Non-motoring > Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. Miscellaneous
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 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - -
I mentioned a strange occurence in another thread and one of you, TST, was foolish enough to request a telling.:-) so here goes...have i mentiond this before?, i can't remember which is more than can be said for the happening.

Turn clock back to roughly 1988, i was on nights then and one of my runs which rotated weekly was via London news print works back up to Coventry and somewhere else with the newspapers.

Anyway the run up the M1 and M45 were done at speeds i wouldn't dare admit to, obviously ended the M45 at Dunchurch where it becomes the A45.
Would have drunk gallons of tea at the print so by then bursting for a p, so first layby which is about 500 yds from the junction was the regular 2 minute stop every night at approx 1am.

So this particular night is no different, clear night not cold, pull up, leaving all the lights on and engine running, there was never a soul to be seen so no danger its completely open there, as i'm round the side of the truck on the grass all the truck lights went out, oh no thats going to be a problem, anyway back to the drivers door open up and all the lights come back on again.

This was a virtually new MAN and anyone who drove previous generation MANs would tell you they were tough, simple and very reliable, as well as with some gearing being capable of 95mph cruising, and lights going out of their own accord was unheard of, so i assumed i must have touched the switch inadvertantly.

Anyway back up i climb and obviously just check that someone hadn't nipped in unseen, well no one that i could see.

Then the atmosphere changed, can't really describe it other than something was making my skin crawl, for some reason i was cold and terrified, anyway had to get on we as a depot had the best delivery time record on the company so no time to mess about.

I travelled to my first drop in Coventry, cold as hell glancing over my shoulders every couple of seconds fully expecting something or someone to be sitting on the bed behind me, did the first drop, still the same, went on to my second drop and still the same.

So now making my way home, all of a sudden everything changed, the atmosphere returned to normal.
Course now it was over my rational head took over and i gave meself a right ticking off for being such a big girl over this easily explained dodgy switch and a vivid imagination.

Never mentioned it, me workmates would have taken the p, but during the week that followed some of the lads from other depots who we met up with at the print were taking the mickey out of 'Peters Ghost', Pete was my oppo who shared the truck and whose night shift preceeded mine on the rota.

Anyway i spoke to Pete who immediately became defensive till i explained i'd had something strange happen.

Pete, who's bladder is obviously better than mine was doing a healthy speed at the point i described earlier and a woman (apparently) had ambled across the (bit foggy) road in front of him in those dead hours in the pitch dark a couple of days before my incident, and he thought he'd hit her, so obviously stopped dead and went back to help, no one there, no sign of damage or incident, nothing....he couldn't explain it either, and he wasn't a story teller.

Thats it dear reader, make your own mind up.

Were our occurences linked, was it simply a coincidence, did i have a faulty switch which in a million kms never went wrong again, maybe i hadn't clicked it down properly and just happened to click all the way back to lights off instead of clicking back to side lights only.

Was pete overtired and hallucinating in the mist, it does happen in swirling fog?
Did we both simply imagine it, and i'm just a big girl?

Or did we happen to be at the right place at the right time when something strange happened that reoccurs sometimes.

Bet i'll never live this one down..:-)

 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Dog
>>This was a virtually new MAN and anyone who drove previous generation MANs would tell you they were tough, simple and very reliable<<

Not un-like the Lancer Estate then!

Paranormal experiences of that kind are well documented gb - lucky you :) if I lived that way I'd be going there again and again to see if I could repeat the haunting,

I caught a prog last night on the idiots lantern (while I was changing DVD's Re: WW1 and seeing the invincible German war machine finally brought to it's knees after 4 years of horror)
I think it was on the Pick channel (could be wrong) about a Hotel called The New Inn

I've been to 3 Spiritualist Churches over the years, all good fun, I'm also a fan of Sally Morgan and Colin Fry but - I neither believe nor disbelieve, and like to keep an open mind.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Roger.
Para-nonsense IMO.
There is no afterlife, no deity, (of any sort) no ghosts, no Santa Claus and no faeries at the bottom of the garden
When you're done, you're done.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - -
>> Para-nonsense IMO.

May well be Roger, i'm not really sure what occured that night, if you'd been there you wouldn't be so sure either.
What happens after this life is the great mystery.

>>I am sure that apparitions can and do appear, to some people, and animals seem to detect "presences" sometimes<<

In my previous life we had a Chinchilla Persian cat and she would freeze bolt upright and her head would swivel gently like an owl as if she was watching something unseen walk across the room, it would make your hair stand.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Hard Cheese

>> In my previous life we had a >>

You have been reincarnated, that explains it ...

