Non-motoring > Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 34

 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - R.P.
Ongoing debate on the fate of the country post veto.

Volume 1 is here
Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 13 Dec 11 at 21:18
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Stuu
For Roger, im sure you will enjoy if you havent already seen it.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Roger. , to whom thanks and acknowledgement!

Sarkozy: Cameron is 'an obstinate kid'

So, the President of the Republic of France has resorted to hurling insults at the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Nicolas Sarkozy has accused David Cameron of behaving like 'an obstinate kid' during last week's European Council meeting.

An obstinate kid?

No10 has apparently refused to comment on President Sarkozy's remarks directly.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Roger.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Roger.
I do love a bit of schadenfreude :-)
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - madf
I do love a bit of schadenfreude :-)

Don't gloat.., If the UK survives the next 5 years without a credit downgrade I shall be amazed. If Labour win the next GE, it's a certainty.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Roger.
How the hell do you downgrade the French?

We don't need to, they do it all by themselves, the amphibian and garden mollusc bothering twits.
Who ever looked at a snail or frog and thought “ooh, that looks tasty”
A Frenchman that's who!
Horrible foul breathed, unwashed, cheese eating, surrender monkeys!

(With thanks to an original posting on another site!. Suitably sanitised for C4P !)
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Manatee
Where did that come from? I have always thought that France is a more civilised country than ours, on the whole.

Matt on the eurozone credit downgrades -
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Roger.
>> Where did that come from? I have always thought that France is a more civilised
>> country than ours, on the whole.

Post number 97, answer numbered 106
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Roger.
>> I do love a bit of schadenfreude :-)
>> Don't gloat.., If the UK survives the next 5 years without a credit downgrade I
>> shall be amazed. If Labour win the next GE, it's a certainty.

Yes; IS a probability, but it is truly satisfying that Les Grenouilles have been dumped on first!
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Stuu
I wouldnt gloat yet, but a certain smugness is acceptable, we Brits dont do enough of it having suffered the smugness of them across the channel.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Iffy
...having suffered the smugness of them across the channel...

Brings to mind a Sun headline about one of the customs officers strikes in France.

Not one of the paper's best, but it taps into the hostility between the two countries.

Filthy Frogs Gonna Ruin Our Hols

 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Manatee
Hubris is inappropriate.

UK has nearly as much government debt as France, and has been running bigger budget deficits so if things stay as they are we will catch them up.

We are no better managed on the current account, we are well in the fertiliser ourselves. We need much bigger cuts / tax increases than have so far been mooted, unless we think that spending what we haven't got is a sustainable plan. The bleating civil servants and benefit recipients need to take this in - TINA.

The main reasons we have not suffered a downgrade are

- that UK has its own currency, and can print some more when it needs to.

- UK gilts have much longer average debt duration than anybody else - countries with shorter durations will have to do more refinancing sooner. France = 7 years, UK = 14 years.

Deficits (fun tool)

Who owes what to whom (another fun tool)

Debt durations

 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Meldrew
Apparently some big investors are prepared to pay to lend money to UK, in that they are accepting an interest rate lower than our current inflation rate. Of course it may come down later in the year! I have to settle for a 3.1% ISA and that is best I can get for a year with access.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - rtj70
I've tied up money in an ISA this year (and for the next 3 years) and got about 4% (might be a little bit more). You can get at it if needed but you lose interest and in the first year therefore some of the capital.

Not sure what I'll do come April - maybe another ISA but won't tie up another lump sum for another 4 years for sure.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - madf
"We are no better managed on the current account, we are well in the fertiliser ourselves. We need much bigger cuts / tax increases than have so far been mooted, unless we think that spending what we haven't got is a sustainable plan. The bleating civil servants and benefit recipients need to take this in - TINA."


The deficit reduction plan needs growth to work.
Our biggest market - Europe - is falling into what will be a longish recession.

So growth on the scale forecast ain't going to happen.

The "cuts" are not cuts, they are just reduced increases..

In my view, it's going to get a lot worse. (if it does not, I shall be happy)

Last edited by: madf on Sat 14 Jan 12 at 17:43
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - rtj70
>> In my view, it's going to get a lot worse. (if it does not, I shall be happy)

I won't be happy but think it will get worse. I thought that in 2009. An added incentive to downsize and be rid of a mortgage.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Stuu
>>In my view, it's going to get a lot worse. (if it does not, I shall be happy)<<

Time will tell, the Eurozone has been a week away from disaster for months, it sort of limps on in limbo with pieces slowly breaking off.

Ive been planning for the last 8 months for worst case scenarios re finances and Im pretty well in as good a position as I can be for this coming year.
I somewhat doubt that such planning has been widespread in the population though, so maybe a few sharp shocks will help with the behaviour modification thats sorely needed.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Stuu
>>Filthy Frogs Gonna Ruin Our Hols <<

Not mine, I give my money back to the UK economy, anywhere in the South Western direction.

 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Armel Coussine
MATT cartoon DT homepage Sat 14 January... Google it, you won't regret it.

Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Sun 15 Jan 12 at 00:48
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Dog
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Roger.
Shamelessly nicked from a forum contributor on

EU Voting Song

Jolly voting weather
We are all europhiles
We’re very clever
And lie to you all the while
You fell for our promise especially the CAST IRON trick
We’re all from Eton, and you lot are all too thick.

