Non-motoring > Video Cameras and Rolling Shutter Effect Miscellaneous
Thread Author: rtj70 Replies: 2

 Video Cameras and Rolling Shutter Effect - rtj70
I found this quite cool:

All to do with how a sensor on the iPhone is read a line at a time when recording video. Many DSLRs are the same so don't blame the phone.

I will have to test my Lumix G2 tomorrow when I can get a guitar.

A plane propeller filmed on an iPhone too:
Last edited by: rtj70 on Sat 16 Jul 11 at 00:03
 Video Cameras and Rolling Shutter Effect - Zero
This one is great
 Video Cameras and Rolling Shutter Effect - rtj70
I spotted that one after I posted. Clever helicopter :-) I wonder what speed the rotors rotate to have been frozen by the shutter speed used?
Last edited by: rtj70 on Sat 16 Jul 11 at 11:59
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