 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Zero
There is a parallel universe in existence, sharing the same space but slightly out of time phase with ours.

If your watch stops they collide.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Crankcase
You've been reading Tom Lethbridge.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Bromptonaut
>> There is a parallel universe in existence, sharing the same space but slightly out of
>> time phase with ours.

I sometimes think others posting in forums (HJ's current site springs particularly to mind) post from a paralell universe.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Dutchie
Keep a open mind Roger when you'r done you'r gone who knows where.?
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Meldrew
I am sure that apparitions can and do appear, to some people, and animals seem to detect "presences" sometimes. I think it may depend on one's sensitivity to such events. A common feature of the descriptions is a drop in temperature at the time. I have never experienced anything of that sort but I don't doubt those who say that they have!
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - -
>> Not un-like the Lancer Estate then!

Good comparison, 80's and early 90's MAN's (and others) probably their best years, 90's simple but good car designs like Mitsi, Mazda and Toyota probably their best years too.

>>if I lived that way I'd be going there again and again to see if I could repeat the haunting<<

Not a hope, it's not something i enjoyed, i've long held the view that some things in this world are best left alone and indeed avoided.
Possibly partly the Catholic upbringing that never, despite being a lapsed soul, never really leaves you.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Dog
I'd hoped this cottage was haunted in some way, could still be though - 18th century, so it's seen a few bods,

I'll have to do some work on it a suppose (yuk!) I've got a load of books on the subject and I musta bought em for a reason,

I'll contact you if I get any results (but not that way!)
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Cliff Pope
There doesn't have to be an explanation. Something odd happened. Billions of things are happening all the time. Some of them will be odd. Sometimes odd things coincide. But mostly they don't.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Dave_
I've answered the call of nature in that layby a few times GB, on a clear moonlit night it's not a place I'd hang around in. Most unwelcoming.

However I've never felt any "presence", nor experienced anything which could lead me to believe that there's anything other than the physical world which we can see and touch.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Cockle
Well, GB, I, for one, will believe you.

Have had too many experiences now to not give credence to their being something in it.

One particular theatre that I have worked in has a bit of a tradition amongst the regular crew of not mentioning a certain aspect of a 'visitation' to any newbies until that person mentions they've experienced it, it is quite distinctive and not something you would easily guess correctly.
In a certain part of that theatre on a certain evening of the week the 'visitee' will experience a smell of tobacco smoke, I would describe it as Golden Virginia roll-up cigarettes, this is followed about 10-15 minutes later by a mild form of poltergeist activity; a pile of magazines pushed off a table or a hard hat falling from a shelf or somesuch. I experienced it mid show one night, I smelt the smoke and, shortly after, my clip board with my cue plot on it fell to the floor; I was alone at the time. What is weird is that several other members of the regular crew could recount to me exactly what I'd experienced as soon as I mentioned that I'd experienced something strange....
The other strange thing about it is that I've had no sense of smell for over 15 years........

Have had a few other strange things happen but they could be explained by being tired or disorientated at the time but being able to smell something that everyone else had smelt when I have no smell; for that I have no explanation.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Meldrew
Drury Lane Theatre Royal Ghosts

Drury Lane has been called one of the world's most haunted theatres. The appearance of almost any one of the handful of ghosts that are said to frequent the theatre signals good luck for an actor or production. The most famous ghost is the "Man in Grey", who appears dressed as a nobleman of the late 18th century: powdered hair beneath a tricorne hat, a dress jacket and cloak or cape, riding boots and a sword. Legend says that the Man in Grey is the ghost of a knife-stabbed man whose skeletal remains were found within a walled-up side passage in 1848.
The ghosts of actor Charles Macklin and clown Joe Grimaldi are supposed to haunt the theatre. Macklin appears backstage, wandering the corridor which now stands in the spot where, in 1735, he killed his fellow actor Thomas Hallam in an argument over a wig. ("Goddamn you for a blackguard, scrub, rascal!" he shouted, thrusting a cane into Hallam's face and piercing his left eye. Joe Grimaldi is a helpful apparition, purportedly guiding nervous actors skillfully about the stage on more than one occasion. Stanley Lupino claimed to have seen the ghost of Dan Leno in a dressing room.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Armel Coussine
In a long and sometimes alarming life I have never seen a ghost or witnessed a supernatural phenomenon.

