Looking over the drink driving thread last night, I was appalled by the number and length of my posts, by my rude and pugnacious response to PU's rap over the knuckles, and most of all because for the second time in a few months I have been the main reason for a flounce.
The other flounce also involved my defence of a vice, in that case smoking.
I didn't want to be nasty to Hobby or Alanovic. It was just that one thing led to another, and they thought I was being nasty. But I might just as well have been trying because that was the effect. And my frequent sneers at 'weak sisters' and so on are far from kind-hearted. Does the internet drive one mad? Because it, too, can become a bit of a vice.
So I am going to take a rest having in fact a few things to do. But I won't promise not to come back, perhaps quite soon.
Apologies to anyone who feels they are due, kiss-kiss to everyone else, I vill (perheps) be beck.
Another one bites the dust.
...I have been the main reason for a flounce...
Can't agree - the main responsibility for any flounce lies with the flouncer.
I think what bothered Alanovic the most was the forum called his tussle with AC about even, judging by the posts and ratings.
Alanovic expected wholehearted support when he played the bereavement card, and was dismayed when he didn't get it.
Had everyone bellowed at AC and marked his posts down, Alanovic would still be here.
Another example is me and midlifecrisis.
Ignore the rights and wrongs, they are irrelevant, but we had three nasty tussles.
On the first two occasions, the forum - using the posts and rating measure - favoured mlc, so he persisted.
I considered a flounce at that point, but my stand and fight mentality simply won't allow it.
On the third occasion, the forum called it about even - mlc has not been back since.
Both he and Alanovic display the same attitude: "If you are all not going to agree with every word I say, then I'm not posting any more."
The pair of them need to grow up.
There are some people who occasionally irritate me and no doubt some who are periodically irritated by me. However, if you enjoy internet chat you just have to accept that as a potential pitfall. I try very hard these days to not get into arguments. If I can see that one is brewing I try to resist replying and go on to another thread. No one ever wins these battles, so refusing to fight is the only real precaution. Sometimes difficult I know when someone makes a remark you find preposterous or untenable but ultimately it's better for the blood pressure to drop your shoulders and move on to something which entertains, informs, or amuses you rather than slug it out with someone you would quite like to throttle. It rarely ends happily.
...rather than slug it out with someone you would quite like to throttle...
Wise words, which I find difficult to follow.
My main frustration with these arguments is I can't face the person across a desk and get really stuck in.
Don't go, AC, yours are some of the wisest, funniest and refreshingly rude contributions to the forum.
I haven't read all the posts, but I am sure you can appreciate that while men "don't do emotions", in practice emotions have a larger part to play than we might like to think. If Alanovic lives with the effect of a a close bereavement, we might not feel the same as him, give him much empathy, or suggest he grows up (whatever that means), but for him that emotion will play louder than anyone else who hasn't experienced similar.
In short, grace has to be extended bothways. He has to realise that we won't feel his pain like he does, and the rest of us understand that he will be making is opinions largely based on a feeling from experience.
It was a new day yesterday, but it’s an old day now - so move on!
Harsh language (maybe?) was used by some, so what? it’s only words on a screen after all, why act like little girls about it,
I cast aspersions about Pats cooking abilities yesterday, but I gambled (correctly) that she would take it in the light-hearted TIC manner it was meant, so – come the Revolution we will need folk like her to hold the fort, and leave the sensitive and easily offended folk at home to do the dishes.
BTW – I still don’t know what flounce means, I’ll have to look it up, one day, maybe.
I'm not aware of AV's disagreement with AC, if the thread turns nasty i tend to avoid it, i stopped posting for a while when things started turning sour between several posters, i really don't want to read it.
I agree with car4play with reservations.
Let me tell you from experience men who've had enough of life's kicks in the cobblers most certainly do emotions.
When a loved one dies out of the natural order of things, the life changing effects can be almost unlimited, the merest vision on a TV program of similar circumstances can shatter you over again and reduce you to a wreck in a split second, especially if the scene comes as a surprise, if you see the program is leading a certain way you can buzz off and make a cuppa.
Other times when one is thinking it can happen too, it's not soppy it's true human love and emotion.
As for time being a great healer, what a load of baloney that is, some things you never get over.
Grow up....if only it was that simple, and who's grown up, the man of steel who shrugs it off, or the man who loved the lost one(s) dearly and still feels the hurt umpteen years later....it separates us from the beasts, both animal and humanoid.
