Non-motoring > Restless Leg Syndrome Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Redviper Replies: 25

 Restless Leg Syndrome - Redviper
Hi All

I know I'm best of seeing a doctor, however I wonder if anyone knows what I'm experiencing

When I start to get tired after a long day say about 11pm I don't just feel sleepy my (usually right ) leg will suddenly (the best way I can describe it) feel like its building pressure, and then suddenly it will release (twitch) and then about 5 min later the whole process will start again.

Only happens, if I'm sat on a sofa or a comfy chair. standing up will stop it or weirdly - going to bed whereby it will completely stop.
It's more noticeable if I've had a drink but its very frustrating because you can't seem to stop it - if I don't want to move out of the chair/sofa

Happen to anyone else?
 Restless Leg Syndrome - teabelly
I get a bit twitchy and irritable in one leg too when tired. Like you standing around or going to bed is the only cure. Go to bed early and sleep! Probably just means you need an early night.
 Restless Leg Syndrome - Runfer D'Hills
Wasn't "Father Ted" like that?

 Restless Leg Syndrome - car4play
Funny enough I sometimes get this kind of feeling too.

I find if I have a walk in the evening or do some exercise then the feeling doesn't happen. It's like one's legs need a good thrash! (exercise I mean - not what some of you might think).
 Restless Leg Syndrome - Mike Hannon
Over here they have 'heavy legs syndrome' - jambes lourdes - which is said to affect up to 15 million French people but is virtually unknown to medical science anywhere else in the world. You can Google it. I'm told you can take legitimate time off work for it and claim social security but, being a Brit, my legs have behaved normally up to now.
 Restless Leg Syndrome - FocalPoint
Restless Leg Syndrome is well documented in the medical profession, but no clear cause nor treatment have been established.

It often seems to affect people in middle age. In some cases it seems to be associated with iron deficiency or as a side-effect of certain medication.

It often affects sufferers in the evening and changing behaviours towards the end of the day may help, such as avoiding caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Warm baths and other relaxation techniques like massage may be useful.

I suggest to RV that he tries some self-help and then moves on to consult his GP if this doesn't work.
 Restless Leg Syndrome - Ted

I've suffered from restless leg syndrome for many years. Mine is due to diabetic polyneuropathy.
Like others, it comes on when I sit and relax and sometimes in bed as well. Standing and walking helps a lot.

My doctor prescribed Co-Dydramol tablets many years ago and they give me effective relief.
The don't seem to be habit forming but are only available by prescription. I take two at bedtime, sometimes three and sometimes a couple if I get the syndrome during the day.

Strangely, I always used to get RLS after a couple of pints of Wife-beater ( Stella )' I never touch it now.....must have some chemical in it !

 Restless Leg Syndrome - Robin O'Reliant
It's a curse when you're trying to relax of an evening, the only cure is to go to bed.

However, I get another problem which is far more irritating. Every few months I have one day when I get what I can only describe as a tic on the front of my shin. It gives an unpleasant pulse every 30 seconds or so and it lasts in total for about 24 hours, gradually fading away. If I'm lucky it kicks in at about 4am so only one night is disturbed (sleep is impossible). If it starts early evening I know I'm in for a miserable night.

It doesn't bother me when I'm walking or standing, just when there's no weight on the leg. I've tried massaging it and putting an ice pack over it, all to no avail.I went to the doctor once and he seem to find it strange but not a symptom of anything wrong and gave me some tablets which did nothing.

Anyone else had the same problem?

 Restless Leg Syndrome - Runfer D'Hills
No, but a friend of mine started like that.

God rest him.

 Restless Leg Syndrome - Robin O'Reliant
>> No, but a friend of mine started like that.
>> God rest him.
>> :-))
Hey, that's no way to talk to a hypochondriac !
 Restless Leg Syndrome - Pat

This is worth a read redviper.

 Restless Leg Syndrome - teabelly
>> However, I get another problem which is far more irritating. Every few months I have
>> one day when I get what I can only describe as a tic on the
>> front of my shin. It gives an unpleasant pulse every 30 seconds or so and
>> it lasts in total for about 24 hours, gradually fading away. If I'm lucky it
>> kicks in at about 4am so only one night is disturbed (sleep is impossible). If
>> it starts early evening I know I'm in for a miserable night.
>> It doesn't bother me when I'm walking or standing, just when there's no weight on
>> the leg. I've tried massaging it and putting an ice pack over it, all to
>> no avail.I went to the doctor once and he seem to find it strange but
>> not a symptom of anything wrong and gave me some tablets which did nothing.