I did once fancy I saw someone at his funeral, but typically for a ghost he had assumed the form of a bird and wasn't strictly speaking recognizable, except from a nuance of demeanour. To show how much credence should be placed in these experiences, allow me to quote a snippet of conversation I once overheard in a long, static, sweaty check-in queue at Algiers airport.

First Frenchman: "I have the impression that there's a bit of movement up at the front."

Second Frenchman (dismissively): "It's just an impression."
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Dog
This old gaff (like many old properties) has a ghost, one of my friends has seen it on more-than one occasion,

I used to know 2 people (my accountant & wife) they were both powerful mediums,

One either believes or one doesn't believe, doesn't matter - life goes on (or not)
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Runfer D'Hills
Well, I'm definitely not a medium, more of a latge slim-fitting these days. But I have seen a ghost. Absolutely certain of it.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Dog
Maybe you are a ghost Humph?
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - devonite
well we can see right through him anyway!!! ;-)
Last edited by: devonite on Tue 3 Jan 12 at 19:59
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Runfer D'Hills
>>Maybe you are a ghost...

Not yet, I don't think so anyway. But I've already decided who I'm going to haunt if I get the opportunity.

 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Armel Coussine
There's rather a good American redneck folk ballad in the form of a conversation between an old man and his wife, couplet and couplet about. He ends by threatening to haunt her when he's dead, but she says he won't be able to. Why, he asks. The punch line, delivered in a sinister snarl, is the wife's reply:

" 'Cause a haint can't haint a haint, my good old man," etc.

Designed to give one a bit of a frisson, not bad of its kind. Goodness it must have been hard work before TV and literature.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - swiss tony
I am lucky(?) enough to have seen a few ghosts ...
I could tell many a tale about them.

As has been said, you either believe or you don't - but I have know disbelievers to change!

I used to have a next door neighbour who was firmly in the 'total rubbish' camp.
Until... she got a job, as a housekeeper in a medieval manor house.
My ex got a call from her one day, pleading that my ex came over to the house - 'NOW, Ill pay the taxi!'
Seems she was in the house alone, but she could smell a burning candle, the pet cat was going mad, doors were banging......

For some reason, after that day she became a believer!

One day, My ex and I went to pick her up from the house, we had friends round so we all went over - about eight of us in total.
We parked up, and were looking around, chatting, as you do, when we all saw someone walk past a 2nd floor window.
When our next door neighbour came out, I suggested we had seen her at the window.
She went white.... then explained that there was only 2 people in the house, and they had been in another wing.
AND.... the window that we were looking at, was in a hall, and there was no walkway by the window.. so no one could possibly have walked past it.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - R.P.
My parents' once lived in an older house, there was a regular appearance of the shape of a head on a pillow in a particular room, that room used to be icy cold at those times, despite the CH they had installed. At those times, their streetwise and unflappable pet Poodle used to go ballistic....
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - -
Thanks ST, i wondered if you had some sort of experience when you suggested i tell.

Don't know about it being lucky though, not something i'd go looking for.

Humph mentioned he had seen something, would you like to expand H?
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - R.P.
Probably more sole than soul !
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Runfer D'Hills
Ok, if you're interested but it's pretty weird.

I was a total and utter sceptic re ghosts and ghoulies. I went to school in a 17th century building and never felt anything despite loads of stories to the contrary. I lost my dad when I was 21. Very sad but life went on and the hurt healed.

Years later, when in my early 30s and hundreds of miles from any place we had been together, I was driving alone late at night in the middle of summer. A balmy cloying night when the temperature barely dropped. I was enjoying the run, I had a Mk2 Golf Gti at the time and I was on deserted country roads in the dead of night. One of the then unusual features of that car was an outside temperature guage and it was showing 18C despite the late hour. No such luxury as air con though so the window was open.

Anyway, very suddenly, the temperature fell dramatically, not just in my mind but also according to the readout on the dash in the Golf. Within seconds the display showed and indeed inside the car it felt like -2C.

I suddenly became aware of as opposed to seeing, a presence in the passenger seat. An impossibility as I hadn't stopped to give anyone a lift. As I turned to get a better look, there was my dad, sitting there and looking back at me kindly. He didn't say anything and within moments had disappeared. I didn't feel frightened, on the contrary more privileged really. It was as if he'd come to check I was OK. As it happens I was going through a divorce at the time and was a bit jangled. I like to think he just wanted to give me a bit of support.