Which of the two grown ups would you want to be with for the rest of your life, indeed which would you want to be.
>> ....i stopped posting for a while when things started turning sour between
>> several posters, i really don't want to read it.
Same here - hence 6-month absence earlier this year, which happened to coincide with a prolonged episode of real life intruding on an otherwise peaceful online existence.
That said, this place would be much the poorer for the lack of such as AC, and if some folk find his style hard to accept, maybe they should look elsewhere. Far worse, and plenty of it, on other sites.
Last edited by: paulb on Fri 9 Sep 11 at 21:10
>> This sums it all up:
Love XKCD....
Also saw something entitled "So you're mad about something on the internet" the other day. Won't post a link as although funny, the language might be a bit industrial for some. Worth a Google though.
I did think you were a bit out of line there, AC, but only a tiny tad.
Alanovic' has never liked me. First time I'd even noticed his name on here was in a post complaining about me, so it certainly wasn't personal on my part.
It seems the post that made him go was mine, and I am afraid I'm entirely unmoved if he's gone, I'm not sorry for writing it - and as Pat (whom I regard as the usual fighter for the underdog on here, and she and I do not always see absolutely 100% eye-to-eye) seemed to think my post was the best thing since sliced bread, I don't feel any sort of remorse.
Don't see the point in worrying about it AC - so I've given you a gong as I disagree with the post!
Last edited by: Mapmaker on Fri 9 Sep 11 at 12:08
My two peneth
In what way is this not a flounce? trying to disguise it as a vice? PAH.
And please Mappy, dont mention Pat and Food in the same sentence, its quite offensive.
It's sad to see anyone leaving C4P, after all there aren't that that many of us. I'm pretty sure that AC will be back with us shortly. Hope so, anyway.
>> And please Mappy, dont mention Pat and Food in the same sentence, its quite offensive.
Obviously not speaking from experience Zero, I have survived one of Pats BBQ's and far from being offensive it was most enjoyable.
...I have survived one of Pats BBQ's and far from being offensive it was most enjoyable...
A couple of Pat's posts have mentioned proper roast dinners for her and Mr PDA.
I reckon Pat is spinning us a line with her stance of 'can't cook, won't cook'.
>> A couple of Pat's posts have mentioned proper roast dinners for her and Mr PDA.
I've seen them in Asda, but £1.57 is a bit steep.
>>A couple of Pat's posts have mentioned proper roast dinners for her and Mr PDA<<
Most likely a pot roast.
>>With groovy?<<
Satvia :)
Come on AC. I enjoy your post don't understand most of it.;) Hope you will be back soon.
Well, you go away for a few days..and there's some warring and flouncing going on. Well I never. I hadn't bothered with the aiding and abetting thread much, so initially missed it, but now that i'm up to date...i'm in the unusual position of agreeing with Alanovic and AC.
'Al' obviously has a vested interest, although his general stance on the subject, i'd agree with...but, I also agree with AC that someone with a vested interest should not be able to stifle the debate.
As an example, I don't really agree with the charity 'Brake' because although the general principle of what they are about (road safety) is obviously a major positive...I see them as being full of people with vested interests who want to radically change things, in what I see sometimes in a negative way. I understand why people end up in this position, sympathise with them enormously (i've had to deal with them in my job..and be the one knocking on the door), but don't think they are the ones to make rational decisons on the subject matter, they're are too involved emotionally (understandably).
I can see where AC was coming from, in that there are many variables in drink driving, the circumstances of drink driving and any potential outcome..but..my view is we have a reasonably sensible level for enforcement (not as strict as some countries) and that if anyone goes beyond those boundaries, they are rightly up for grabs...and the rest of us should discourage people from doing it, because even the most innocuous example (half a mile to go down a deserted counrty lane) can have the effects of alcohol allow you to make an irrational decision (drive 5 miles to the shops to pick up some milk/fags/whatever) and in the meantime our reactions WILL be less than what they would have been, even if they are still better than some...plus the fact alcohol can have you begin to think you are invincible.
Lastly, I don't always agree with AC, but value his input on here, it makes the place interesting. We are not all the same, it would be boring if we were.
This was one of my main concerns when C4P were planning the introduction of the ratings system. On one hand it is useful for identifying useful posts, but on the other when situations like this one occur, it only serves to enable folk to take sides and gang up. Why do we need a negative rating anyway? - and if it is required for "offensive" (to some people) posts it should be invisible. I cant think of any post on here that has been deemed so offensive that it has triggered the "Auto-hide" feature that is there.
just one thing i would like to comment on tho was this statement made by A:-
>>How dare you comment on what passed between me and my child - you, nor anyone else was there.<<
By posting "what passed" on an open forum in the first place, A actually laid it open for comment.
