Over the last couple of hours we have had fighter jets flying over North London (5-6 times).
They have been in twos, except for once when they appeared to be escorting a medium sized civil jet.
Any ideas what is happening?
Somehow connected to 9/11 (or 11/9 if you prefer)?
Anti riot patrols, new tough policy.
Security forces are no doubt on alert for an anniversary terrorist attack.
Hmmm. Saw the picture that goes with the report. They don't look like combat aircraft to me. I saw aircraft which flew low and fast in pairs. Grey colour. A fleeting look made me guess that they were Eurofighters - though I've only ever seen one at the RAF Museum at Hendon.
eurofighter at RAF museum Hendon......blimey i thought we only had two operational?
Last edited by: zookeeper on Sat 10 Sep 11 at 02:39
Not Eurofighters, they have a canard wing. Those two dont.
The Passenger jet is a BAE 146, so could be out of London City Airport, and those two outriders are not flying in hostile escort duties as they are not in eye contact with the pilot.
The royal family fly in BAE 146.
Last edited by: Zero on Sat 10 Sep 11 at 08:49
I reckon the 'escorts' are probably BAe 125s? AKA Hawker 800? The RAF used to have some.
You can see how rumour, conspiracy theories and panic can start!
Sky news claim they're related to an air show. Only airshow i can find that might even be remotely connected is Biggin Hill today, but eurofighters don't tie up with the roster published.
BAE 125's for the flanking aircraft, ah well definitely not fighters then :-)
RAF Leuchars Battle of Britain show was on today and they said that they were featuring BAE 146 and BAE 125 aircraft from the logistical wing in the display line up.
Were they flying up yesterday for the show today?
All three are transports. The inner aircraft looks like a BAe 146 and the wingmen HS125s. Both types were flown by 32 Sq based at Northolt for Queen's Flight/Ministerial transport.
Not up to date with this stuff but guess they're being replaced and some sort of farewell turn?
EDIT www.raf.mod.uk/organisation/32squadron.cfm no mention of changes though both types are obsolescent.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Sat 10 Sep 11 at 08:54
The only other highwing/4-engine fanjet type in RAF service is the Globemaster but that would look MUCH larger in comparison with the twinjets nless there's a difference in height.
I see the London Daily News journalists have about as much knowledge of aircraft as most journalists and car salesmen have of cars. :-) Fighter jets, my backside.
Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 13 Sep 11 at 01:29
The outfliers are obviously A10 Warthogs - Al Qaeda probably have some tanks rolling down the M1 as we speak.
>> The outfliers are obviously A10 Warthogs
Used to get them flying over us when I was growing up in Warwickshire. Always sounded like they were stuck in first gear.
I'm very impressed with he aircraft knowledge on this thread. Car4Play is a mine of information.
As I said upthread though "I saw aircraft which flew low and fast in pairs. Grey colour."
I may add that they were not in close formation - significant gap between them but manoeuvering together.
Warthog has a long plank like wing and no high 'T' tail so they aren't what are shown in the first picture. 146 for sure and HS 125s for the other two I'd say
Any Warthogs still in the UK ? I thought they'd mostly been retired or in theater so to speak.
Just checked out Wiki - appears there are still some in Germany and likely to remain in service until 2028...
Is it something to do with RAF Brize Norton taking over the repatriation of members of the Armed Services who have sadly lost their lives in action?
I doubt it, Brize Norton is roughly North North East of Lyneham and a similar distance from London. I would think it is more likely to be something to do with Northolt (Royal, Diplomatic and Ministerial traffic).
How many aircraft do BP own?
Probably flying Gaddaffi in and helping to fill out his benefits claims.
When backpacking the SW Coast Path in early July I watched a pair of grey liveried jets flying circuits over Dartmouth. Now I know they were probably RAF BAe 125's.
Never seen them before.
The centre aircraft is a US Galaxy. The two outer jets are BAC 1-11s.
Don't know much about aircraft.Went once to Linconshire had a look in a Lancaster bomber.
I used to like reading Biggles as a lad he was always flying about.
The tail could easily be a C5 Galaxy. The plane certainly shares characteristics. The tail of a BAE 146 is also similar.
Depends on how big and high up these planes were when photos taken. For the larger plane to be a rather small BAE 146 means the others are quite small.
I think Mr X might be right about the C5 Galaxy. Which the UK has a few of.
I don't think I'd read too much into this personally though.
>>think Mr X might be right <<
This Mr X/Ecs - wouldn`t happen to be the "other" well-loved character from olden days, would it?
>> >>think Mr X might be right <<
>> This Mr X/Ecs - wouldn`t happen to be the "other" well-loved character from olden days,
>> would it?
If it is he must have had some "advice" from the mods, or is biting his lip, which won't last.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sun 11 Sep 11 at 20:20
Mr X, or Ecs.
Daddy, I've found you!
As one chromosome said to another...