Just as quickly, the temperature rose back to the high teens and I carried on my journey. It was not a dream, I hadn't been drinking, I was wide awake and I remember every detail.

No, I wouldn't have believed it either. But it happened.
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Tue 3 Jan 12 at 21:40
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - R.P.
I had similar experiences hearing my late wife's voice one night in bed - clear as bell, very soothing at the time, not at all frightening. Probably a trick of the mind but maybe not.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Cliff Pope

>> No, I wouldn't have believed it either. But it happened.

With respect, you thought it happened. The mind can be easily tricked into seeing things that haven't happened, either because you want them to happen, or you are already in a slightly charged emotional state.

I have been trying to get the work boiler to function properly after the hols. The motorised control valve on one of the circuits stubbornly stays stuck, despite all the thermostats trying to tell it to open. The other valves all dither around while I watch, in response to heating demands. I have been watching this one so much that sometimes I can convince myself it has moved.

That's a trivial example, mentioned only because it involves a dial. But often I can imagine I have caught a glimpse of something moving, out of the corner of my eye, but in fact there was nothing there.
But put that together with a legend of a ghost, or of happening to have been thinking morbid thoughts, and it can assume a more sinister aspect.

It's all in the mind, as they say.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Badwolf
I was always a little cycnical about 'strange happenings' until my Dad bought a newsagents shop in Southport.

Odd things happened, such as boxes that were firmly on a shelf falling off without warning, pencils rolling along a perfectly flat surface (we knew it was flat as we'd checked it with one of those metal things that has bubbles in it*), and doors closing or opening by themselves. Occasionally the shop door bell would 'ding' as if a customer was coming in, but the door was shut and had not been opened.

Once, I took a load of washing to the local launderette for a service wash. When I picked it up, I noticed that my favourite Theakston's t-shirt wasn't in the bag. I went back to the launderette and asked if they'd seen it. They denied that they'd ever seen it, so I got quite cross and asked them to replace it as I would have sworn on my mother's grave that it was in the bag. After a fair bit of bad-tempered wrangling they agreed to replace the t-shirt on condition I take my custom elsewhere. As soon as I got back to my room, there was the Theakston's t-shirt on the bed, neatly folded.

By far and away the scariest thing that happened occurred one night when I had gone to bed. My Dad had gone to bed around an hour earlier and was snoring away - I could hear him from down the corridor. My brother also lived with us, but he had gone out carousing and had not yet returned. Anyway, I was reading an improving tome when all of a sudden there was a very loud bang on my bedroom door, as if somebody had slapped it with all their might. Once I had cleaned up the resulting mess, I plucked up the courage to check things out. My Dad was absolutely fast asleep and had clearly not been out of bed. Besides, even though he likes a giggle as much as the next man, he's not the sort to indulge in daft pranks like that. My brother was still not home so it could not have been him. To this day. I do not have an explanation as to what happened.

*You didn't think I was going to say 'spirit level' in a thread like this did you? :-)
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - -
Anyway, I
>> was reading an improving tome when all of a sudden there was a very loud
>> bang on my bedroom door, as if somebody had slapped it with all their might.

You must have a strong heart BW, mine would have exited me body and done three circuits of the room.

Thats the bit i don't want to find, and one of the reasons i cannot understand for the life of me people who ponce about with the occult or tempt all that is best avoided by purchasing those three numbers between 5 and 7 as car number plates...barking.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Badwolf
>> You must have a strong heart BW, mine would have exited me body...

Something did exit my body, but it wasn't my heart...
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - -
Dave, it is a bit bleak there, i don't think i've ever stopped in the hours of darkness again.

Cockle and Meldrew, if an investment in concentrated and charged emotions is maybe a catalyst for such phenomina then surely a theatre is the perfect conductor.

I bet there's lots of peculiar things happened to many here, don't be shy....he pleaded..;)
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - swiss tony
>> I bet there's lots of peculiar things happened to many here, don't be shy....he pleaded..;)

Another one....

Some years ago now, I was around my parents house, in which our family had lived since I was 5.
We were having a family meal, when I saw something out of the corner of my eye.
I must have turned my head because my eldest brother made some comment.

I said, 'could have sworn I just saw a cat!' (no cat would have dared go in the house, as my dad hates them!)
Dad started to laugh..
but my brother who can never resist a pee take,just looked at me. and said 'A what!?'
I said, ' a cat - tabby I'd say'
He looked at me, and shook his head.