If you think I’ll claim back powers,
You haven’t got a clue
We’ll hand the UK to Merkle,
There is nothing that you can do
No referendums Changes through on the nod
I am the PM and I’m a duplicitous sod

As for immigration
I know it gets on your tits
I will flood the nation
And pay their benefits
I am from Eton; I am one of the ruling class
If you don’t like it, you can just kiss my ****

If I agreed the Treaty
Things that it would amend
Required referendums
And that would be the end
We’d be out of Europe and that’s what the public crave
But I’m undemocratic, just call me dictator Dave

Clegg is making noises
Pretending he did not know
If he really meant it
Lib-Dems would pack up and go
There all in it together, and David is now all smiles
He has silenced the sceptics, with the aid of the Europhiles

This has been a carve up
Helped by Merkosy
They need our money
That is quite plain to see
They played out the charade so it looks as if Dave’s alone
But were still in the EU and we’ll pay for the Euro zone

Jolly voting weather
We are all Europhiles
We’ve silenced the sceptics
Look at their beaming smiles
There’s no referendum, the sceptics are really thick.
I am from Eton and those idiots missed the trick
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Ambo
Some of you comment on French insults of Britain but beware! "Little Nic" Sarkosy has not yet deployed his Big Bertha. I do not refer to Angela Merkel but to Joan of Arc. I worked in a French company for 16 years and scacely a day passed without me being reproached over this unfortunate young German schizophrenic, so cruelly put to death at the behest of the Université de Paris (then the ruling body of the Church) and the Inquisition, on the quaint grounds that she was a witch.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - CGNorwich
To imply that the English had nothing to do with the trial of Joan is just plain wrong. She was not German but was born in Lorraine. She was not convicted of witchcraft but of heresy. Even by medieval standards the trial was blatantly political and unjust and was thought so by most at the time.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Ambo
She was born in what was Germany at that time. I did not say the English played no part in her death as they carried out the sentence. I am not sure at the moment whether it was on grounds of witchcraft or heresy but will try to find out.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Dog
Wiki says ~ "Born ca. 1412 Domrémy, France".
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Ambo
Wikis are not professionally monitored. The village of Domrémy was then part of the ancient kingdom of Lotharingie, in turn a part of Germany. Lorraine, as it was later known, did not become part of France until the 1550s and has passed to and fro between the two countries for centuries. It only became a settled part of France in 1945. On the other hand it was loyal to the Valois, and hence opposed to the Burgundian-English axis.

For his biography Jeanne d’Arc (1999), the French historian Roger Caratini examined the original Latin proceedings of her trial and concluded that she was a victim of the religious intolerance of the age, which he describes as "the forerunner of homicidal totalitarianism in Europe". The main charges against her seem to have been that she insisted on wearing men's clothes and armour, scandalous at the time, that she was a witch and that she claimed to have heard the voices of saints. I believe it was another historian, Marina Warner, who pointed out that hearing voices is a symptom of schizophrenia.

She was executed in 1431, aged 19. She was rehabilitated by the Catholic Church in 1455 but subsequently marginalised, later to be used by various factions. She was not canonised until 1920 but this move was vigorously supported by the political left wing, which adopted her as an epitome of the oppressed classes (although, in fact, her father was a man of some wealth and standing in his community). The Church now claims her as a messenger from God. During WWII the Vichy government ran a poster campaign showing her, with some slight misunderstanding of the order of historical events, burning at the stake while RAF bombers roared overhead. The far right National Front has now taken her up her as a nationalist symbol and celebrates May the 18th as her day (although she actually died on the 30th). The state, in general, hails her as a warrior hero. It seems true that she had extraordinary charisma and her success as a 17 year-old girl general commanding a disparate force of violent men, being twice wounded in action alongside them, justifies the claim. She is an excellent stick with which to beat the present “English” and I have many scars to prove it (but would still prefer to live in France).
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - R.P.
A little known fact that the WW1 tin hat was design inspired by a stained glass window depiction of the death of Joan D'Arc. One of the English troops was sporting such headgear.

The English brutalized northern France for many years when it was occupied and part of the "Kingdom". in their view we let them down badly in WW2, Dunkirk etc and by sinking their Med fleet before it fell into enemy hands. They hold a "view" of us and we hold one in return - nothing new.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Duncan
>> in their view we let them down badly in WW2,

Does that account for de Gaulle's chip on the shoulder? Though he was quick enough to take refuge here and accept our hospitality.

 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Armel Coussine

>> Does that account for de Gaulle's chip on the shoulder? Though he was quick enough to take refuge here and accept our hospitality.

He didn't have a 'chip on his shoulder' Duncan. De Gaulle was genuinely grand and that rare thing, a great man and statesman. His abrasive relationship with Churchill was very much a matter of not being taken over and run by his host, and keeping his pieces, or some of them, on the board for the post-war recovery process. He saved France more or less single-handed. A fabulous character who makes most national leaders look like cheap vulgarians.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - R.P.
I have a grudging respect for him - he despised Britain and wouldn't let us in the EEC - shame that.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Armel Coussine
>> he despised Britain and wouldn't let us in the EEC - shame that.

I don't think 'despised' is the right word. 'Distrusted' perhaps. For good reason perhaps.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - -
>> he despised Britain and wouldn't let us in the EEC - shame that.

doing us a huge favour more like, wish he was still around and despising us...maybe his old mucker Churchill asked a personal favour of him to keep us out?.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Dutchie
We are out are we not? Decisions are made without any input from us.

We might as well be out.
 Today's news: Continent isolated! Volume 2. - Dog
>>Wikis are not professionally monitored. The village of Domrémy was then part of the ancient kingdom of Lotharingie, in turn a part of Germany<<

Thanks - I thought as much!
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