Wonder if it is stress related? I have had eye tics that last that sort of time but only when I've been extra stressed.

Have you tried valerian? That's a relaxing herb.
 Restless Leg Syndrome - Pat
Enter stage from left> Dog and AC> 'So is whacky Baccy' :)

 Restless Leg Syndrome - Dog
>>Enter stage from left> Dog and AC> 'So is whacky Baccy' :)<<

"I looked at the sky and an Elephants eye which was looking at me from a bubble gum tree, and all that I knew was the hole in my shoe which was letting in water".
 Restless Leg Syndrome - Roger.
My wife suffers from restless leg - she actually LIKES going for a walk!
 Restless Leg Syndrome - Lygonos
See doctor - lots of potential causes, lots of red herrings, and often no particular cause is found.

Equally, there are a lot of different treatments available (including anti_parkinson's drugs, and even methadone....)

If no underlying problems are found I'd personally live with it (much like a tic or tremor) unless it was grossly embarrassing or distressing.
 Restless Leg Syndrome - CGNorwich
From that first rate source of medical info. wikipedia

"Marijuana (cannabis), help people who experience RLS sensations to fall asleep much faster than normal, eliminated nausea caused from medication and relieve pain. Although still restricted by the Federal Government, many states do consider RLS a medical condition for Medical Marijuana."
 Restless Leg Syndrome - devonite
What if you`re a non-smoker?- is there an alternative way to harvest the medicinal values?
 Restless Leg Syndrome - slowdown avenue

i get restless legs some nights in bed . keeps swmbo awake. if i've had a walk of an eveening it dosen't occur. like the brains telling your body it needs a walk
 Restless Leg Syndrome - Ted

The tic thingy is probably related.

I get a similar thing occasionally...not in the form of a tic but it's as if my foot is rubbing against something abrasive. It hits me in one place, atm it's the offside of my right heel.
It only comes when I'm in bed, usually in the small hours. You can't get comfy at all and the only way to get rid of it is to go downstairs, make a cup of tea, take 3 Co-Dydramols and wait for half an hour. Then back to bed.

Happens perhaps once a week. It used to be on the top of my left foot but not for a long time.

 Restless Leg Syndrome - Dog
If I had RLS, this is what I would try first ~
 Restless Leg Syndrome - Lygonos
Iron deficiency is much more commonly related to RLS.

Both deficiencies can be detected by blood tests at your GP.

Most people with RLS plus iron or magnesium deficiency in my experience do not have RLS due to the deficiency, it's coincidental.

 Restless Leg Syndrome - Redviper
Thanks everyone for your advise, Ill have a look into it all

Its certainly annoying because you can't stop the tension build up (apart from walking or going to bed) when I was younger say anything up to mid twenties the only time i would get it is if I had not been asleep for nearly 20 hours (ive done that before) but now its as soon as I start to get tired- very annoying.
 Restless Leg Syndrome - Fullchat
I've tried quinine which can be found in tonic water helps. No need for the gin though :-)
 Restless Leg Syndrome - wotspur
AKA "Ekbom syndrome" - google it - the support groups might be of help.

For the last 20 years I have sold adjustable beds - and many customers have had this condition and found they have helped greatly. If you can buy the best recliner chair and bed you can afford. You can get rubbish ones from as little as 450 - upto the ones I used to sell at nearly 4k - the latter would be better as they come with relaxing massage . Also NOT all recliner chairs are the same - I'm in Surrey if I can help
 Restless Leg Syndrome - Redviper
Hello all - a bit of a update

Caffeine, Normally I get through 6 strong cups of coffee a day 9am - 5pm (no sugar)

Lately I have had just one or two and it certainly has improved I do not feel so tired at night and when I do get tired my twitchy leg is not as bad as it can be.

Alcohol is certainly a factor though, and a combination of lots of coffee during the day then a drink at night makes me feel dog tired and my leg will play up.

Still keeping a eye on it though.
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