'When I lived here' he said
'I used to wake up, to find a warm area on the covers, just like a cat had curled up there...'
....'and, I thought I saw a tabby a few times......'
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Dog
One thing I will say ... I've been 'under the influence of LSD, Cannabis and cough linctus (Morphine) at various times, and I've had Illucinations (and some!) of people - that were not there.

Maybe in Humphs and Pugleys case, stress came into the equation, but then again my German gf Margo had 'certain powers' and one Xmas when I was driving alone to her house in N. Cornwall from Hastings in conditions like we've had the previous couple of winters, she told me that she had been with me all throughout the journey, knowing her, and from many other strange events during our time together, I've never doubted that one bit.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Manatee
I think I hear things all the time, for which there is no obvious explanation. Like most people, I experience the "someone walked over my grave" feeling occasionally. I'm just not minded to put any of this down to the 'supernatural'.

I might be inclined to think differently if I experienced something very physical in the presence of other witnesses. Otherwise, it could be just some random chemical goings on in the brain independent of any external stimulus. We all know that absolute belief in a non-existent experience can be induced by simple hypnotism or even a bout of fever, so why shouldn't spurious experiences arise by other means or accident?

I say might, because there seems to be aspect of wish fulfilment and/or mass delusion in some of these visions, conscious or otherwise. The Knock vision is a well known one

with apparently numerous witnesses who all saw the same thing. But do you have to be an observant Catholic to see this sort of thing? It does seem to be an advantage to believe in something before you start.

There's no doubt that some things are difficult to explain. But that doesn't, for me, for me point straight to ghosts and ghouls, or extraterrestrials.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - swiss tony
>> I think I hear things all the time, for which there is no obvious explanation.
>> Like most people, I experience the "someone walked over my grave" feeling occasionally. I'm just not minded to put any of this down to the 'supernatural'.
>> I might be inclined to think differently if I experienced something very physical in the
>> presence of other witnesses.
>> with apparently numerous witnesses who all saw the same thing. But do you have to
>> be an observant Catholic to see this sort of thing? It does seem to be
>> an advantage to believe in something before you start.

Well... I'm not Catholic.
And as I said, at one 'sighting' there were around 8 of us...

I'm a firm believer of each to their own opinions - I know what I have experienced - and if someone doesn't believe me that's fine.
This is the kind of thing, that until you have experienced it for yourself, is pretty damn unbelievable!
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Manatee
Believe me I wasn't mocking, Swiss.

Nor singling out Catholics, save in relation to the Knock-type experience - there have been quite a lot of those, ratified if that is the word by the church and the sites declared shrines. I just used it as an illustration of what might be predisposition to a particular type of experience.

The daughter of some good friends won't go into a particular room in their house - she says it is on a ley line and she can sense something uncomfortable there; but she is inclined to believe in that sort of thing and look for supernatural explanations for all sorts of things.

You know what you have experienced. I don't doubt it, but is that the same as it's having happened? If it did happen, is your memory or interpretation of it correct? Increasingly I find my own memories becoming false (well, either mine or my wife's - she has a habit of correcting my stories, and we are both convinced that our own version is the correct one).

I think somebody has already said that unexplained experiences are just that. Strictly, how can anyone say what happened if they can't explain it? You saw a woman - true. There was no woman there - also true. File under unexplained. I'm sure you see what I mean.

Had I seen the Virgin Mary at Knock, or your lady at the window, I might feel differently - or not. But I have plenty of experience of my mind playing tricks.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Runfer D'Hills
I can't begin to rationalise what happened to me and indeed that could have been some trick of the mind, but far less can I explain what happened to my car. An inanimate object reacting to an inexplicable and more or less impossible outside force. I still don't get that bit but probably don't want to dwell on it too much.
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Tue 3 Jan 12 at 22:41
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Dog
I fear crossing the road more-than I do ghosts & ghoulies, we lived next to this Church which locals said they get the heebie jeebies from even in the daytime, let alone at night,

I used to go there at 12 midnight on Halloween on my own just stir the critters up, I used to feel quite frightened in a way, but I'm still here, I think.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Cliff Pope
>> but far less can I explain what happened to my
>> car.

