Non-motoring > Now don't laugh...! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 14

 Now don't laugh...! - R.P.
 Now don't laugh...! - madf
 Now don't laugh...! - VxFan
"do you want to save this file, or find a program online to open it?

If I select "find a program" then I get "Windows does not recognize this MIME type"

If I select "save" I still can't open or run it.
 Now don't laugh...! - VxFan
Stand down, I got it to open via my iPhone.

Must be something to do with the nanny filter on my works PC blocking access to youtube.
 Now don't laugh...! - AnotherJohnH
that's a sinster looking snow person.

it'll frighten the children too.
 Now don't laugh...! - MD
 Now don't laugh...! - Zero
That really is a sinister snowman, looks like it got a part in SAW the Christmas special.
 Now don't laugh...! - Focusless
Or something off Dr Who.
 Now don't laugh...! - -
Don't get it.
 Now don't laugh...! - Focusless
>> Don't get it.

Can't see the video?
 Now don't laugh...! - bathtub tom
I just removed the cooker hood filter cover and found the most enormous spider (dead) in there.

SWMBO doesn't do spiders, but saw it.........

 Now don't laugh...! - -
>> Can't see the video?

can see a short clip of a woman who appears to have some sort of phobia or maybe the result of damage from a childhood experience, something funny i don't see, maybe i'm missing the point.
 Now don't laugh...! - R.P.
Phobias are not things I generally laugh out - but the ridiculous way that this was handled by the programme was so stupid it was funny.
 Now don't laugh...! - VxFan
>> Can't see the video?

If like me, I couldn't either until I tried another source of the interweb - here is the direct link to youtube

But maybe she was actually scared of the pantomime horse stood on its hind legs!!!
Last edited by: VxFan on Fri 23 Dec 11 at 17:37
 Now don't laugh...! - Armel Coussine
Looked to me as if she was not quite hiding a smile. One of the most peculiar and uninformative U tube clips I've ever seen. Weird even.
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