Non-motoring > Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery Miscellaneous
Thread Author: smokie Replies: 33

 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - smokie
It'll no doubt bring out the Royal bashers again, but I like the old boy, and I like his sense of fun (as I'm sure that's what it is, rather than crassness).

Whatever, wishing him well.
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - R.P. many old people this year - at least he'll have a warm home to go back to with more support than he needs at hand. At least Her Majesty gets a bit of winter fuel allowance (around £83 million) from the off shore windfarms standing on "her" seabeds.
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Clk Sec
Now there's a man with a good sense of humour. I wish him a speedy recovery.
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Stuu
Rotten way to spend your xmas, but good luck to the old codger.

I presume what with him being Greek, the ECB will be paying his hospital fees :-p
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Roger.
I hope he has a pre-paid funeral plan!
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - DP
I'm not particularly a fan of the royals, but I like Prince Philip and wish him well. Genuinely funny chap with a wicked sense of humour.
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Zero
>> I hope he has a pre-paid funeral plan!

Yes he has mate, your pension is going to be cut to pay for it.
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Manatee
>> Whatever, wishing him well.

+1, and a Merry Christmas to Brenda too (tugs forelock and twists cap).

I really don't get the royal bashing. We know full well that if the "seabeds", for instance, had been in public ownership, they would already have been flogged off to EDF.

It used to be said that the monarchy was important not for the power it wields, but the power it denies to any other undesirables (see what the French have to put up with now). Updated, the royal houses, lands and estates are important because they would otherwise be owned by obscenely rich Russians.

They might be freeloaders, but they are our freeloaders! I wouldn't want the job anyway.
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Cliff Pope

>> They might be freeloaders, but they are our freeloaders! I wouldn't want the job anyway.

Hear hear!
And just consider all the ghastly possibilities we might be saddled with if the job were "democratically" elected.

Tony and Blair Witch?
Neil and Glenda or whatever her name is?
Baroness EU nonentity?
Harriet Tokenperson?
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Armel Coussine
I've posted this before, but it is appropriate here. A very well-known French intellectual with quite a serious leftist history answered some modestly disparaging remark I had made about us British by saying emphatically:

'C'est une grande nation, démocratique et monarchiste.'

I found it strangely cheering and encouraging. It does actually describe what I hope is my own basic stance. So I certainly wish the old boy well. He's a familiar, entertaining part of the state apparatus.

I think it discourteous of Zero and others to carp about the poor Prince of Wales. The monarch's function is to be there, not to do or say anything.
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Zero

>> I think it discourteous of Zero and others to carp about the poor Prince of
>> Wales. The monarch's function is to be there, not to do or say anything.

Exactly, alas flap ears thinks otherwise.
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Armel Coussine
He isn't half-witted Zeddo. He knows he will have to pipe down when and if the day comes.
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Zero
>> He isn't half-witted Zeddo.

Alas AC, I genuinely believe he is.

>>He knows he will have to pipe down when and if
>> the day comes.

Again, I don't think he does. Certainly no sign of it to date.
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - sooty123
'Again, I don't think he does. Certainly no sign of it to date. '

Well if he doesn't know, when he becomes King he soon will.
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - R.P.
Trouble is AC he has been saying things, in writing to the Government - blocking this and that. He's a meddler. Talking to some of the locals in Caernarfon the other night whilst having a few beers, he made some comments on a visit about 20 years ago about some dilapidated building that were due to be demolished, by the following morning their removal had been blocked by his office (it has the burden of being a Royal Borough) overriding local planning protocols. There they are to this day - quietly falling to bits, but there we are, can't have progress can we.,-4.274506&spn=0.000103,0.054846&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&hnear=Caernarfon,+Gwynedd,+United+Kingdom&gl=uk&t=h&vpsrc=0&layer=c&cbll=53.138829,-4.274506&panoid=qzjoQw4INVaJEd2yvC5x7w&cbp=13,237.1,,0,3.05&z=14

Didn't mean it to do that but WTH !

sorry RP, had to edit your post as every time I opened this thread it defaulted to your post and not the new one(s)
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 26 Dec 11 at 00:48
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - devonite
Thought we were skipping him and going straight to Willy?
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Pat
And he cheated on Diana...unforgivable.

 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - devonite
>>And he cheated on Diana.

Er! are you forgetting about Harry Hewitt?
Last edited by: devonite on Sat 24 Dec 11 at 14:24
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Pat
Not at all, but he did it from before they were married and expected to continue it all along.

If you use someone, you can't complain when they eventually do the same thing to you.

 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Roger.
>> >>And he cheated on Diana.
>> Er! are you forgetting about Harry Hewitt?
Don't you mean Captain Wales of the AAC?

 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Armel Coussine
It's a little like a replay of Edward VII, who continued to be a wastrel living a somewhat scandalous life until Queen Victoria finally left the throne. After that he was forgiven and tried to go straight. That's what happens.