It didn't happen to the car. You thought it did - not the same thing.
Did it print out on a recording paper? Can you interrogate a computer record? Was it a maximum and minimum thermometer with the minimum still showing -2 ?
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Dog
If Humph sez his thermo read -2c when it was +18c on the out that night, then I believe him 100%.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Runfer D'Hills
Knew it was a mistake to "go public" with this. Perhaps we could move on? I'm really not inclined to argue. I don't understand what happened. Nothing lke it before or since. End of my input here.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Meldrew
HDB - don't be put off - this is a very interesting topic. I think we are broadly divided into 3 groups.

1. Those who have never experienced anything of this sort at all, don't think it is possible, and perhaps scoff at those who have.

2. Those who have never experienced anything of this sort at all, but admit that such things can happen and have an open mind on the subject (Me)

3. Those who have experienced such things and, obviously, believe that they are possible, based on their own experience.

Whatever group one is in one should accommodate the views of the other two.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Cliff Pope
4) Those who have experienced these things, accept 100% the evidence of others who have also experienced them, but believe that "experience" and "evidence" are constructs of the human mind, and are not necessarily related to "real" experiences, however vividly felt or honestly related.

Humans can believe anything they like. Why believe in the existence of paranormal forces when an easier and simpler explanation is merely that the human mind is fallible?
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Manatee
>> HDB - don't be put off - this is a very interesting topic. I think
>> we are broadly divided into 3 groups.
>> 1. Those who have never experienced anything of this sort at all, don't think it
>> is possible, and perhaps scoff at those who have.
>> 2. Those who have never experienced anything of this sort at all, but admit that
>> such things can happen and have an open mind on the subject (Me)
>> 3. Those who have experienced such things and, obviously, believe that they are possible, based
>> on their own experience.

You missed at least one group

4. Those who have experienced unexplained things themselves, and do not question the truthfulness of the accounts here, but are happier to file them under 'unexplained' than to make the leap to a belief in ghosts (or extraterrestrials for that matter), which is actually quite a complex hypothesis requiring a lot of arbitrary assumptions I think - Occam's razor and all that. That's me of course.

That doesn't mean the experiences aren't real, or the witnesses are all untruthful (though I would put the probability that all professional mediums, for example, are faking very high).
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - swiss tony
>> Knew it was a mistake to "go public" with this. Perhaps we could move on?
>> I'm really not inclined to argue. I don't understand what happened. Nothing lke it before
>> or since. End of my input here.
Humph, you know what you experienced.
It is not for anyone else to call you a liar.
Just as I know what I have seen, and have been with others who have seen EXACTLY the same as myself.

I'm afraid in discussions such as this, there is always one person that refuses to even contemplate the possibility.
 Drury Lane Theatre ghosts - Manatee
>> >> Knew it was a mistake to "go public" with this.

>> Humph, you know what you experienced.
>> It is not for anyone else to call you a liar.
>> Just as I know what I have seen, and have been with others who have
>> seen EXACTLY the same as myself.

For the avoidance of doubt, I don't think anybody is lying.

>> I'm afraid in discussions such as this, there is always one person that refuses to
>> even contemplate the possibility.

I'll contemplate anything, I hope. I'm fairly philosophical about this sort of thing. I have no doubt that a lot of stories and 'evidence' are made up by attention seekers or con merchants. Equally I am aware that proper, truthful people have experiences that are difficult to account for, which some of them sincerely attribute to spirits/ghosts or (sorry to keep dragging them in) space people - and they are perfectly entitled to do so.

I contemplate these explanations, but they give me pause. They seem to me arbitrary and unlikely, and to depend too much on a willingness to believe them. Christians in quite large numbers see the Virgin Mary; as far as I know she appears much less frequently to atheists and those of other faiths. Despite endless searches for evidence, there is none that is generally accepted. There are, simply, less improbable explanations.

I have felt something like the presence of my late mother and father on different occasions. I miss them badly, and I want them still to be here in some sense, but I don't believe they are except in my mind and memories which are more likely - in my opinion - to be the source. But the experiences themselves were real enough, and I don't think spiritual beliefs and experiences have to be physically or literally true to be real and valuable.

Thanks to those who have related their experiences in detail.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - John H
Psychosis is a loss of contact with reality, typically including delusions (false ideas about what is taking place or who one is), hallucinations (seeing or hearing things which aren't there), and disorganized thinking.

Hallucinations are defined as the "perception of a nonexistent object or event" and "sensory experiences that are not caused by stimulation of the relevant sensory organs."

In layman's terms, hallucinations involve hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling and even tasting things that are not real. Auditory hallucinations (hearing voices or other sounds that have no physical source) are the most common type.

