Non-motoring > Irish tax conundrum Tax / Insurance / Warranties
Thread Author: Fursty Ferret Replies: 4

 Irish tax conundrum - Fursty Ferret
I am (although a UK citizen and resident) an Irish tax payer for various reasons, few of which I understand. Technically exempt from UK tax under the dual-tax treaty, what stops me from putting £7,475 in an Irish ISA and then transferring it to the UK?

No Irish tax paid, no English tax paid as it's under the personal allowance. Somewhere along the lines I think someone from the IR will be along to break my thumbs with a hammer, but not sure whether they'll be English or Irish!
 Irish tax conundrum - -
Having some ongoing (for years) property negotiations 'tween here and Eire i have come across this type of thing, there are reciprocal arrangements between the Irish and UK inland revenues, i imagine they have worked together for many years as Irish workers have flitted between the two.

If one don't get yer the other will.
 Irish tax conundrum - Fursty Ferret
Sort of a moot point because I think I've misunderstood the whole point of ISAs!
 Irish tax conundrum - Mapmaker
Not sure I understand you.

It is not possible (of this I am 99% certain) to "transfer" an Irish ISA to the UK ISA system.

You put cash into a pot that the Irish tax authorities regard as tax free. Why would the UK taxman regard it in the same way?
 Irish tax conundrum - Fursty Ferret
MM - like I said, I think I misunderstood how ISAs work...
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