Non-motoring > Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Meldrew Replies: 42

 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Meldrew

I there is one thing that will stop me being glued to a TV it is Titchmarsh being on it!
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Roger.
Titchmarsh IS a Tit!
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Meldrew
Blue, coal or great? I'll go for great!
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Bromptonaut
Interview with Telegraph a 'puff' for his move to Classic FM?
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Stuu
Alan Titchmarsh, a man paid to be on TV ( inexplicably ). Id kindly suggest to him to keep thee gob shut and count his large salary, which comes from people watching too much TV including that which features his bubblegum lighter than light entertainment offerings.

Stupid man.
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Meldrew
I forgot "bearded" tit but he isn't one! At least if he is on radio we shan't see him at all and he won't be talking ALL the time. Did someone once say of him that he had risen with out a trace?
Last edited by: Meldrew on Tue 3 Jan 12 at 15:49
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Roger.
His novels, although lightweight are not too badly written.
Flight fodder for ladies, I think, having glanced at one.(Book that is!)
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - CGNorwich
Why all the hostility? Alan Titchmarsh seems to me to be fairly inoffensive sort of chap and nobody is force to watch his TV programs or read his books. As for his basic assertion that people would sometimes perhaps be better off doing something in the real world rather than spending all their time watching TV or on a computer is one with which it is difficult to argue

My only criticism of the man is that that he was largely responsible for the craze for wooden decking that now lies covered in moss and rotting away in many a suburban garden but he has at least admitted it was a mistake!
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Meldrew
I don't think it is really hostility. Some of us find him shallow and over-rated - others don't and that's fine! TV's answer to Marmite perhaps?
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - CGNorwich
"A tit", "stupid man', - sounds a bit hostile to me. Certainly wouldn't say he is TV's most hard hitting interviewer or that his programs are particularly in-depth but he fulfils the requirement for a middle of the road type presenter and comes across as a likeable down to earth sort of bloke.

Does anyone actually disagree with what he is quoted as saying ?
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - R.P.
Apart from the fact he's made a decent living out of the telly and maybe he shouldn't be biting the hand that fed him (quite well), he has got a point. I like the telly, I prefer the radio which is enjoyable on the move. My wife bought me a nice little PURE portable DAB (pocket size) so is truely go-anywhere.
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Dutchie
Thats funny Roger.Remember when his gang went round changing gardens into pebbles and stone features.

The girl was ok with the big boobs..:)
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Dog
>>The girl was ok with the big boobs..:)<<

Charlie Dimmock - I'm a big fan of her borders, actually ;)
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - John H
>> one thing that will stop me being glued to a TV it is Titchmarsh being on it! >>

With apologies to Little Britain, clearly "You're not a Lady".

AT is hugely popular with the ladies.

He also is patron and president of more than 30 charities, which is more than you can say for most of the armchair critics here.

 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - R.P.
He also is patron and president of more than 30 charities, which is more than you can say for most of the armchair critics here.

Doesn't stop him being bland and more than a little beige though. Not for me.
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Stuu
I dont disagree with him on what he said, but its rather like a gun maker saying isnt it terrible people get shot.

He is a hypocrite and should stick to gardening in his very large garden in which sits his very large house, paid for how? Because people spend too much time watching the kind of nonsensical TV he excells at.
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Pat
Not with this one he isn't, and I'm a gardener too!

 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Focusless
He's a hypocrite if he watches too much TV; not sure that presenting TV programmes automatically makes him one.
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Pat
The builder was better;)

 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Meldrew
With apologies to nobody I am not a lady! The validity or otherwise of my opinions is not related to my cash and time contributions to local and national charities. It may well be that AT does good things for charities but it makes him a good person not a good TV presenter. There is no connection.
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - R.P.
Quite right Meldrew.
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - John H
I certainly know who on here qualifies to be described as "stupid" or "tit" or "nonsensical" or "bland" or "beige" or "a lady".

 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - CGNorwich
To decide whether AT is a good TV presenter you first of all have to decide what makes a good TV presenter bearing mind the sort of program that he presents.

AT's programs are generally undemanding and appeal to a middle of the road audience. He is easy to listen to and humorous , he particularly appeals to women . When talking about gardening he is actually very knowledgeable although his programs tend to be aimed at the beginner or occasional gardener rather than the enthusiast. When presenting the Chelsea Flower Show live I think he does rather a good job.

In his class therefore I think he is a good presenter

I don't think he has ever said that people shouldn't watch TV or use a computer, only that some people particularly the young are perhaps committing too much time to the screen and that they might find reality to be more rewarding. I don't see why just because he makes TV programs that he shouldn't be allowed to say that or why anyone should so object.

