Non-motoring > Wanna Buy A Cheatin' Satnav? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Robin O'Reliant Replies: 11

 Wanna Buy A Cheatin' Satnav? - Robin O'Reliant
Brilliant ebay listing -
 Wanna Buy A Cheatin' Satnav? - Mike Hannon
Should've bought her an ironing board...
 Wanna Buy A Cheatin' Satnav? - sooty123
Seems to have been picked up on facebook, 6 pages of q's and almost 120000 views.
 Wanna Buy A Cheatin' Satnav? - -
Putting a humourous and brave face on a situation that must cut deep.

Must have had suspicions, i wouldn't have thought of looking at a log of journeys.

Anyone here own up to checking such things, for other reasons though..;)
 Wanna Buy A Cheatin' Satnav? - CGNorwich
Bit pathetic really
 Wanna Buy A Cheatin' Satnav? - Robin O'Reliant
>> Bit pathetic really
I dunno.

I have in the past had to suffer two workmates whose wives left them for someone else. Any sympathy the rest of us had for them evaporated over months of crying into their beer and boring everyone to death by going on non-stop for months on end about how hard done by they had been and hijacking every conversation to pour out their woes. In one case this resulted in the cuckolded husband inventing some rather comical lies to smear his ex, stories about how his mate had shown him pictures of her having lesbian sex and being willingly gang banged over a pub pool table.

it is rather refreshing that someone can take a comical spin on the situation.
 Wanna Buy A Cheatin' Satnav? - Fenlander
I have a pocket Garmin about the size of a chunky mobile for use at sea (also has Ordnance Survey type maps for inland). It's always somewhat spooky to get back from holiday and upload to a chart map which then shows all our tracks to the nearest couple of yards. Speed and direction data also logged in very fine detail.

Superb device when it's working for you but if someone got hold of it and you wanted to deny your location.... you're stuffed.

Of course you up to date guys have this with the IPhones all the time I guess?
 Wanna Buy A Cheatin' Satnav? - CGNorwich
Seems to have understood the spec of his Satnav more than his wife.

Why do characters like this think anyone else cares abut their wretched love life ands least of all believe their half of the story without hearing the other side. Move on and get a life is what I say
 Wanna Buy A Cheatin' Satnav? - Iffy
I wonder how he knows the other guy has a little willy.

 Wanna Buy A Cheatin' Satnav? - Runfer D'Hills
I still use one of those TomTom 700s. Good piece of kit. Used it last week in Italy in fact. It was horrendously expensive when I bought it, must be about 6.5 years ago now. Can't see why anyone would buy one now though. Modern ones are so much smaller, cheaper and lighter.
 Wanna Buy A Cheatin' Satnav? - captain chaos
Bidding is at £600k at the mo...
 Wanna Buy A Cheatin' Satnav? - Avant
If she was so thick that she continued to need a satnav for a journey she made all too regularly, he's well shot of her.

I think it's too improbable and must be a wind-up.
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