Non-motoring > The blues good music. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dutchie Replies: 22

 The blues good music. - Dutchie

Story of my live.;)
 The blues good music. - Dog
My favorite music Dutchie, I play blues on my guitars!

How's about some Blind Lemon ~
 The blues good music. - Dog
Cop hold of this one Dutchie ~
 The blues good music. - Zero
Blues! Pah

Blue Grass is what you need.
 The blues good music. - Dutchie
Good stuff Dog Zero enjoyed it.

First one dog sat in a bar nice drink and pleasant female.All in the past.;)
 The blues good music. - rtj70
Reminds me of the music in Brother Where Art Thou. Not my cup of tea.
 The blues good music. - CGNorwich
Enjoyed the film myself - one of the Coen brothers lighter efforts. Based on the Homer's Odyssey

Perhaps you might enjoy this more;
 The blues good music. - rtj70
My post read wrong - the music is not my cup of tea. I liked the film I mentioned!

And I thought the remake of True Grit was quite good. Everyone else I know who saw it harps on about the John Wayne version which was not brilliantly acted IMO. And a Serious Man was a bit strange. Also thought Burn After Reading was a good film :-) Intolerable Cruelty was okay.

Sorry back to blues music - not my cup of tea.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Thu 18 Aug 11 at 23:49
 The blues good music. - R.P.
John Wayne was a rubbish actor, he would barely cut it in soaps these days.
 The blues good music. - Dutchie
Hillbillys good people.I played the mandoline a bit about twelve thirteen should have carried on.

Lost interest.
 The blues good music. - rtj70
>> Hillbillys good people

I remember the black and white TV series too :-)
 The blues good music. - Dutchie
Don't be cheeky.:)
 The blues good music. - Dutchie
Reminds me to watch again from here to eternity I've got it on DVD.

Burt Lancaster.Always thought John Wayne overrated.Robert Mitchum more my liking.
 The blues good music. - rtj70
I agree on JW being overrated and Mitchum being a better actor. John Wayne could only play John Wayne, i.e. not a good actor.
 The blues good music. - CGNorwich
I think that in the end John Wayne came to believe that he actually was the True American Hero rather than a rather ordinary actor of limited range
 The blues good music. - Dog
>>I think that in the end John Wayne came to believe that he actually was the True American Hero rather than a rather ordinary actor of limited range<<

He didn't do too bad, for a boy named Marion.
 The blues good music. - helicopter
Try this for the

Saw them in the Rum Boogy Cafe on Beale St in Memphis having drunk the best part of a bottle of Jack Daniels ..... awesome evening that was...... from what I remember
 The blues good music. - helicopter
These guys , the All Purpose Blues Band from the 544 club in New Orleans are pretty good too....Billy Gregory, awesome guitar playing.....
 The blues good music. - Dog
>>Try this for the<<

WKD! - reminds me of BB king (playing style) same guitar = Gibby 335

How's about some Heat ~
 The blues good music. - Dog
This is one of my favorite guitarists - he could murder a Fender Strat ~
 The blues good music. - Lemma
Take a look at Quinn Sullivan on Youtube - the next Eric Clapton/BB King etc. I saw him perform him recently with Buddy Guy at his Legends club in Chicago. An amazingly gifted and talented young man.

 The blues good music. - Dog
>>Take a look at Quinn Sullivan on Youtube<<

His parents must be sooo proud of him!

They say that to play The Blues ya gotta know the blues (ain't that right Jimmy!) but he certainly knows his stuff.
 The blues good music. - Dog
Cop hold of this one then, it really is quite A-mazing!
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