Bit early for April 1st isn't it?
I'm broadly in favour of solar, tidal, hydro and nuclear. Wind is debatable - no wind = no power, and there are lots of days with no meaningful wind.
The energy strategy so far is idiotic. I have three friends who've put the maximum solar on their roofs for the 40p feed in rate. They will make money which will be paid for by spreading the cost across all bills. So, basically, HMG has come up with a mechanism for transferring money into the pockets of people who can afford £12,000+ to install panels from the pockets of all, whether they have two ha'pennies to rub together or not. Genius.
They subsidise hybrid/electric cars. A £5,000 subsidy for a car with a worse carbon footprint than an equivalent conventional one that costs half as much. Barmy, and we can't even blame the EU.
The Chancellor has just halved the feed in tariff so that may spoil some people's budgets and will put some panel fitters on the dole
>> The Chancellor has just halved the feed in tariff
...for installations after 15th December IIRC. Of of the three friends I referred to got the job completed last week!
Sadly, I don't have enough south facing roof to profit at the expense of people poorer than I am.
You are right! Even this lot aren't mean minded enough to make it retrospective!
Its more to do with the fact that the original feed in tariff was ridiculously generous
Huhne is as mad as a hatter. Numerous other countries are giving up on wind turbines yet we still go on.
Is UK the the only country in the world who has signed up to completely impossible targets with regard to renewable energy? Yes.
Is it going to cost us a fortune? Yes.
Who's going to pay for his mad schemes? You and me.
Is it going to make any difference to world CO2 output? Miniscule.
Will it help decrease "Global Climate change" even if you believe in it? No.
Not only is the Huhne mad as a hatter, he is a dishonest hatter.
There is nothing wrong with Chris Huhne that a new wife will not cure.
Ooops .. he's tried that...