I just spent four minutes of my life reading that and I'll never get them back. Looks like I'll have to fast and come clean with my Maker, as apparently that will save me, for some reason I can't fathom.
I'm part Vulcan (and part nutter) sort-of semi detached from the (so called) real world so I knew about all this pole dancing shifting stuff, and that,
I'm fully prepared up here out of reach of the coming apocalypso - I'm chosen to re-seed the world in 2015/2016 and I'd better get started as it's 2220 and I'm running late.
The best part is the last sentence
Note: The nature of this article is highly speculative and the events outlined therein may or may no come to pass. Great caution, sound judgement, and common sense are advised.
>>sound judgement, and common sense are advised<<
But, as someone stated on here (probably Roger) "common sense is not-so common"!
I liked that bit too ;-)
but if you scroll down to 2000bc on this article, the history of the world starts to make sense, if you believe in this sort of thing! (and why shouldn`t we?*)
Last edited by: devonite on Thu 22 Dec 11 at 22:54
Lordy ! One more thing for me to worry about.
I'm off to the shops tomorrow to stock up on fags, fruit cake and pile ointment !
Dont get your fags and suppositorys mixed up there Ted.
My dear Zeddo, I'm more worried about getting the pile ointment confused with the Fiery Jack !
Actually, this might be the r5ight moment to hedge my bets in case we're all gone by morning's light.
So, just in case, I'd like to say what a great bunch of people you all are and how much I've enjoyed this forum !
I'd like to say it......................................but......
Maybe the Mayans are right after all!
Prepare for the Wurst, and hope for a pint of best!
>> Maybe the Mayans are right after all!
We've got till 21st December 2012 if they re..
Edit I think they were a month out: my charts say 21st November 2012 :-)
Last edited by: madf on Fri 23 Dec 11 at 08:20