Hallucinations are most often associated with the mental illness schizophrenia. Hallucinations may also occur for those with bipolar disorder when either depression or mania has psychotic features. Hallucinations are one possible characteristic specifically of Bipolar I Disorder; other less severe types of manic depression (Bipolar II and Cyclothymia, for example) by definition exclude the presence of hallucinations.

 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Cliff Pope
I wasn't intending to go remotely so far as to suggest any kind of medical condition, psychosis etc might be at play.

There is increasing evidence that what ordinary honest people think they have seen is not the same as what has really happened. 10 people can all honestly relate the circumstances of an incident they have witnessed, and an amazing disparity of evidence emerges.

 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Dog
When I was about say 7 - 9 years old, I used to become delirious for some reason or other, (probably Flu)

I can distinctly remember laying in bed and watching a train - not unlike our train spotters steam jobs, running around the top of the bedroom wall where it meets the ceiling,

I also recall (quite clearly) that the train was sort-of sloping backwards kinda like a cartoon characterisation thingy, this was before I was on the pot n' acid BTW :)

The train most definitely was there.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Zero
Well I have to say I tend to believe GB as I can back him up on this, for on that same stretch of road where the M45 becomes the A45, late at night I have been able to detect strange aromas, reminds me rather of Gents Urinal. Supernatural can be the only cause.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - devonite
>>strange aromas, reminds me rather of Gents Urinal<<

Oooh! Ectoplasm!!

and judging by the wagon G.B was driving, i think he suffered no-more than a M.A.N ifestation!
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - DP
I have an open mind on this stuff, and always have done. We don't know what happens when we die. Nobody does, and nobody can claim to.

Just one 'ghostly' event happened in my life that I can't explain to this day. I was about 7 and we were visiting my nan. She was alone in the house at the time. There was an almighty crash from one of the upstairs bedrooms. When we opened the door, I remember two things distinctly. The first was that the room was a good 10 degrees colder than the rest of the house. The second was the wreckage of the old school (and therefore very heavy) 1970's colour television set which was lying in pieces against the far wall. It had been situated on a table, a good 8 feet from where the nearest bit of wreckage was found.

All the windows were closed and securely latched, and there was nobody else in the house. I would have struggled to throw that TV 8ft as a grown adult. There was no way my nan even at her age then could have even lifted it. The TV was unplugged and in storage rather than in use, so nothing could have 'blown up' and launched it, even if such things were possible.

I would have doubted my memory to this day, but for the fact that my parents and my sister both recall it exactly the same way. Not something we've dwelled on particularly, but definitely not something any of us can explain rationally.

 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Dog
Even Mediums and Channelers don't understand the modus operandi of what they do, some call it a gift, others see it as a curse,

If you can imagine the person you trust more than anyone else - that's the Mediums I came to know,

A couple of old codgers (Ron and Doreen) living in Bexhill on Sea in Sussex, he was an Accountant (saved me lots) and she did the knitting, he was at Arnham in 44 and they just had 'The Gift'

He could actually see into my past (I kid you not) I only knew them for about 5 years and never talked about my childhood,

Anyway, it's January now, so I won't be getting my bikini on just yet, I've got these books, some over 100 years old with titles such as "Survival of Bodily Death" and I'ma gonna get stuck into em during the next few months so ... watch out for me!
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - swiss tony
>> I wasn't intending to go remotely so far as to suggest any kind of medical
>> condition, psychosis etc might be at play.
>> There is increasing evidence that what ordinary honest people think they have seen is not
>> the same as what has really happened. 10 people can all honestly relate the circumstances
>> of an incident they have witnessed, and an amazing disparity of evidence emerges.

And how about when a group of people AGREE on what they saw, even though upon later investigation what they saw was impossible?

And when something happens but isn't mentioned to anyone, until it is experienced by someone else, who does speak of it?
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - R.P.
I had an incident many years ago, fully witnessed by a colleague. No stress involved - until afterwards.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Runfer D'Hills
What? Lost a "no win no fee" case or something?

