Non-motoring > Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: SteelSpark Replies: 28

 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - SteelSpark

I deliberately didn't ask whether the "end" is in sight, because heaven only knows what will happen once they topple Gaddafi.
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - FocalPoint
Yes - Gaddafi is as good as history.

However, I think that is entirely irrelevant. I doubt that whatever regime replaces his will improve the lot of the Libyan-in-the-street, nor materially improve any aspect of the international situation. In fact, instability is probably the biggest risk. In that kind of society it doesn't much matter who's in charge.
Last edited by: FocalPoint on Sun 21 Aug 11 at 15:56
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Robin O'Reliant
>> In fact, instability is probably the biggest risk. In that kind of society it doesn't
>> much matter who's in charge.
In the Middle East and Africa it's a case of "Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss" (apologies to Pete Townshend).
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Roger.
>> >>
>> >> In fact, instability is probably the biggest risk. In that kind of society it
>> doesn't
>> >> much matter who's in charge.
>> >>
>> In the Middle East and Africa it's a case of "Meet The New Boss, Same
>> As The Old Boss" (apologies to Pete Townshend).

Same here, innit?
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Dog
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Zero
> Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight?

Currently no, they have just retreated. it depends on what your time definition of "sight" is, what your definition of "victory" is, and who you classify as "rebels", given that most of the rebels are ex current government.
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Armel Coussine
>> most of the rebels are ex current government.

That may be a bit misleading Zero. The trouble with all 'totalitarian' regimes in small rich countries is that (as with other totalitarianisms) the only way to prosper is to at least have some sort of arrangement with the regime. And if you can stomach it, shameless crawling and brown-nosing and bum-licking will get you even further.

I think quite a lot of the tooled-up 'rebel' fighters - you can't call most of them soldiers - are indeed dissident youth from the Libyan cities, who want good things. Of course there are some ex-Gaddafi troops and the odd grocer from Birmingham doing his bit. But:

a) their views won't count for much in the scrum for power that will take place if Gaddafi goes

b) it won't be their 'victory' because they couldn't have done it without planes and missiles from Europe 'helping'.

c) their good behaviour if and when they take the capital is far from guaranteed.

Your initial reservations were sound I am afraid Zeddo. You shrewd so-and-so.
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - FocalPoint
The rebels continue to advance in Tripoli - no reports of a retreat at the moment (the page below 21 August 2011 - last updated at 18:37).
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Zero
>> The rebels continue to advance in Tripoli - no reports of a retreat at the
>> moment (the page below 21 August 2011 - last updated at 18:37).

You didn't see the 16:30 BBC news then, the scenes of advancing rebels turning on heel and running back from whence they came?
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - FocalPoint
No - I didn't, but I've since seen other reports which suggest that the rebels will avoid an all-out show-down with Gaddafi's forces until they can gauge where the loyalties of the public lie, so I'm not surprised.

If those loyalities are eventually seen to lie with the rebels, despite Gaddafi's claims, that's the beginning of the end for him.
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - SteelSpark
>> No - I didn't, but I've since seen other reports which suggest that the rebels
>> will avoid an all-out show-down with Gaddafi's forces until they can gauge where the loyalties
>> of the public lie, so I'm not surprised.
>> If those loyalities are eventually seen to lie with the rebels, despite Gaddafi's claims, that's
>> the beginning of the end for him.

"Correspondents saw civilians cheering, waving flags and firing celebratory gunfire as the rebels entered the city."
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - henry k
Alex Crawford on Sky News has been giving continuous coverage for the last 30 mins or so from inside Tripoli. There seems to be no fighting just celebrating.
The only gun fire is upwards so she has het helmet and flak jacket on.
Reports saying Gadaffi's son or sons have been captured.

Now what ???
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Roger.
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - rtj70
To get money and support from the USA, I hope the new 'government' in Libya (when there is one) extradite the Lockerbie bomber.
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Cliff Pope
As Harold Macmillan once observed, there is no African dictator so awful that his successor cannot be even worse.
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Zero

>> Now what ???

Well we now have about 6 tribes to fight it out. The chances of an Iraq, but closer to home, are now hanging in the balance.
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Roger.
Frankly, my dears, I couldn't GIVE a damn.
(Nearly Rhett Butler!)
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - CGNorwich
A lot of cynicism here, probably deserved to a degree but sometimes things do work out and the people of Libya deserve something better than the Gadaffi regime. I wish them well.
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Clk Sec
I don't think you can compare Libya to Iraq. Different culture, different religions, different people.

I, too, wish them well.
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Zero
Completely comparable, ruthless leader keeps bunch of disparate tribes in tow by the use of force
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Dog
Bit like Britain then :)
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Mapmaker
Or Belgium - they haven't got a Government yet, have they?
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Dog
>>Or Belgium - they haven't got a Government yet, have they?<<

Dunno - ask Dutchie, he's almost Wallonian :)
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Zero
As the Belgium government was wracked with infighting making it completely ineffectual , its no surprise its absence is not noticed.
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Alanovich
Belgium's a dead duck. Should never have existed in the first place. Split it in two and merge Wallonia with France, and Flanders with Holland. Sorted.
Last edited by: Alanović on Mon 22 Aug 11 at 13:27
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Dog
>>Belgium's a dead duck<<

They brew some nice beers and make some nice chocolate though :)
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Zero
No keep it one piece, but shovel all the toxic P.I.G.s debt into its banks and let the country fold.

 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Dog
>>No keep it one piece, but shovel all the toxic P.I.G.s debt into its banks and let the country fold<<

I thought that was going on anyway, via the €uro.
 Libya - Is a rebel victory in sight? - Roger.
I like its sprouts.
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