And on that note, I would also like AC to remain.
So would I - The whole thing went to far. People should want to come here and stay here.
Maybe the tone of my post was wrong as well. I was tempted to re-write as soon as I posted it, but that would have been wrong as well.
All we ask is to not to be personal about others and it would have been quite wrong not to challenge what was said last night.
>>Maybe the tone of my post was wrong as well<<
Let's all have a virtual group hug ! ( provided Bobby stays downwind )
>> Let's all have a virtual group hug ! ( provided Bobby stays downwind )
>> :-))
Not if you've got that sodding bike rack with you.
Some thought, Humph with a bike rack on his back attached to his shoulders and hips. Does he have a roofbox for a hat?
...Maybe the tone of my post was wrong as well...
I thought it was spot-on, you asked AC not to be objectionable, you said 'please'.
He couldn't expect any more.
There are forums which would have banned him immediately.
I was after a bike rack to far up north:) I had a drink or two.
Missed it all. Not sorry. Life's too short and precious to be rude to others.. and to take offence if they are rude to you..
Maybe.Had to take the missus to hospital yesterday she has a disability walks with a stick or uses wheelchair.Couldn't find anywhere to park all spaces full disability included.
Dropped her of in front of the hospital got out to help her.. Car behind had to stop for a few minutes.He was waving his arms about because he had to wait..I took offence and I was rude to him.
Same here Dutchie. Pulled out of the cottage this morning in the Jimny. Tootling up the lane at an indicated 30 nothing behind then WOW....big bonnet in rear view mirror, no chance of seeing grill. Slowed (off throttle) to send a message then moved on again. the 'Bonnet' then reappeared and started to push. I slowly stopped, undid seatbelt and wandered aft and asked the crazed female exactly what the problem was..............to be met with, "I am late for a hospital appointment and can you just get out of my way". I politely (yes I know) suggested that she might wish to get up earlier which elicited the response............I've been up since Fing quarter to six. It took me a couple of minutes to refasten my belt and then (for safety purposes) my progress for the next mile and a half was careful to say the least. I guess I am not allowed, or it would be imprudent to post her reg number here, but it is hilarious and fair play to her if she bought it for little money. Laugh.....I nearly paid my Poll tax.
Cool - maybe she was a hospital consultant late for her patients.
Good for you.
>> Cool - maybe she was a hospital consultant late for her patients.
Better that, than be a late hospital consultant, due to lack of patience ....
>> Better that, than be a late hospital consultant, due to lack of patience ....
Boom Boom!
>>>> Better that, than be a late hospital consultant, due to lack of patience ....<<
Hehe! - Very good Tone, I wouldn't have got it, if the builder hadn't done his bit.
I was surprised to read this thread last night when I finally got connected, for two reasons.
The first was that AC had actually re read his posts and was somewhat shocked at what he's written. I think most of us have done that but few of us have admitted it.
Well done AC, and please don't go, I'll miss you too much.
The second reason is that most of us feel the same way.
Devonite hits the nail on the head about Alanovic laying open for comment his personal experience, and then protesting about it.
Mapmaker, in his reply bravely put into kind words what I felt but was too cowardly to do.
Both Alanovic and AC have the tendency to resort to a 'superior knowledge based on experience' in an effort to be right and neither like to be wrong.
But hey, we can live with that, we're all grown ups here after all.
We've all got our faults but the perfect person would be boring so for me the ideal situation would be to see them both remain and post as normal, along with MLC, and Hobby and all the rest who made car4play a wide and varied forum.
No apologies from neither needed. ( I think that's grammatically incorrect, but you know what I mean!)
Last edited by: pda on Sat 10 Sep 11 at 06:19
>> Both Alanovic and AC have the tendency to resort to a 'superior knowledge based on
>> experience' in an effort to be right and neither like to be wrong.
Good observation.
People who do that have to be prepared to accept disagreement in good humour.
My father often used to begin arguments with "In 1938 ......"
to be met with groans and a chorus of Yes grandad.
...Both Alanovic and AC have the tendency to resort to a 'superior knowledge based on experience' in an effort to be right and neither like to be wrong...
