...

 Found A Visa Debit Card - Dave_
Yes, the banks will nullify and replace cards at the drop of a hat. They do it many many times a day and it wouldn't be practical to call the customer every time.

A few years ago I had just put my card into a cash machine when there was a brief power cut - the screen went blank and all the street lights and building lights around me went out. After a couple of seconds the power came back on and I was faced with the sound of my card being retained by the machine, which was now displaying the Windows ME startup screen :(

IIRC a phone call to my card issuer saw that card blocked and a replacement sent out immediately.
 Found A Visa Debit Card - zippy
>>>>A few years ago I had just put my card into a cash machine when there was a brief power cut - the screen went blank and all the street lights and building lights around me went out. After a couple of seconds the power came back on and I was faced with the sound of my card being retained by the machine, which was now displaying the Windows ME startup screen :(

Perhaps the machine was so surprised at the balance of your account that it had a short circuit and took the street out as well!


 Found A Visa Debit Card - Dave_
>> Perhaps the machine was so surprised at the balance of your account that it had a short circuit and took
>> the street out as well!
>> ;-)

To a casual observer it would have appeared perfectly timed, when it went out I did actually think "Oh ****, I've broken it"!
 Found A Visa Debit Card - zippy
>>>"Oh ****, I've broken it"!

 Found A Visa Debit Card - zippy

Done the decent thing!

At least a scum-bag didn't get hold of it and try and use it.

I handed a bunch of keys found at our carnival to a policeman a few years back. He was seriously unhappy about it!

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