And it seems to me the less said about the late Diana Princess of Wales the better. She was a can of worms if you like, although good-looking.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Sat 24 Dec 11 at 14:28
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Roger.
>> And it seems to me the less said about the late Diana Princess of Wales
>>the better. She was a can of worms if you like, although good-looking.
She was made into aforesaid can by the pressures of her position.
Last edited by: Roger on Sat 24 Dec 11 at 19:58
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Dave_
>> And he cheated on Diana...unforgivable.

Didn't he make the point afterwards that every Prince of Wales for the last 300 years had taken a mistress? I'm not saying that excuses his behaviour, but we take the Royal family with all of their history even if we don't like some parts of it.

I'm pretty sure Charles will maintain his mother's dignified silence when the time comes. Or at least, he'll be "advised" to do so.

Back on topic, here's hoping Philip isn't suffering.
Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Sat 24 Dec 11 at 15:00
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Zero

>> 20 years ago about some dilapidated building that were due to be demolished, by the
>> following morning their removal had been blocked by his office (it has the burden of
>> being a Royal Borough) overriding local planning protocols. There they are to this day -
>> quietly falling to bits, but there we are, can't have progress can we.

I think its called a Castle?
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Armel Coussine
In response to Rob's photo:

'... a cluster of unpretentious tertiary housing in the charming demotic architectural idiom specific to the area. Will one day be shaded by mature timber some of which is already well-grown.

'A nineteenth century jewel with some mid-twentieth century features. Crying out for a Grade I listing and immediate preservation order.'
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Sat 24 Dec 11 at 18:14
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Armel Coussine


'... a cluster of unpretentious tertiary housing in the charming demotic architectural idiom specific to the area. Will one day be shaded by mature timber some of which is already well-grown.

'A nineteenth century jewel with some mid-twentieth century features. Crying out for a Grade I listing and immediate preservation order.'

Dear Dai,

I was hoping you could deal with the above for me. As you can see, the Heir seems to have a bee in his bonnet about some sheds at the crap end of nowhere (see photo). I suspect he may have wished to protect the Castle, but he is a busy man and his office staff - how can I put this? - are not the best with Google Maps Street View. But better safe than sorry eh?

As the Chief Executive of the council is permanently indisposed, poor fellow, and knowing the Spanish Practices that prevail in your neck of the woods, I thought it best to approach you directly.


(Illegible scrawl)

From: The Mayor of Caernarfon

To: The Heritage Minister

Dear Septimus,

don't worry boyo. My Da used to work man and boy down the back there, except during the depression and when he was off sick like. We'll guard it with our lives, never fear!

Nice of you to ask after the Chief Executive. Don't worry, bach, we've got the little ferret in shackles and under lock and key.





Dear Chingiz,

I think it is safe for you and your distinguished associates to go ahead with the insecticide and pesticide plant. It would be prudent however to delay full production of the 'military by-products' until the trivial local opposition that always surges up in these cases has subsided.

A propos, the mayor of Caernarvon will pose a problem if he is allowed to. I feel his discreet elimination would be no bad thing. I don't suppose your security subsidiary could do anything? The police are so difficult these days. If necessary though we can probably arrange something through a Sunday newspaper.

It should be firmly understood that apart from the 700 acres of low-grade industrial and residential land required, no more than the southern third, by area, of the Castle itself can be demolished. Any more and the residents may notice.

Looking forward to our dinner in Battambang on the 3rd,

Very cordially yours,

(Illegible scrawl)
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Robin O'Reliant

>> Hear hear!
>> And just consider all the ghastly possibilities we might be saddled with if the job
>> were "democratically" elected.
>> Tony and Blair Witch?
>> Neil and Glenda or whatever her name is?
>> Baroness EU nonentity?
>> Harriet Tokenperson?
Well said,

Any family that saves us from a politically correct power mad elected non-entity who sticks his or her oar into our lives at every turn is cheap at twice the price.
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - R.P.
Any family that saves us from a politically correct power mad elected non-entity who sticks his or her oar into our lives at every turn is cheap at twice the price.

That's the House of Lords that !
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - CGNorwich
No we certainly don't want a non-entity and his oar
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - mikeyb
I know he ha a habbit of putting his foot in it, but I have to dmit he just says what some of us think but are to afraid to say out loud.

I wish him well
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - R.P.
Dead serviceman got relegated to fourth place on the BBC news :-(
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Manatee
>> Dead serviceman got relegated to fourth place on the BBC news :-(

You can't hold the Duke responsible for that, PU. I imagine he'll be as disapproving as you are.
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - R.P.
You're right.
 Wishing Prince Philip a speedy recovery - Roger.
>> No we certainly don't want a non-entity and his oar
Tee-hee - naughty!
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