Non-motoring > Daily Mail Cancer Scares Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Meldrew Replies: 22

 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - Meldrew
I don't read the Daily Mail but I get the impression that very many people here don't esteem it very highly for content or accuracy. Some saddo (not me) has trawled the archives and come up with a list of things which might give one cancer, ranging from Age to X-Rays. Tends to confirm a theory which thinks we all have cancer in us, it just needs something to trigger it.
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - sherlock47
All I need is a sex change and I can go for a full house:)
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - VxFan
>> I don't read the Daily Mail

Me neither, but I did buy 'The Mail on Sunday' to get the £5 off voucher at Tesco. ok, the paper cost me £1.30, which saved me £3.70 off my shopping. As they say, every little helps ;o)
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - Pat
You could look on here to see the 'other side' of Tesco's policies!

 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - Dutchie
A horrible desease I know all about it.If we got told the truth what caused it things would have to change the way society funtiones.

The chemical rubbish in our food the air we breath.Our inmune system has to cope with all this, and often it isn't coping.
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - CGNorwich
"The chemical rubbish in our food the air we breath.Our inmune system has to cope with all this, and often it isn't coping."

so why are we all living longer then?
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - Clk Sec
>>so why are we all living longer then?

It'll be the Abbot ale, boy.
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - CGNorwich
Woodforde's Wherry by choice!
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - Dutchie
You know why we are living longer? The skill of surgeons and the medicine which are keeping people longer alive.

 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - CGNorwich
Actually surgery and advanced medical treatments are fairly marginal in the overall scheme of things when looking at human longevity.

By far the major factors are:

Better nutrition especially childhood nutrition
Virtual elimination of childhood diseases by vaccination
Better housing and heating
Better standards of hygiene and sanitation.

Keeping a comparitively few people alive for a few extra years by complex surgical and medical treatments doesn't do much to change the average lifespan.

The elimination of smoking and alcohol would actually do more to improve the health and lifespan of the nation than the entire NHS (not advocating either by the way!)

 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - Dutchie
Smoking and alcohol you must be joking governments have to much vested interset in tax collections.All these facts you mentioned we all know, better housing etc etc.

Why is cancer rife if we all live that healthy I wonder.
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - Dutchie
To follow this regarding surgeons.The chap who oprated on me spend ten hours doing his fine craft.

I should have been a gonner still kicking.:)
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - CGNorwich
Cancer is largely an illness of later life. The longer you live the more likely you will be affected. Years ago people mostly died from infectious diseases, now its cancer or heart disease.
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - Cliff Pope
>> Years ago people mostly died from infectious diseases, now its cancer
>> or heart disease.

There is a theory, long-discredited but again being dusted off, that in fact it was the widespread existence of now virtually unheard of illnesses that in fact suppressed cancer in the past.
The same as an obsession with childhood cleanliness causes later allergies and asthma, so, the theory went, did mild exposure to smallpox, cholera, etc stimulate the immune system on a larger scale.
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - Dutchie
Good post Cliff.This theory is right if a child got the illnesses the inmune system would kick in.

Overprotection isn't always the best for a child.In my case all other organs have been fine.

I blame stress for my situation but can't proof it.
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - Meldrew
The Government has done a lot to reduce smoking; banned it in most public places and swingeing price rises. There is talk of unit/pricing of alcohol. The increased taxes may offset the reduced sales of tobacco.
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - Dave_
From @DMReporter a couple of days ago:

"This week's Daily Mail cancer list: Mon) Sweat Tue) Disco Wed) The alphabet Thurs) Milk Fri) Diagnosis Murder Sat) Ice T Sun) Your ears"

Entirely believable ;)
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - RattleandSmoke
Modern life causes cancer, it is as simple as that. Also people tend to live a lot longer these days, so the chances of dying of cancer is a higher. I also think in the old days people may not have always been diagnosed of having cancer.

My grandad who I was very close to died of cancer in 2005 so I know how bad this awful rotten disease is. In some ways a fetal heart attack is better because at least you don't have to go through months of being ill. Although having lose an uncle to a sudden heart attack, it is far worse for family and friends of that person.
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - Meldrew
I know 2 people who have gone from seeing their GP with some "problem", cancer diagnosis and in the crem in 3 weeks. Better than the obit notices one sees saying "after a long illness" etc. I am not trvialising death and loss, merely saying that with luck it is short and sharp.
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - RattleandSmoke
My grandads was sadly quite slow. Took a long time to get the diagnoses, had an operation to remove his bowels which has successful, but it had spread to the liver, he then had to have an other operation to remove his the damaged part of his liver, but they removed two much and he died a few days later. Coroner suggested some sort of cover up of the facts at the inquest. He suggested we could seek legal action to get to the truth, but we decided it would not bring my granddad back.

Went to see his plaque at the crem today funnily enough. Six years and I still miss him dearly. He was 79 though, the sad thing about cancer it is claims lives much earlier than that.
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - Dutchie
Nothing is simple about cancer,I talked to my surgeon about it top man one of the best in this field and he shrugged his shoulders.

It can be dormant in our system and anything can trigger it off.

Lucky in my case It had not spread and my hart is in excellent condition.The chemo was one off the toughest ordeal I have ever gone through.But it was essential before and after the op,according to one of the doctors.Nearly two years now three more to go for the all clear.:)
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - RattleandSmoke
You're very brave :) And make sure you keep us posting on how you're getting on. I was told that 1/3 people will get it in their life time.
 Daily Mail Cancer Scares - Dutchie
Me brave? I'm terrified of our lass.:)

Take care Rattle.
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