Non-motoring > More EU nonsense Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Londoner Replies: 1

 More EU nonsense - Londoner
I know that we have discussed the EU recently, but I am appalled at these developements.

Barroso has given his annual address on the state of the EU.
"Proposing a controversial financial transactions tax and eurobonds, he urged greater economic integration."

Two points:
1) The "financial transactions tax" would hit the UK the hardest, and we are not even in the Euro!
"...Chancellor George Osborne has warned that such taxes could drive investment out of Europe and threaten the interests of the City of London."

2) Monetary Union
Mr Barroso said monetary union should be completed by economic union, and the Commission would present plans in the coming weeks

"It was an illusion to think that we could have a common currency and a single market with national approaches to economic and budgetary policy," he said.
This makes my blood boil. There was no "illusion". The EU fanatics knew all along that some sort of crisis would emerge, and that this would be used to attempt to justify yet more integration and transfer of powers to Brussels.
 More EU nonsense - Robbie34
It's akin to the old medics who used leeches to cure their patients. When they failed to recover they aministered even more of the same medicine. The EU are following the same lines. Heaven help us if we allow it to happen.
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