 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Manatee
I wonder what standards the poor bloke is being judged by. I don't set him on a pedestal or even count myself a fan, but he does speak intelligible English, came from an ordinary background and has worked hard at his career, is famous for more than just being famous. and as far as I know he writes his own books.

I can think of quite a few vacuous "tits" I'd put higher up the chop list.

And he's from Ilkley, so he would be mindful of addling some brass with a few sidelines as a back up for the gardening programmes.
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Bromptonaut
As other's say he's got where he is from an ordinary background and as a result of hi own hard work. And he still retains the accent of the West Riding - no elocution to appeal to the Southerners.

But would he have got so far as TV's Mr Gardening if Geoff Hamilton had not died young?
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Meldrew
Actually speaking anything approaching intelligible English is no longer a requirement for fame on TV! Just watch Coast and listen to Neil Oliver! I watch with the sound off and the subtitles on!
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Runfer D'Hills
Neil Oliver is a very intelligent guy who happens to have a regional accent. As does Brian Cox. I find them both fascinating.
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Roger.
Neil Oliver needs a haircut.
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Meldrew
They are all intelligent but some of them are unintelligible!
Last edited by: Meldrew on Tue 3 Jan 12 at 20:32
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Runfer D'Hills
To whom? Presumably English is your first language? Regional accents have been part and parcel of it for centuries. Dialects can sometimes confuse but accents are generally not a problem.
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Meldrew
To me! I can only speak for myself. I was in a village ship in the North East a few weeks ago and the owner was talking to a local and I couldn't be sure that they were speaking English! This morning I was discussing matters with a man in a Liverpool call centre and I had to ring off and try and get someone I could understand. A personal problem obviously. I am not against accents, per se, but I do like to understand what is being said!
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Armel Coussine
What is all this? Who are these people?

Gardening, yah? Oh I see.

(Goes back indoors. Pours large drink. Turns on TV taking care to avoid anything concerning gardening or DIY. Falls asleep in front of a farrago of mixed football and soft-core porn designed for twelve-year-olds).
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Runfer D'Hills
What channel is that again AC?...
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Manatee
>> Neil Oliver is a very intelligent guy who happens to have a regional accent. As
>> does Brian Cox. I find them both fascinating.

I don't have a problem comprehending speech in any UK regional accent I can think of, though some jar.

In young people some accents, including my native West Riding, are now horribly polluted with estuary vowels picked up from the telly I imagine. Maybe that's what Mr Titchperson means when he says we watch too much.
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Runfer D'Hills
For anyone who is interested to learn more about how modern English evolved I can recommend "The Mother Tongue" by Bill Bryson who perhaps ironically, but then again probably not, is an American. Not a text book but a humourous romp through some of the history of how we come to speak this veritable ministrone of a language.

One of the more surprising revelations is how recently RP ( no not our very own wand waver ) but received pronunciation or "BBC" English appeared and how contrived that occurance was.
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - R.P.
It is a very good book that, I loved some of his other works, notably Notes From a Small Island.

About to pick up a Christmas gift - 1000 years of annoying the French. Looks good !
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Manatee
>>I can recommend "The Mother Tongue" by Bill Bryson

Seconded. You'll never hear anyone say "barth" or "grarss" in quite the same way again.

My children have lived in the south these 20 years, since they were 7 and 11. The younger in particular sounds more southern then northern now, but I pleased to hear both saying bath and grass without the extra R- otherwise I'd have to disown them.
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Bromptonaut
>> In young people some accents, including my native West Riding

Whereabouts in the WR do you hail from M?

I was brought up round Horsforth/Aireborough attending the latter's Grammar School)
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Manatee
>>Whereabouts in the WR do you hail from M?

Rastrick, Brighouse. Went to the grammar in Cleckheaton - my mum thought a co-education was better than the boys and girls schools in Briggus.
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - -
Don't get me started on the speech of some young people, americanised estuary street talk innit, and a worse combination i can't imagine, you can hear the TV influences constantly.

You would think that teachers and parents would try to make them speak at least understandably, for obvious reasons...potential employers needing subtitles to understand them won't see them far up the food chain.

was 'natsat' the speech predicted in Clockwork Orange, or was that from 1984, must reread them both in due course.
Last edited by: gordonbennet on Tue 3 Jan 12 at 21:08
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Meldrew
Thoughts on the merits, or otherwise of Mr Titchmarsh
Last edited by: Meldrew on Wed 4 Jan 12 at 10:42
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - CGNorwich
Afraid you will have to keep them to yourself - Times is subscripion only
 Alan Titchmarsh thinks we watch too much TV - Meldrew
I was afraid of that! I tested the link b ut it mst have worked as I was still logged in to the Times site - apologies for the confusion!
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