If Pat will permit me to edit her text:
"Most members have the tendency to resort to a 'superior knowledge based on experience' in an effort to be right, and none of us like to be wrong."
I'd disagree with that.
In my extensive experience, I've found that I certainly don't resort to the "superior knowledge" model of internet debate.
>> I'd disagree with that.
>> In my extensive experience, I've found that I certainly don't resort to the "superior knowledge"
>> model of internet debate.
I have to say that Lygonos is misguided.
As you all are in fact.
>> I have to say that Lygonos is misguided.
>> As you all are in fact.
All bar one?
>> "Most members have the tendency to resort to a 'superior knowledge based on experience' in
>> an effort to be right, and none of us like to be wrong."
And something to which Pat might reasonably resort where lorry driving is concerned.
I wouldn't worry too much. According to his profile, AC is still visiting us (visited today), even though he has stopped posting. No doubt watching this thread closely.
When to come back?
Can't come back too quickly, or it seems a bit lame. But he'll want to ride the wave of the love and understanding from this thread, so can't leave it too late either.
Start posting again AC, you silly sausage, we love you! ;)
Last edited by: SteelSpark on Sun 11 Sep 11 at 20:10
If AC is lurking it has got to be attention seeking.
>>Start posting again AC, you silly sausage, we love you! ;)<<
>>Start posting again AC, you silly sausage, we love you! ;)<<
It saddens me when any contributor stops posting. I always hope that it's just a cooling off period to allow the dust to settle.
Many of us occasionally forget that it is impossible, in the written word, to convey the subtle nuances of tone and emphasis used in verbal discourse, never mind the visual signals given in face to face communication. It is very easy to cause, or take, offense when none was intended.
Come on guys. The first one to proffer the hand of goodwill gets a virtual beer from me, a kiss on the cheek from Pat, a delightful evening in the restaurant of your choice with Zero and Iffy, and may even qualify you for a mystery prize (a second-hand cycle carrier).
AC had a poor choice of words recently though about the atrocity of Sept 11th 2011 (9/11). I am sure he didn't mean to come across as being pleased with the terrorists achievements.
Maybe he should apologise for that when/if he comes back?
Edit: oh it was AC wasn't it?
Last edited by: rtj70 on Mon 12 Sep 11 at 00:01
>Maybe he should apologise for that when/if he comes back?
We can forgive him that. He's just a prole ;-0
I don't really see why the prole has flounced. :-)
His choice. We shouldn't beg him to come back.
More useful would be the old Screwloose in technical. He looked in here before now and didn't want to join in.
Everyone has clearly been enjoying themselves while I've been on holiday.
If people wish to flounce, whether after a bit of self-flagellation or not, that's up to them. It's a pity people get so strung up and lose all sense of proportion, both in the heat of discussion and the morning after.
"More useful would be the old Screwloose in technical. He looked in here before now and didn't want to join in."
Now THIS is a good point. If only we could get the technical section going a bit more...
>> "More useful would be the old Screwloose in technical. He looked in here before now
>> and didn't want to join in."
>> Now THIS is a good point. If only we could get the technical section going
>> a bit more...
I'd offer to contribute...if only I knew what those doo-dahs that connect the engine to the wheels are called...
>> AC had a poor choice of words recently though about the atrocity of Sept 11th
>> 2011 (9/11). I am sure he didn't mean to come across as being pleased with
>> the terrorists achievements.
>> Maybe he should apologise for that when/if he comes back?
Do we have to apologise for holding unpopular views now?
It seems to me that AC is usually quick to apologise when he thinks that he has upset people by being rude, something that many others would never consider doing.
Apologising because people don't agree with you, is quite another thing.
For what it's worth, he made it clear that he condemned the terrorists, but just pointed out that it was a spectacularly successful attack (which it was, by far the most successful ever), and that he was somewhat impressed by the execution of it. That was my reading at least.
Admitting to being impressed by the successful execution of an act, isn't the same as condoning it.
Telling some of the grieving relatives that you were impressed would clearly be inappropriate...but on a motoring forum 10 years later?
Last edited by: SteelSpark on Mon 12 Sep 11 at 10:15
He has apologized at the start of this thread.
He apologised for what he felt was his rude behaviour on the drink drive thread, he didn't apologise for his views on that (or 9/11) and neither should he be expected to, IMHO.
...neither should he be expected to, IMHO...
I agree having to apologise for one's views should not be required.