I doubt on posting style if it is the old Mr X. But I deliberately typed X instead of Ecs. :-) I wonder why someone called himself this.
>> The centre aircraft is a US Galaxy. The two outer jets are BAC 1-11s.
I suspect Pat's theory from the vices thread is being tested!!!
The 1-11 was seen off in civilian guise, at least in Europe, by noise regs. I think there may be one or two still airworthy in the UK operated by Qinetiq or the Boscombe Down test pilots college. But they rarely fly and are very unlikley candidates for formations. The almost straight wing and engines looking, in perspective, to be ahead of the leading edge is pure 146.
Given the proximity to Northolt I'm sticking with my identification of a 146 & 2x 125.
The engines on the 146 are strung under the wings. If my eyes don't deceive me, the bits at the rear under the tail in the photo look like engines on both sides that would point to the BAC 1-11. Or similar engined aircraft. The wings on top of the tail are characteristics of both planes. It's the engines I was looking at. And if the centre aircraft is a Galaxy, the 146 would not be in proportion as per the formation in the photo.
The centre ac is the 146 and the wingmen 125's. The 125 is a twin jet with engines at the rear as in the 1-11, DC9 or F28/F100.
The 146 has the same broad layout as the Galaxy, 4 podded engines high wing and t-tail. Both are designs optimised for short field performance so such similarities are to be expected.
BAe proposed a military lifter version of the 146 with a beaver tail and I think got as far as converting one of the prototypes. Never went into production though. The versions flown by 32Sq are adapted airliners used for VIP transport including the Royal Family.
...You are right...
And you are a mod, so you are always right. :)
No I'm not - but I do claim some little expertise being ex ATC and ROC !
...I do claim some little expertise...
No expertise from me on this one.
I can recognise a Spitfire and a jumbo jet, but that's about all.
See quite a few choppers and fighters buzzing over the caravan, Catterick barracks and RAF Leeming are both nearby.
Those twin rotor helicopters 'aint half big.
If you have a look at this page there is a silhouette of a C5 - the photo is as near a silhouette as you'll ever get....I reckon (and yes iffy, I may be wrong) that the rear fuselage of the four engined jet is too short to be a C5.
Last edited by: R.P. on Sun 11 Sep 11 at 11:32
>>I'm sticking with my identification of a 146 & 2x 125.
Agree with the 146. The engine pylons project way forward and I think that is fairly unusual.
125s would make sense especially if it is RAF.
There are NO BAC1-11s flying in the UK, the Certificate of Air Worthiness was pulled by the CAA because there is no manufacturer support.
Mr X was being Jokey with respect to relative sizes.
Last edited by: Zero on Sun 11 Sep 11 at 12:32
This is the BAe 146 as I remember it:
The effect of the air brake was quite remarkable, slowing the plane down quite sharply. It was a very quiet passenger jet and nicknamed The Whispering Jet as a result.
>> There are NO BAC1-11s flying in the UK, the Certificate of Air Worthiness was pulled
>> by the CAA because there is no manufacturer support.
ZH 763 is reported as still active at Boscombe Down. Presumably different rules for military frames.
>> ZH 763 is reported as still active at Boscombe Down. Presumably different rules for military
>> frames.
Has it been up at all this year?
I thought I'd seen a report to that effect in one of the spotters mags which was what led me to mention it upthread.
Might be wrong though.
found this
02 Jul 2011
QinetiQ 1-11 ZH763 finally flew again last week at Boscombe Down. It carried out a test flight eight months after its last flight in October 2010. This was the first flight of a 1-11 in the UK this year and was carried out by what will almost certainly be the last 1-11 to be seen flying in this country! Unfortunately the event went totally un-noticed as is always the case with all of its flights from its home base! Whether or not it will be seen on the ground or flying again publicly is doubtful. What a sad final chapter to such a fine British Airliner. I can only hope that I can persuade QinetiQ to allow the aircraft to carry out one final flypast at Bournemouth during the aircraft's 50th anniversary event in August 2013, if it remains in service that long! Otherwise it will simply be removed quietly from service to rot alongside it's three sister ships at Boscombe Down before a very undignified scrapping.
I read somewhere that NASA have got one as some sort of test aircraft.
Re BAC 1-!11
>> I read somewhere that NASA have got one as some sort of test aircraft.
"That makes a total of 6 aircraft in service as of September 2011 although it has to be said that many of these only fly occasionally."
And couldn't get close to meeting revised anti-noise regulations either ISTR.
A year or so ago I was alongside the runway when a RAF VC10 departed from Edinburgh. The RAF obviously have their own rules (or lack of them) for noise and smoke.
Yes. I was out in the Cotswolds when a VC10, presumably from Brize Norton, roared overhead. It was already higher than the A380s and 747-400s that pass over our house on approach to Heathrow, but much, much louder. Even allowing for the difference in engine load between climbing and descending, it was a shock to hear how standards have changed since the 60s.
Concorde was a noisy brute.
When I was living in London, I always heard it before seeing it.
