Non-motoring > True Christmas Spirit Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Pat Replies: 37

 True Christmas Spirit - Pat
I tried to post on another forum this morning and couldn't.

I used the report button and sent this

>>Morning All
The forum won't allow me to post replies. The reply box comes up but I can't type more than a couple of letters in it. I did try and post yesterday and again today but it's still the same.

Happy Christmas:)


I've just had this reply


To check this I just posted 7 lines in www.???? no problem, then edited them and no problem, so, sorry but the problem has to be your end.


What excellent customer service!

My reply....

>>Ok, no problem.....I just won't bother posting again, and could be the
answer as to why so few do bother now.


This has been a well documented problem for some time now but is still not seen as a problem at all.

Guess the forum:)


 True Christmas Spirit - R.P.
Is it us ?
 True Christmas Spirit - AnotherJohnH

I Honestly haven't have a clue.

Happy Christmas,

 True Christmas Spirit - R.P.
It's not us.
 True Christmas Spirit - Clk Sec
Ohhh yes it is!
 True Christmas Spirit - R.P.
He's behind you !
 True Christmas Spirit - Runfer D'Hills
Just been to buy the Christmas spirit/s. Thank Gawd for Nectar points...
 True Christmas Spirit - Clk Sec
I keep telling the wife to spend hers - she's got over £90!
 True Christmas Spirit - Pat
If it was you PU, I'd have been firing emails left right and centre, because I care about posting on here:)

 True Christmas Spirit - swiss tony
Would it involve a man with a funny hat, and a mail order bride?
 True Christmas Spirit - Pat
If I answered that he'd probably kill me;)

 True Christmas Spirit - Focusless
Why post on there anyway Pat? Aren't we good enough for you? :)
 True Christmas Spirit - Pat
I post rarely, but I never felt I had to make a choice or that by posting on there it had any reflection on the way I feel about my friends on here.

Perhaps it's just me, but I don't see any other website as the enemy and I prefer to keep a happy relationship with all of them.

I would have been annoyed at that response from anyone, just as I was when I emailed about a problem with their website.

I received a reply giving me detailed instructions on how to download Firefox which 'should' solve the problem.

I use IE9 and it's fine on all other sites, so if Tesco and the other one in question can't sort their problems out to maxinise their visitors, so be it.

Tesco did, promptly too.


 True Christmas Spirit - Focusless
>> I post rarely, but I never felt I had to make a choice or that
>> by posting on there it had any reflection on the way I feel about my
>> friends on here.

Easy Pat, just pulling your leg. I just find motoring related forums are like wives - one's plenty :)
 True Christmas Spirit - Pat
Point taken Focus:)

I've spent all afternoon standing in the kitchen with Ian peeling carrots, parsnips, potatoes and b***** sprouts!

The only bit of light relief was when Planet Rock played Whole Lotta Rosie followed by Ace of Spades.....Good job no-one could see us:)

 True Christmas Spirit - R.P.
and b***** sprouts!

Didn't realise Brussels was in the swear filter....! :-)
 True Christmas Spirit - Pat
It is today!


See, that's why I like it here:)

 True Christmas Spirit - Mr. Ecs
Its not you Pat.

I've had the same problem you experienced on a number of occasions. I would say it is an intermittant problem THEIR end not ours.
 True Christmas Spirit - VxFan
>> Guess the forum:)

No need to guess, I just put your link ( www.???? ) into google and it told me - currently the 2nd one down the pecking order if I'm correct.

???? = HJ
Last edited by: VxFan on Sat 24 Dec 11 at 18:10
 True Christmas Spirit - MD
>> ???? = HJ
H apless J oker.
 True Christmas Spirit - Avant
I wasn't the one who posted that reply to Pat, but it seems fair enough as my colleague took the trouble to try it out.

I did a litle more resarch and posted the following on that thread:

"I can see all the posts perfectly using Google Chrome, but found the same as above using Microsoft Internet Explorer.

I do recommend using Google Chrome - or anything other than Microsoft - to access the forum."

The problem is not so much your end, Pat, as Microsoft's. My wish from Santa is a wax effigy of Bill Gates that I can stick pins in whenever their infuriating products annoy me. Even on this forum, where the forum's own software is very good, I'm finding this reply slow as I type (via Internet Explorer) particularly if I make a correction.

It's also irritating that whenever there is a technical problem on the HJ forum, someone has to come on here and beef about it. Hardly the Christmas spirit! There are various reasons why we don't allow the names of similar forums (like this) to appear on HJ: one of them is to protect those forums from being slagged off. If anything like that were hinted at I would lock the thread. We want to, and can, co-exit peacefully, and several of us post on both. So juststop the 'knocking copy' please, and a Happy Christmas to all.
 True Christmas Spirit - Avant
I meant co-exist in the penultimate line of course- not a Freudian slip!
 True Christmas Spirit - Pat
While I can accept that the problem may well be Microsofts, it has to be accepted that there are still a lot of us who use it.

Not only that we use it succesfully on plenty of other forums.

So to my mind the problem certainly isn't my end, it's the fault of the person who failed to configure the website to use IE9.

Shifting the blame to me, who dared to complain albeit in a pleasant chatty note, isn't on.

I know you didn't deal with it Avant, that isn't your style:)

The post I wanted to make was just to wish you a Happy Christmas, so that's done now.

Last edited by: pda on Sun 25 Dec 11 at 04:11
 True Christmas Spirit - Slidingpillar
I maintain and develop two sites, and a basic rule is you always test things on the majority browsers.