 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - R.P.
No :-) - I was driving, he was in the passenger - and making progress along a country road, lovely summer's evening, sunny and not a breath of wind, we rounded a bend and were confronted by what I (and him) could only describe as a transparent shimmering box totally filling the A road we were on, it was hovering above the roadway and was a browny/tawny colour the car went straight into it, my passenger was screaming his head off, I had slammed on and the car came to a halt, we both got out and looked back and there was nothing there, I even checked the front of the car for some evidence - nothing weird.....we were both sober, we both saw the same thing and described it similarly to other people.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Dog
Probably a Mirage ~
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - -
Oh blimey, you toddle off to bed, get up the following day and do a days graft, come back home and after dinner turn yer 'puter on and all hells broken loose....and i use the term hell advisedly.

I appreciate the frank and personal disclosures here, the cases highlighted as personal experiences are from people who we know pretty damn well in an online situation as reliable and worth listening to, and as some of our brethren have said, their word is good enough for me.

I'm envious of Humphs experience in particular though its humbling in its sadness, i still miss my Father more than i can sometimes bear after many years, i would love dearly just to rest my eyes upon his face once more if only for a moment, why didn't i tell him how much i loved and respected him for his kindness, honour, sense of duty and so much more.

I'm sorry if the subject has caused any upset, that was most definately not my intention.

Its obvious from some of the replies that some believe such things as these phenomena howsoever they are caused must have some understandable scientific reason and couldn't really have been what the subject knows to be the truth.

Maybe a more open mind is called for, we in the modern world, especially lauded self important experts, (worse than ever now with media fame and doubtless some money to be made), like to think we know everything, we don't by a long chalk...oh lord i hate experts, especially the ones that go on TV...nearly as much as politicians.

I have my experience, which isn't very exciting, i saw nothing, nothing touched me physically, i didn't imagine or hallucinate the lights going out, the lights did go out and came back on of their own accord when i re-opened the door.
Did i imagine or subconciously manufacture the rest, who knows, i don't.

Thankyou for your thoughts and insights, i wonder if there will be any more.

PS...still wondering why Z would be wandering around layby's in the dead of night sniffing the air....suppose if a full moon was out and the whiskers started to grow.....

Last edited by: gordonbennet on Wed 4 Jan 12 at 20:02
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Dog
>>the lights did go out and came back on of their own accord when i re-opened the door.
Did i imagine or subconciously manufacture the rest, who knows, i don't<<

When I was with my German gf, such was the electricity between us, light bulbs would blow,

Not just the odd one here and there either!

This is an article about a quite famous clairvoyant/healer written in 1993 which makes interesting reading IMO,

I've got 3 of her books, and thanks to you gord I'm going to read them + the other 11 or so related books I've collected over the years, but never got around to reading.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - -
Do you know something D, i might just keep me mincers open for a Betty Shine book and skeptical mind though.

Thanks for that.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - devonite
Another good book to read is "Voices in my ear" by the late, great Doris Stokes, now there was a "happy medium"!
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Dog
>>Doris Stokes<<

Yeah, she's good (was!)

I'm reading "Death - An Interesting Journey" by Stanley Bedford at the mo ;)
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - -
Doris Stokes,

I've read a couple of hers umpteen years ago, enjoyable read, didn't leave me with any convictions one way or another though.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Dog
@ Humph

Several witnesses spoke of a phantom army which had been seen in November 1960 on a road near Otterburn, Northumberland, the site of a fourteenth-century battle. One of the witnesses, Mrs Dorothy Strong, was in a taxi. She said: 'Suddenly the engine died, the fare-meter went haywire and the taxi felt as if it was being forced against an invisible wall. The soldiers seemed to close in on us and then fade into thin air.' Several people said it had happened around that location before.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - CGNorwich
Use to go to camp at Otterburn with the Army Cadet Corp in the 1960's. Didn't see any phantom armies
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - R.P.
And there's always the Angels of Mons - some say faked by the press, some say mass hysteria, whatever the explanation the British Army (plucky as it was) did not deserve to be able to retreat in almost good order, but it did and lived to fight another day - we were nearly, very nearly done for.
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Dog
>>And there's always the Angels of Mons<<

Something else I've got to read up on then!

Wifey picked up "The Great Outsider" from the Library for me today - 700 pages :(
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - R.P.
Glad she could lift it - keep you out of mischief !
 Ghostly, strange or a simple explanation. - Dog
I wouldn't bank on it.

 Is there a demon behind your sofa? - VxFan
Hopefully this hasn't already been posted? - links to Daily Mail, but other papers have reported similar.

Personally though, I still prefer this one - (turn your speakers up)

 Is there a demon behind your sofa? - Badwolf
Would you be so kind as to let me have your address please Dave? I have a dry-cleaning bill that I'd like you to look at...
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