I saw this and had to share it: tinyurl.com/clxb7p4
Last edited by: R.P. on Tue 13 Dec 11 at 22:54
So they couldn't get to the rat so sprayed an aerosol at a candle? What about the long term solution? They had to get rid of the rat.
Darwin awards again. Well they didn't die. But new staff with at least half a brain required.
Its amazing how much damage those things can do, I know they come with all the explosive warnings but they are to be ignored, and if you're drunk they just act a challenge if you're 16.
Is it me, or is there a disconnect between the Mail as self-appointed guardian of moral virtues and the amount of flesh on display on their story sidebar?
at least they didnt have to go far to get the bandages and soothing ointment