>> Concorde was a noisy brute.
>> When I was living in London, I always heard it before seeing it.
We were under its flight path in Reading, and yes, it was like an Impreza in that you didn't have to see it to know what it was. Miss it now.
My recollection is of it coming over Chiswick at about 18.30, depending on which time we were using.
Used to pass over us after taking off from Heathrow somewhere between 10 and 11 IIRC.
Concorde was coming in when I saw it.
I checked the timetable once, which told me what I already knew.
In summer 1978 I was waiting for a friend in the then relatively new Hatton Cross underground station when a Concorde on reheat departed off what was then runway 10R. Huge building shaking racket, far more than the Tridents and 1-11s which were noisy enough in themselves. Aware that as I watched it the glass in the window was actually cracking!!.
Most painful noise though was the fanjet version of the 707 on approach. The P&W engined version flown by TWa and PanAm more so than the Conways on BA's fleet.
>>Hatton Cross underground station when a Concorde on reheat departed off what was then runway 10R. Huge building shaking racket,
I have my own video, taken from just off the end of that runway when Concorde departed on its last night take off.
As the reheats glowed in the dark there was, as usual, a large chorus of car alarms to send it on its way.
Living about 8 miles south of Heathrow, we could lways hear the sound of its take off in a westerly direction. ( away from us)
I was one of the few who saw Concorde on approach, on it first unannounced visit to Heathrow and there was no chorus of objections re the noise.
I have flown on it commercially but never got to try the spectacular departure from Kennedy but I have experienced a low weight take off, when there were only SIX passengers and IIRC it was 50 tons lighter than normal.
I realy miss the sight and sound of Concorde.
The wing worked too. Sat in my MGB roadster queuing for a roundabout, heard loud noise, looked up, Concorde on final into Heathrow.
Once it was well ahead of me, the pressure wave from the back of the ogee wing flattened me into the seat. Very impressive.
Not the loudest thing directly overhead ever to jolt me to attention while queuing in traffic. That was a (or rather the) Lancaster going into Northolt. That thing makes a heck of a racket.
>> That was a (or rather the) Lancaster going into Northolt. That thing makes a
>> heck of a racket.
"racket" !? How dare you, Sir! :-)
The sounds from the four merlins on the Lancaster are pure magic.
I was at Polesden Lacy a couple of years ago when one went over quite low. Pure lump-in-the-throat job.
Concorde flew into Tenerife South once, we went to the aeropuerto just to see/hear it,
>> Un-forgetable!
For un-forgetable a heavy missile launch from the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral takes some beating, although I have been closer, for my first I was 30 miles away. You can feel the sound and it shakes everything, even that far away.
>>For un-forgetable a heavy missile launch from the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral takes some beating<<
I wonder what it's like to be inside the damn thing :(
Being inside a submarine firing one is close enough. And they are like fireworks compared to the big ones.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 12 Sep 11 at 19:46
>>Being inside a submarine firing one is close enough<<
Phew! - I'll stick with tuning cars thanks.
>> Concorde flew into Tenerife South once, we went to the aeropuerto just to see/hear it,
>> Un-forgetable!
...as was climbing onto the roof of my hall of residence in Leeds to watch it on its one-off approach to Leeds/Bradford airport in 1986. Well not quite one-off - the pilot 'aborted' the first landing and took her round again, probably just putting on a show for the large crowd that had turned up.
>> ...as was climbing onto the roof of my hall of residence in Leeds to watch
>> it on its one-off approach to Leeds/Bradford airport in 1986. Well not quite one-off -
>> the pilot 'aborted' the first landing and took her round again, probably just putting on
>> a show for the large crowd that had turned up.
Was that BA or the odd time Air France took one in? Friend of my sister managed to get the AF one in the background of her wedding photos from somewhere Menston way.
LBA was pretty much at it's limit runway wise - less tham 2000m for landing from either end and the R/W is across the prevailing wind.. Saw it there once, entirely by chance taking kids on to Plane Trees Hill to watch the usual Fokkers. Watching it approach over the Chevin and land on 14 was an experience - I guess the tyre marks have washed off he undershoot area by now.
>> Was that BA or the odd time Air France took one in?
Air France I think:
There was also an Air Canada (IIRC) 747 which used to fly in every Monday.
Living on Heathrows doorstep during the 60s and 70s, the loudest jet aircraft I experienced before the introduction of Concorde were the 707 and the Caravelle. They used to scream on take off. You felt it rumble through your chest and you had to cover your ears. In the days when the perimeter fence was a "picket" style. It used to be a regular Sunday excursion to watch the aircraft take off the other side of Harlington Corner on the Northern Perimeter road.
Ah yes Heathrow, Everything in the world flew in there.
The Ilyushin Il-62M was particularly noisy, smoky and smelly.
There's an Antonov An-225 flies into Prestwick, i think most Saturday mornings around 7am. Not insanely smokey or the loudest either, but jeezo is it impressive!