This is what can happen to copper cable thieves,
Beware - very graphic content YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
Blinking heck Dog that was graphic - put me off my toast ! The Christmas wallpaper sort of lulls you into a false sense of security.
Very graphic! Poor souls. They either didn't know the risk was this high or were very desperate.
In the first picture it's not even obvious there are two people lying there!
I did warn y'all :(
Happened in Downtown Dallas (they say) copper thieves were trying to pull a 13,200 volt live wire out of a conduit..
Note the bolt cutter and the copper wire on the ground.
Darwin awards?
Do i hear the sound of out of breath compo lawyers knocking?
Wonder if they were ever charged ? Many years ago I remember a kid who used to climb pylons, he got fried in much the same way - got careless I suppose.
Couple of bright sparks, makes you wonder Watt on earth made them conduct themseves in such a negative manner.
Not Kentucky fried then...?
Thats what should happen to rail fare dodgers & Benefit cheats, and...............
A~mazing how y'all can make a joke of it, I'm not aving a moan or anything, and it's probably best to 'make light' of it but .. what 'shocking' images!!
It is Dog - mind you on a second look they appear to be just kids. Maybe I'm just a lilly livered liberal but no-one deserves to die like that.
>>Maybe I'm just a lilly livered liberal but no-one deserves to die like that.<<
Kids should not be conceived if parent's cant support them properly including at least, basic education. Pretty much the same as saying Hot water can be hot on stupid signs in the UK now. Mess about with leccy it hurts. Water can drown you. Don't walk in front of a fast moving car etc.etc. No sympathy I am afraid.
Mess about with leccy it hurts. Water can drown you. Don't walk in front of a fast moving car etc.etc. No sympathy I am afraid.
Did you never do anything really stupid and dangerous as a kid then. No making fires or playing with fireworks or climbing dangerously high trees or building rafts or doing 101 things kids do because they take no notice of what adults say.
I shoved a lighted match in an empty petrol can once and ignited the vapour which almost blew my thumb orf :(
As usual you miss the point. Done it all matey, but with the knowledge of electricity. Try and keep up.
>> Ah to be perfect
I know its a Heavy Burden I carry daily.
I know you're perfect Zero - never doubted it.
>> Did you never do anything really stupid and dangerous as a kid then. No making
>> fires or playing with fireworks or climbing dangerously high trees or building rafts or doing
>> 101 things kids do because they take no notice of what adults say.
Set fire to things, blew things up, teased adders, dug up wild bees nests, rushed around on motorbikes at an early age, climbed trees, built rafts, jumped off house roofs into sand piles
Typical kid of the 50s and 60s really.
Did all of those things except the adders and bees nests. Did burn down the neighbours shed though.
>> Wonder if they were ever charged ?
What? for the electricity they used, you mean?
>> Poor souls. .
Don't you mean poor r souls...
Last edited by: corax on Mon 12 Dec 11 at 16:33
recoils a bit.
I'm with you there PU, but to be fair the after effects are worse for us, they would have not know much about it in a very short space of time.
They need to stick this picture up outside every place where copper thefts could take place,
Cant say they haven't been warned can they.
Edit, Been doping a spot of unplanned electrical wiring today. Had I seen that I would have err thought twice.
Last edited by: Zero on Mon 12 Dec 11 at 16:41
>> They need to stick this picture up outside every place where copper thefts could take
>> place,
>> Cant say they haven't been warned can they.
It wouldn't be allowed, might traumatise the poor souls.
Back in my railway preservation days on GCR, late 1970's, the 11.45 from Loughborough took out a Golden Retriever whose owner had been foolish enough to let it roam on the track. The unfortunate hound was thankfully killed instantly, and basically cut into three large pieces, which we placed in a bin-bag and put in the guard's van, to be claimed by the owner when we got to Quorn station.
The event was recorded for posterity by the railway's official photographer who happened to be on the train filming, and a set of the resulting stills were used for a while to show to teenagers who were caught messing about on the line; till one of 'em went home and told his mummy, resulting in the railway receiving a formal complaint that we'd upset the poor little diddums. The fact that it might have brought home to the kid the appalling consequences of playing chicken with a train went completely over the parents' heads.
Basically the sort of stuff we were shown on my RAC/ACU motorcycle training scheme back in the '60 (one was, allegedly, the decapitated body of Jayne Mansfield). We were warned and some refused to attend, a few threw-up.
I survived, albeit with interesting scars on my knees from manhole covers discovered on bends on wet roads on '60s tyres.
I'm glad someone else did the RAC/ACU course, I've often wondered whether it was a figment of my imagination !
>> I'm glad someone else did the RAC/ACU course, I've often wondered whether it was a
>> figment of my imagination !
On my 'test' at the end of the course, the examiner pulled past and stopped me in a lay-by. He strolled back, removing his helmet. I was expecting a rollicking for something I'd done. He asked me if I'd like an ice-cream as he'd passed the van three times that morning and he couldn't resist it any more!
I recall they were, justifiably, very proud of the success rate of pupils in the government riding test.
a train went
>> completely over the parents' heads.
That would teach better parenting skills :)
Not sure they would be receptive to anything after that,
A waste of life - yes.
Sympathy or grieving - no.
That could be your grannies heart lung machine that they knock out.
A member of your family could have crashed on a blacked out motorway.
Your friend couldn't phone for an ambulance because the lines were down.
dangerous work.... could get you layed up in a hospital faraday or two
Let not a few deaths amper the quest for riches :-O
Watt is the sentence for a crime like that.
Yes. Why don't these idiots stay at ohm?
I'm finding this battery of jokes, a bit of a drain - in short, I think they are generating resistance....
Gassing a bit st? I couldn't resist returning to the charge.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Tue 13 Dec 11 at 19:39
They'l be on the prison Buss
shackled together in parallel
Probably friends of the earthed.
Wire on earth we still doing these puns?
Soon this thread will be part of a serial!
There's no insulating one self from where this will lead.
>> yeah lets breaker it now
Im going to keep plugging on!
>> NO!
>> Im going to keep plugging on!
Bit negative don't you think. There's enough polarised opinions on here.
Last edited by: corax on Tue 13 Dec 11 at 19:56
I'm still enjoying the trip.
I bet that hertz....Better modulate this thread now.
I re fuse to start another thread like this!
This is poles apart from other forums!
>> I re fuse to start another thread like this!
Its a bit of a transformer.
Llandough Hospital surgery suspended after cable theft
Tracking down London's 'metal theft dealers'
In 2009, Network Rail figures show rail operators in the South East suffered 148 hours of delays..In 2011, this had risen to 949 hours of delays
Just a couple of days ago 100m of cable stolen at Twickenham causing even more train delays.
Any sympathy for the maggots who go round doing this may disappear after reading this report -
Henry beat me by a tyre's width!
Last edited by: Robin Regal on Wed 14 Dec 11 at 13:41
Yes, I heard about that on the wireless, any sympathy I may have had for the sizzled ones is starting to wane.
thats what can happen when you go Thevenin ( look it up)
Another case in Wales causing havoc - the talking head is the Chief Exec of the local health board, the same one that supported the recent public sector strike.