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Thread Author: Meldrew Replies: 17

 More PC Rubbish - Meldrew

Worth noting that, SFAIK, no Muslim person actually complained about what was going on but some jobsworth thought that they might! I think the law requires that places open to the public are required to permit breast-feeding and even make suitable facilities available?
 More PC Rubbish - Stuu
Love it. Course id have banned her just for her dress sense.
 More PC Rubbish - ....
Shoab Akhtar is missing the obvious.
There were two breastfeeding facilities available right in front of Mrs Mitchell.
 More PC Rubbish - Zero
I hope the child throws up in her cleavage.
 More PC Rubbish - Armel Coussine
>> I hope the child throws up in her cleavage.

Neither of them will notice if he does. Happens all the time.

Got anything against discreet public breast feeding Zeddo? Seems odd for a realistic family man.
 More PC Rubbish - Zero
No, but I doubt she was discrete, after all the receptionist spotted her.
 More PC Rubbish - WillDeBeest
Discreet doesn't mean invisible, Z.
 More PC Rubbish - Armel Coussine
>> after all the receptionist spotted her.

Well, you can notice something like that without any gross flaunting going on. But I guess this lady may not be so discreet having run to the press with the story.

The use of babies and children as social weapons for aggressive purposes is very widespread. They are a bit like religion in that respect, and pets. Both sexes do it but women do it more.

The phallic baby: 'You won't mind just holding him for a moment while I pour the tea, Vicar? He's as good as gold... oh dear, he seems to have stained your trousers, the lamb... Heavens! You do make me blush! I've never heard a man of God say that before...'
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Thu 14 Jul 11 at 17:07
 More PC Rubbish - franfran
Let's face it, when a baby is hungry, you have to feed it. If it were me I would go to a quiet corner - not so much because I would fear offending someone, but rather because I wouldn't want oversexed males staring at what little of my breasts would be visible. I certainly wouldn't go to a toilet. As the woman said, ‘You wouldn’t eat your dinner in the toilets. Why should my son?’

Is there a law that prohibits a woman from breastfeeding a child in public?
 More PC Rubbish - Meldrew
All is explained here
 More PC Rubbish - madf
So - according to th above - the jobsworth was discrimating.

Not PC rubbbish: criminal...
 More PC Rubbish - Iffy
... the jobsworth was discriminating...

The jobsworth is a fool, he was simply applying that foolishness to this situation, which he probably does to many other situations he comes across.

 More PC Rubbish - Bigtee
Everywhere you hear “breast is best. Must say i love a nice pair. :-)
 More PC Rubbish - FocalPoint
At this point, as the thread drifts rapidly downhill, I'm thinking, "Where's BBD when you need him?"
 More PC Rubbish - bathtub tom
Why do I feel like a rusk?
 More PC Rubbish - Badwolf
I certainly don't feel like a rusk. I'm with Bigtee... :-)
 More PC Rubbish - Roger.
>> Why do I feel like a rusk?
Because you're crusty?
 More PC Rubbish - Bromptonaut
>> The jobsworth is a fool, he was simply applying that foolishness to this situation, which
>> he probably does to many other situations he comes across.

Broadly agree with Iffy. More detailed reports than the Metro item in the OP made clear that the Council recognised instruction was wrong. They're going to update training etc.

OTOH 'jobsworth' was pretty junior. The real problem was almost certainly poor training (and supervision) in the first place.
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