Non-motoring > A close shave? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Runfer D'Hills Replies: 51

 A close shave? - Runfer D'Hills
Being of a generation who would have been sacked if not clean shaven and fully suited and booted at work it took me many years to catch up with the fashion for "designer stubble". However, for the past few years I've shaved less often. Probably only two or at the most three times a week now. At first I couldn't get on with it but now it feels quite liberating. I don't have to wear formal clothes for work anymore ( jeans and a shirt are the sort of thing ) so I can more readily get away with it.

Funny thing is, when I do shave now after a few days I seem to get a much closer shave than when I did it every day.

Never quite got around to a beard though, I like soup too much for that.

Do you shave daily or randomly and have you ever given it a second thought as to why?

Another thing I only recently discovered from speaking to an older chap ( a retired manual worker ) was that he had shaved every day and still does but always at night which I found odd until I thought about it and how it would have better fitted with his daily routine. I was and still am a morning scraper on the days I do it.

My wife likes the stubble / clean alternatives. Says it varies things for her. Not sure I'm quite sure what she's getting at but hey ho...


Whoops, should have posted in non-motoring ( unless anyone has a hairy car ? )
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Wed 13 Jul 11 at 21:12
 A close shave? - Mike Hannon
I've had a set for more than 30 years and I have no trouble at all with soup.
The Beast can be a bit hairy...
 A close shave? - Zero
I am a alternate up to three days stubble, clean shaven guy. With my short hair the stubble makes me look like Phill Mitchell.

In my long career in a certain computer company, the dress code started off with Dark Blue suit, white shirt, dark tie, black shoes, no facial hair and short hair. One guy got sent home for wearing light grey socks. Unshaven would be unthinkable.

It all went very casual towards the end.

Last edited by: Zero on Wed 13 Jul 11 at 21:16
 A close shave? - commerdriver
Maybe that explains my career, have had a full beard for the 34 years in the same company so far, but you are right about the rest Z.
 A close shave? - Runfer D'Hills
I couldn't go 34 years without tomato soup.
 A close shave? - Bigtee
On a working day i shave before work, on my day off it depends usually on a morning as i like a nice clean shave.

Saying that i do get the lazy feeling and not shave for several days when off work and it gets to a point when i fell really scruffy.

Gillette gel & Gillette razor mach 3 is preffered choice & i have a battery philishave that i can use in the shower which makes a good shave.

I lather my face with gel foam using my hands does anybody use a brush or those cut throat razors?
 A close shave? - rtj70
Working from home a lot I don't shave more than twice a week. My father used to shave twice a day! He always wore suit/shirt/tie and he was a bus driver. Remember seeing his safety razor in the kitchen and running my finger along the blade - I was about 6 at the time though.

A bit like this it was:
Last edited by: rtj70 on Wed 13 Jul 11 at 23:05
 A close shave? - mikeyb
About 3 times a week, but depends on what I have on.

At work some departments are more casual than others, and the senior managers tend to be suited so my calendar dictates my shaving pattern
 A close shave? - Harleyman
Haven't had a razor near my fizzog for some years.

Started growing a beard after I left the Army; I've always found shaving a chore, and since I was a part-time bandsman as well it often meant shaving twice a day if we had an evening engagement, which resulted in the inevitable razor rash.

When I was a "suit" I had to keep it neatly trimmed, but it was rarely a problem at work even in the rarified world of human resources; nowadays I don't even bother shaving "round the edges" just have it thinned out a bit when I go to the barber's for the obligatory number 2 crew cut.

The only restriction it ever places on me is that I rarely eat ice cream in public. ;-)
 A close shave? - Dave_
I'd always been clean-shaven until I met 'er - then I sported a permanent three-day fuzz because she liked it.

Once she'd gone I went straight back to clean-shaven. Now it feels wrong if I leave it even for a day.
 A close shave? - bathtub tom
The required chat with the vicar forty-odd years ago elicited the fact that he shaved (and bathed) every night before going to bed. His wife bathed similarly and both appreciated not sleeping with someone with an odiferous (lovely word that, from Callan IIRC) problem. The vicar had a problem with national service, but told us he, politely, pointed out to the RSM that King's regulations only stipulated that personnel should shave every day.

I've followed that advice ever since.
 A close shave? - R.P.
I used to shave every day, now I do it every other or even less. Last week I shaved on Thursday and then left it until Sunday by which time I hated the sensation. I have a meeting to chair tomorrow. I will shave in a minute before pushing up Zzzzzzzzzzz. I will wear a nice dark blue shirt, with a suitable tie ( I binned thirty ties after retiring !), some nice sleek Next trousers, which I've helpfully shrunk into, and a pair of scruffy black shoes (to make some point or other). I the eighties I wore a moustache - which still, I feel, looks more Lewis Collins than Hitler.
 A close shave? - Dutchie
Depends if we are not going anywhere I dont shave.I have gone back to wet shaving the electric thingy got on my nerves.

