Non-motoring > Climate change? Green Issues
Thread Author: Ian (Cape Town) Replies: 22

 Climate change? - Ian (Cape Town)
Ok, so I'm in shirtsleeves today, and was out in shorts mowing my lawn this morning.
Then I watched some golf stuff from the Arctic circle, where one youngster seemed reliant on oven gloves to warm his hands between shots, and most competitors were in woolie hats and rainsuits.

Please explain.
 Climate change? - DP
At noon today, near enough slap bang in the middle of July, it was 15 degrees C outside and my central heating was on.

When I drove to a friend's place this afternoon, I actually put the heater on in the car. :-(
Last edited by: DP on Sat 16 Jul 11 at 18:41
 Climate change? - Runfer D'Hills
Rained on and off in south Cheshire today but very warm and sunny betwixt and between. Shorts and sprint weather.
 Climate change? - R.P.
Same here Humph.
 Climate change? - Zero
What's the surprise? We knew it was coming today, so yesterday Nicole and I walked the dog along the Thames path, stopped for an afternoon beer in the sun. It was 21c and nice cool pint of Peroni went down a treat
 Climate change? - Runfer D'Hills
That sounds like a pleasant afternoon Z. Blue skies here tonight. Might have to introduce the wee guy to the canal towpath. ( Decent pub along a bit...)
 Climate change? - Old Navy
Four seasons in a day, standard UK climate, changing weather.
 Climate change? - Meldrew
Forecast was accurate and the timing was right. Started raining at about 8am (East Midlands) and cleared up around midday which gave good conditions for an Open Day and flying display at Wittering. The 4 ex-Red Arrows who fly for "The Blades" are good!
 Climate change? - Zero
Meldrew, I thought family day at Wittering was next Friday?
 Climate change? - Meldrew
It may be. I went to a Harrier Association bash which may have been, in part, a rehearsal for something bigger and better next week.

Just checked - Friday 22nd for Families Day
Last edited by: Meldrew on Sun 17 Jul 11 at 07:14
 Climate change? - Zero
>> Might have to introduce
>> the wee guy to the canal towpath. ( Decent pub along a bit...)

Its called "socialising" the dog Humph. Essential and vital part of its training, at this time in it life and training it needs to meet, and be greeted, by lots of people. Needs to be done at least three or four times a week when the sun is out.
 Climate change? - Londoner
>>What's the surprise? We knew it was coming today, so yesterday Nicole and I walked the dog along the Thames path, stopped for an afternoon beer in the sun. It was 21c and nice cool pint of Peroni went down a treat

That's the kind of thing that I'm looking for when I retire. :-)

Trouble is that I am still working. :-(

We have certainly had nice weather this year between the rain, but the timing has been bad for us wage slaves. With a few exceptions, the good weather has been Monday to Friday, rather than at the weekend.
Last edited by: Londoner on Sat 16 Jul 11 at 21:47
 Climate change? - Old Navy
>> We have certainly had nice weather this year between the rain, but the timing has
>> been bad for us wage slaves. With a few exceptions, the good weather has been
>> Monday to Friday, rather than at the weekend.

Long may it stay that way, too many wage slaves cluttering the place up at the weekends. Life is much more civilised when you lot are at work. :-)
 Climate change? - Zero
And a holiday when the kids are still at school!
 Climate change? - Old Navy
>> And a holiday when the kids are still at school!

Or even several. :-)
 Climate change? - Londoner
>> Long may it stay that way, too many wage slaves cluttering the place up at
>> the weekends. Life is much more civilised when you lot are at work. :-)
I'm not that far off retirement, and when I do I shall be coming to your neck of the woods. Seeing the beauties Scotland is high on my list of priorities.

Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can, ON, before us rif-raf arrive. :-)
 Climate change? - Old Navy
>> Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can, ON, before us rif-raf arrive. :-)

Plenty of room up here, come and get a quality of life transplant, it is a great civiliser of rif-raf. :-)
 Climate change? - CGNorwich
Met Office very accurately predicted wet weather in Norfolk on Wednesday and Thursday so headed over to the Peak District for a few day where the weather was glorious. Stayed in a very nice Inn in the Manifold valley on a 3 nights for the price of two deal.. Great to go where you please when you please after all those years in an office .
 Climate change? - Manatee
It was stair rods here much of yesterday, including at about 12.30 when the couple who came to buy my Land Rover set off back to Brighton in it. Happily they made it, presumably slightly damp as well as temporarily deaf - door seals are a bit approximate on a Series.

I now find I want another one :-(
 Climate change? - madf
Went to our local Association apiary yesterday am.. Spent 3/4 hour in shed chatting till rain cleared..Bees surprisingly docile despite the weather.. Nice 6 mile drive to and from over single track roads with passing places and cow muck and horse carp..(Washing cars is a waste of time when beekeeping is on in the wet).

Rural life is so unstressed... except behind a tractor towing muck and spreading it over the road, travelling at 5mph and no passing possible:-)
Last edited by: madf on Sun 17 Jul 11 at 08:10
 Climate change? - -
>> I now find I want another one :-(

Billing LRO still on today?..:-)
 Climate change? - Manatee
>> Billing LRO still on today?..:-)

I'd be murdered. I'm getting no sympathy at all.
 Climate change? - Runfer D'Hills
Classic car show on at the Barony in Nantwich today. Chucking it down unfortunately.
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