But where I'm losing patience with AC is his habit of being generally objectionable - usually after the cocktail hour - then apologising in the morning.
Once or twice is acceptable, but he seems to think it's always fine to be unpleasant, provided he apologises later.
It isn't.
Don't mention cycle carriers I've had my belly full of them.I wrap a bike round somebodys nostrils.>;)
I found it interesting that my new car can have assisted lifts for bikes on the roof (Part No. 4D0 071 128 D). But bikes on the back need to be tow bar attached.
Do I really care? No. Humph's clip on rack for bikes won't fit - hope not.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Mon 12 Sep 11 at 00:57
Are you getting a new car, RTJ? Do tell us about it some time. Does it have a heated windscreen?
I didn't notice AC's comments on 9/11 but there's a good chance it would have been a refreshing counterblast to the sanctimonious pseudo-analysis we've had to listen to for the last week.
Incidentally, there's been much talk this week of how Islam was not to blame for 9/11 or the horrors that have followed.
Which is sort of true, at an individual level. But then anything that sets up an invisible, unaccountable, supernatural authority gives the unscrupulous licence to manipulate the gullible. Bush, Blair and Netanyahu are as guilty of this as Bin Laden.
Having a break is never a bad thing.
Ive vowed to post less since my holiday, Im enjoying watching rather than taking part.
If one cant say anything worthwhile, keep thee gob shut.
>> Having a break is never a bad thing.
I take breaks all the time. I have to, because I spend too much time when I am here. A week here or a fortnight there without posting, helps to balance the books a bit.
Of course, nobody ever notices. You'd think people would miss my insightful posts. Ungrateful wretches!
"So I am going to take a rest having in fact a few things to do. But I won't promise not to come back, perhaps quite soon. "
Profile shows AC looked in today.
>>Profile shows AC looked in today<<
If that's a fact, I'm beginning to think he's a pillock!
>> >>Profile shows AC looked in today<<
>> If that's a fact...
Well, he's not being devious about it, Dog. He knows that we can see him looking down on us.
> He knows that we can see him
>> looking down on us.
Spooky. Where's he going to pounce next? :)
I think this thread could be seen as the internet equivalent of leaving your clothes on the beach with a suicide note, then turning up in at your own funeral in disguise in the hope of hearing people say nice things about you.
Although AC, given his propensity for red gongs, would probably prefer to hear insults :)
>> I think this thread could be seen as the internet equivalent of leaving your clothes
>> on the beach with a suicide note, then turning up in at your own funeral
>> in disguise in the hope of hearing people say nice things about you.
Pugugly changed to R.P.
Wonder if the initials stand for Reggie Perrin ;o)
>>he's not being devious about it, Dog. He knows that we can see him looking down on us<<
Yes, he does now alright :)
He is still a caracter Dog .And it takes a man to apoligise.I admire people who never swear never had a drink and drove a car.Always polite don't have a opinion about anything play it safe.And whats wrong with after a cock tail having a go.He is still a one off, a pillock like most of us>:)
Vot is your name, Dutchie?
>> Vot is your name, Dutchie?
>> :)
Clogie? Got one hanging on the outside wall.Iam sad.
>> Clogie? Got one hanging on the outside wall.Iam sad.
Not at all.
Clogie is Navy slang for Dutch people.
...Clogie is Navy slang for Dutch people...
My brother was in the RAF in Germany, he used to call the Dutch 'cloggies'.
I've been called allsorts Iffy you just have to fit in.Live is a rollercoaster live and let live.
Thanks Old Navy.
One of my favorite book I read was HMS Ulysses,I think I got that right.
By Alistair Maclean.Convoys to Murmanks fantastic story.
If you knew my real name you laugh.My first name got me into plenty of scrapes at school.They always took the mick,called after my granddad.Might let you know one day>:)
...My first name...
Herr is Deutsch.Heren dutch.
A bit rude in Dutch.
Als s'avonds laat het haantje kraait dan is er weer een kip genaaid.>)
still twice that whiskey is getting to me.good malt..:)
As for the subject line 'Not a flounce' - so what do you call starting a new thread to announce your own departure? :)
>>He is still a one off, a pillock like most of us>:)<<
Hehe! - you make me larf Dutchie, I'm a 'born again' pillock :)
We just want Lud to stop messing about & come back here to give us some of those BIG words that we have to look up in Dictionary.com
>>come back here to give us some of those BIG words that we have to look up in Dictionary.com
It's not just me, then? I was beginning to think I was fick.