I might go back to growing a small beard again used to be ginger.reckon now it be white.

 A close shave? - devonite
between the ages of 19 - 35 i had a beard that i could use in an emergency to hold my pants up, or wrap around my neck as a scarf when it was cold, zz top eat your heart out!!!!
then i met the first ex, who was happy enough with it, until we were married, then started to nag for me to get rid of it, which i resisted. When the "bribes" failed, i suddenly twigged that my fluffiness was shrinking! - yep! turns out she was secretly trimming it bit by bit every night whilst i slept. and as she could only do the side i wasn`t sleeping on i ended up strangely wonky. The end came for my fleece when i was volunteered for a charity do in the pub, for a "quid in the pot" they got one snip of the scissors, and i raised £73 before it got down to the Bic. I drew the line when they started thinking about where-else they could find fluff to snip! - been clean shaven ever since!!
 A close shave? - Dutchie
I'm not surprised she was your first ex devonite.:) It would have been mine.
 A close shave? - Badwolf
I hate shaving with a passion. Unfortunately, I like to look smart for work so shaving every day it is.

I'd not bother shaving on my days off, but Mrs B much prefers the clean-shaven look. Occasionally, though, when the mood takes I leave it for a day or two. I did once leave it for ten days, but you'd have been hard-pushed to notice. I don't grow a very manly beard. Which is not to say that I grow a womanly beard, of course...
 A close shave? - devonite
my second ex could grow a beard! - trouble is it almost reached her knees! - when i took to secretly trimming it as she slept............

I never took her down the pub tho`!!!!
 A close shave? - WillDeBeest
Every day for me; I don't feel properly presentable otherwise. I used to dread the ensuing neck rash but the Quattro Titanium and tea-tree oil gel have seen to that.

My F-in-L sports a preposterous Abe Lincoln combination, with his upper lip shaved. He and I get on well now but haven't always, and that thought has always been a powerful incentive to keep shaving.

Two years ago I had the piggie flu and was off work for two weeks, during which I didn't feel up to shaving. Just for fun I then shaved off all but the incipient moustache. My younger son thought it was hilarious and begged me to keep it; Mrs Beest, on the other hand, was appalled and threatened Repercussions. It went.
 A close shave? - Duncan
I shave every morning in the shower. Most days I use an electric shaver, occasionally I use a safety razor to tidy up the straggly bits.

You have made me think, I may try skipping days. I wonder how long it will be before Lady Duncan twigs?
Last edited by: Duncan on Thu 14 Jul 11 at 07:22
 A close shave? - Dutchie
I'm getting the inpression that the females controlling our beards or lack of it.

Are we men or not?
 A close shave? - Zero
>> my second ex could grow a beard!

How many ex's have you had?
 A close shave? - Dog
I've 'worn' a beard since the late 70's - it suits me, see.

Shaved it orf when we lived in Tenerife though,

I keep it neat n' tidy in the Summer, but look like a mad axeman come Winter :}
 A close shave? - Fursty Ferret
Hate shaving. I leave it 2-3 days until:

- The length of the stubble is more irritating than actually shaving
- I have to work
- Someone comments on it

In fact, IIRC there's a cream coming out that's supposed to reduce it to a two week interval. Hopefully nearly 3 weeks for me because I have fair hair and my beard doesn't grow that quickly anyway. Shame it's £30/pot but worth every penny, I reckon!
Last edited by: Alfa Floor on Thu 14 Jul 11 at 10:15
 A close shave? - Mike Hannon
My friend was in the submarine service and he always said the worst thing was having to keep re-using your shaving water. Unlike many of his mates he never did ask permission to stop shaving.
 A close shave? - Roger.
It is strongly rumoured that the ex Prime Mentalist, Gordon McDoom, has a beard!
 A close shave? - MPZ
For years i stopped shaving when the clocks went back in October and started again In March - the fuz helped keep me warm when walking the dogs and I appreciated the extra time in bed on cold morings.

then a couple of winters ago for some reason I just kept on shaving - alternate days, gilltte mach 3 disposbales and king of shaves.

 A close shave? - Roger.
"Designer" stubble - is truly horrible and the sign of an individual with a scruffy mind!
 A close shave? - Armel Coussine
>> "Designer" stubble - is truly horrible and the sign of an individual with a scruffy mind!

There's nothing 'designer' about it. It's just stubble. And there's nothing horrible about it either until it's about five days old. Then it gets a bit squalid looking especially when you have lost your youthful good looks.

