Non-motoring > Any NFL fans out there? Miscellaneous
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 Any NFL fans out there? - Zero
 Any NFL fans out there? - Fursty Ferret
Niiiiiiice. Used to play a bit for fun when out in Phoenix. More entertaining when played like rugby, but without the armour and helmets - though I say this only because we were too cheap to actually buy the armour and helmets. In fact, we were too cheap to buy a rulebook so it was some appalling b******isation of NFL, English rugby, and stuff we just made up.

Need to dig out my ol' Arizona Cardinals jersey from the wardrobe.

[Edit - please can a mod correct the filtered word "b*astardisation" above? It's an entirely legitimate and non-offensive word!]
Last edited by: Fursty Ferret on Tue 27 Dec 11 at 19:56
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