>>I was beginning to think I was fick<<
Nah ... we're normal. he's ubernormal!
Thanks Dog I feel a lot better now last couple of years have been tough.Chemo here chemo there I got fed up with it.Looking forward seeing all the family again.Lud will come back does anybody knows where he lives we order a tonne off manure and deliver it to his house.That will wake him.>:) The technical section cars are getting to complicated unless you drive a old banger.
>>I feel a lot better now last couple of years have been tough.Chemo here chemo there I got fed up with it<<
Sorry to hear that Dutchie, it's a right baa steward that chemo, my sister has been on it for her Myeloma, she finished her 6 month stint last Friday, she's OK more or less, but ya never know with Cancer!
She's also got CKD (Kidney) + HBP, although hasn't been too bad lately = pills, pills, and more pills!
All the best to your sister Dog I wish her well.Same with my sister she had her problems looking forward seeing her she makes a great soup.
I be cycling with my brother he is one of these keep fit fanatics strange fellow.>:)Don't mention pills .
>>I be cycling with my brother he is one of these keep fit fanatics<<
It's easy peasy 'over there' as there are no hills, I'd like to see him 'do' Cornwall :)
There wimps Dog you are right no hills.
Reminds me of a great British cyclist Simpson he was always there battling with the Belgians French and Dutch.I think he took drugs later in his career not sure.
Where brother lives Assen cycling in Drente is nice [ Heide Velden ] a bit like the Yorkshire moors but flat.
Driving through Holland in 09 - I was pleasantly surprised how much cycling is still part of the national psyche, much more than the UK where it seems more extreme sport (think latex and mud) rather than the way Mrs Van der Miggens gets about. I would engage more if that was the case in this country.
A brave man who walks on a cycle track in front of Mrs Van der Miggens. I learned some Dutch swear words! :)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 12 Sep 11 at 20:09
... I learned some Dutch swear words
Are you sure? Most Dutch sounds like stuff you wouldn't say in front of your Auntie Flo. And as for its colonial offshoot, Afrikaans - dear me, strong stomach required.
(And yes, I do know which language my nom de forum is derived from!)
>> Are you sure? Most Dutch sounds like stuff you wouldn't say in front of your
>> Auntie Flo.
I thought the Dutch language was an affliction. :)
I could write down a few Godverdomme comes to mind.The trouble with my brother he takes me miles in the country side I try to keep up.End up with a sore backside,he is used to the excersise like I said a keep fit pro.Might give him a smack to calm him>:)
I bought an old Dutch Sparta bike on ebay for £50 a few years back, drove all the way from Truro Cornwall
to nigh-on Bristol to pick it up,
Must have cost me £50 in petrol!
That was the other thing that struck me, the bikes seemed to be well engineered but not the fashion victims' toy that bikes in the UK have become....
Thing I like about the old Dutch Sparta is that it's a 'sit up and beg' job like the Germans ride,
Well built too.
>> That was the other thing that struck me, the bikes seemed to be well engineered
>> but not the fashion victims' toy that bikes in the UK have become....
They have become the two wheeled equivalent of a Chelsea tractor.
You are like me Dog daft as a brush.>:)
>>You are like me Dog daft as a brush.>:)<<
>> "So I am going to take a rest having in fact a few things to
>> do. But I won't promise not to come back, perhaps quite soon. "
>> Profile shows AC looked in today.
Obviously hasn't figured out how to delete his cookies yet! :)
If you all leave him alone he'll be back:0
He knows I like to be right, so he'll do it for me!
Who on earth's Mrs Van der Miggens?
Mrs Mggins' (the woman on the Clapham Omnibus) Dutch cousin.
Nice Lady Bathtub,met her a few times good driver and cyclist.She used to live with Mr Van der Valk.
Is she related to Hertz Van Rental?
"Is she related to Hertz Van Rental?"
No, closer to Dean Van Lines who used to race for many years in the Indy 500. Think he won a couple of times. Always had his name in big letters on side of cars he raced - other drivers had names of their sponsors.
That looks like Graham Hill to me.... what a silly post. :-)
I would like AC to come back but he's flounced for a reason. Give him time maybe?
We should all be glad that there has been no loss of life due to terrorism that immediately affects him (and family), Well I hope so!
Last edited by: rtj70 on Tue 13 Sep 11 at 00:42
>>Give him time maybe?<<
OK then, how about 3 years, with time orf for good behaviour.