So as a bare minimum, a page needs to be tested in Firefox, IE9, and Chrome. And for an important site, one should use a few other browsers too.

Part of the problem is there are a few commands that strictly speaking aren't HTML but Microsoft thinks it writes the spec, so IE9 responds to things the others don't.
 True Christmas Spirit - Avant
Agreed: and both HJ and, I'm sure, this forum have been tested with IE9 and others. IE9 is probably (unfortunately) the most widely used as it's the automatic choice of many of the browsers.

There haven't been problems with IE9 till recently: I suspect it may have something to do with which adverts are current. For reasons I'm not technical enough to understand, adverts (and I'm not complaining about what is a necessity!) can interfere with both writing and reading text.

What I'm typing now I started with IE9, and it was slow, the cursor kept disappearing and I couldn't backspace. Now on Chrome it's working fine.

Has anyone else had trouble on this forum with IE9?
 True Christmas Spirit - Pat
I use IE 9 and don't have any problem at all on here, but it is only since I started using IE9 I've had problems on HJ.

 True Christmas Spirit - teabelly
IE only has a 20% browser share now and IE9 is used less than IE8. If one minority browser doesn't work it isn't worth the development time if the changes are substantial. MS just ignores standards so if it works in FF and Chrome but not in IE then it's best to start using something else. If the site is following w3c standards it should work ok in any browser that is standards compliant. The less standards ignoring browsers are catered for the more MS developers will have to pull their socks up and follow them instead of using their market power to change them.
 True Christmas Spirit - Avant
....but it is only since I started using IE9 I've had problems on HJ.

Me too Pat - I'll ask someone at HJ to check it out after the Christmas break. Teabelly - I couldn't agree more. I'm encouraged to learn that IE has only 20 % of the market: I'd thought it was much more than that.
 True Christmas Spirit - VxFan
I honestly have no idea why HJ was able to pass comment about your problem Pat. To say that he is a technophobe where computers are concerned is an understatement.

I wonder if he was using his Mac when he did those test posts?
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 26 Dec 11 at 00:56
 True Christmas Spirit - rtj70
>> I'm encouraged to learn that IE has only 20 % of the market: I'd thought it was much more than that.

It is more. More like 39%. Which is good. I remember the days when Netscape was the top browser :-)

Pat, I'm sorry to hear how Avant's 'colleagues' have treated you. To suggest you or I need to use a browser other than one that's the most popular says a lot about the website.

Question: is a fellow moderator a colleague when (a) you get paid nothing and (b) you couldn't recognise them from anyone or even (c) you might not know their name or real contact details?
 True Christmas Spirit - Pat
Let's get this straight, my OP was a pop at the Christmas spirit and lack of customer service. My comments would have been the same (and were the same when it happened with whatever website had replied putting the blame at MY end, when of course it isn't.

To try and turn this into a witch hunt to revive old grievances by some, is not in the Christmas spirit either

Your questions are not relevant to the OP rtj, and I shall ignore them and hope others do the same.


 True Christmas Spirit - VxFan
>> To try and turn this into a witch hunt to revive old grievances

Well that wasn't what I was doing. I was speaking from experience of knowing how computer illiterate HJ can be, and thus was surprised that he was able to pass comment on the problem when he normally leaves that sort of thing for others to do. Unless of course someone else replied on his behalf?
 True Christmas Spirit - Pat
I never actually said who replied.

 True Christmas Spirit - Avant
"To try and turn this into a witch hunt to revive old grievances

Well that wasn't what I was doing."

No - indeed it wasn't you that was doing that: nor was it Pat, whose point we do need to address as it's affecting others trying to post using IE9.

All HJ did was test post (using, presumably, some other browser than IE9) and found no problem. What he got wrong was assuming that the problem was with the 'customer' (Pat in this case).

I'm neither technophile nor technophobe - I'm somewhere in the middle, as in politics! From my limited understanding it seems that some of the time IE9 works fine and some of the time it doesn't: I suspect the problem is with interaction with adverts. This morning you have different adverts here on C4P, and as I type now I'm having no problem with IE9. Yesterday, as Stu has also found, the cursor disappeared and it was very hard to make corrections (OK, I should have typed it right in the first place!).
 True Christmas Spirit - AnotherJohnH
>> Question: is a fellow moderator a colleague when (a) you get paid nothing and (b)
>> you couldn't recognise them from anyone or even (c) you might not know their name
>> or real contact details?

Any advance on "cohort"?
 True Christmas Spirit - car4play
This week on C4P

FF 8.0: 19%
IE 8 : 14%
Chrome 16: 13%
IE 9 : 13%
Safari 5 : 12%
IE 7 : 10%

Hope you are all enjoying your Christmas: it's good to see the good spirit we have enjoyed on this site has carried through to this festive season. :-)
 True Christmas Spirit - FocalPoint
Oi! What about Opera? I use Bill Gates's stuff only when It can't easily be avoided. I have used Opera for years and like it a lot.

I'm going to avoid making any comment on the other stuff that's cropped up on this thread, though I'd like to. In the spirit of seaonal peace and good will it will remain unsaid.
 True Christmas Spirit - Stuu
>>Has anyone else had trouble on this forum with IE9?<<

Actually Avant, now you mention it, yes ive had those symptoms you describe while posting on here, aside from it being slow, but while the cursor doesnt appear, the text appears where I think it will so with some faith I ignored it and it didnt stop me posting.

Hasnt happened since ive had some updates though so maybe there was a fix within them.
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