I can't be bothered with it or with much else either (keeping the place tidy for example, or opening brown envelopes from the revenue). Even safety razors cut you. They don't give you a decent shave although they are better than they used to be thanks to blades that cost several quid and don't last long. I don't like wild beards full of crab lice and menstrual blood à la Hells Angel (not you Harley), and I really hate those sharp-edged elaborate Renaissance Italian popinjay jobs, makes you want to tweak their noses the carphounds.

Most of all though I can't stand uptight dapper twozzers who think short-back-and-sides, polished shoes and all that excrement give them a moral advantage. It isn't style, it's uniform, and rubbish uniform at that.

Just my own modest views, diffidently offered.
 A close shave? - Runfer D'Hills
Not sure if it's an age thing AC but I increasingly find your posts uncannily accurate....

 A close shave? - Armel Coussine
>> uncannily accurate....

Surely at your age you haven't yet lost your youthful good looks, Humph?

 A close shave? - Runfer D'Hills
Well, it's said I'm still well above average but not quite the Adonis of a couple of decades past....I do the stubble thing to keep unwanted female attention to a minimum you see. The Mondeo was good for that too. Wouldn't dare buy an Alfa or suchlike...Never get any work done then. It's a cross but it must be borne...There will be those who understand how difficult it is.

Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Thu 14 Jul 11 at 18:41
 A close shave? - ....
>> Wouldn't dare buy an Alfa
>> or suchlike...Never get any work done then. It's a cross but it must be borne...There
>> will be those who understand how difficult it is.
>> :-)

Using that logic anyone driving say a Lancer estate would be beating them off with a smelly stick if they had something half decent ;-)
 A close shave? - Runfer D'Hills
>> Using that logic anyone driving say a Lancer estate ....

Aye but he looks like an unshaven Phil Mitchell apparently and wears trainers. Need a bit more than a flash set of wheels to get that up to snuff...

 A close shave? - Zero
>> >> Using that logic anyone driving say a Lancer estate ....
>> Aye but he looks like an unshaven Phil Mitchell apparently and wears trainers. Need a
>> bit more than a flash set of wheels to get that up to snuff...
>> :-)

Its tough being a role model. But hey I can cope.
 A close shave? - ....
Oh ! Hello Zero.
Do you have a Lancer estate too ? I was thinking of that Dog chappie.
 A close shave? - Dog
>>Do you have a Lancer estate too ? I was thinking of that Dog chappie<<

It's OK but ~ I actually prefer Spillers meaty chunks :)
 A close shave? - ....
 A close shave? - R.P.

I shaved last night/this morning - cut myself, so had to stay awake a little longer - good intentions came to nawt this morning, short sleeved shirt (Timberland) - Jeans (proper bike ones - with kevlar reinforcing) and motorcycle boots for the meeting (yes I did have the bike) everyone else was in suits and ties....
 A close shave? - Runfer D'Hills
Auditioning for a Village People tribute band?
 A close shave? - ....
Ah, were you wearing a watch R.P.
 A close shave? - Armel Coussine
'Just this little diamond-encrusted animated pornographic Rolex special that a grateful Middle Eastern client slipped me once...'
 A close shave? - R.P.
Seiko Kinetic - smart but expendable in the event of falling off my bike.
 A close shave? - rtj70
Not the cheapest expendable watch then :-) Not expensive but depending on model not cheap either.
 A close shave? - R.P.
I know, I bought it cheap in the States - It's the diver's watch with the blue face. It was either that one or a khaki Timex Explorer - just not right..!
 A close shave? - Ted

I've had beards in the past, a legacy of having to be called out in the wee small hours without time to shave.
I wet shave every 2 days now...usually when taking a bath, using a plastic jug to broggle the bits out of the razor.

My wife has a Venus lady razor for trimming the mass of hair off her shapely legs.
I have to admit to trying it once on the old mazzard and found it very smooth and efficient.

Time to ' come out ' now....I bought one for myself and it gives a superb shave with never a cut ! Yes, I know you look a bit of a blouse in the camping washroom but I care little for convention.

I have this theory........When SWMBO uses our man razor, she invariably knacks the blade.
Therefore, her hairs must be tougher. So, the makers produce a sharper and more durable blade for the ladies !


 A close shave? - ....
Sorry can't resist this but...

>> My wife has a Venus lady razor for trimming the mass of hair off her
>> shapely legs.
>> I have to admit to trying it once on the old mazzard and found it
>> very smooth and efficient.
Have you watched Top Gear lately Ted ? What about waxing the Growler ? :-))
 A close shave? - Ted

Never watch Top Gear, what's it about; drugs or something ?

Don't need to wax my growler, it's slippery enough :-)

 A close shave? - ....
No, some Swiss company has come with an E-Type replacement which they want to charge £500,000 for and have called it the Growler. Maybe you had to see it to find it funny.
Very nice looking car but very inapproriate name in English anyway.
Last edited by: gmac on Thu 14 Jul 11 at 23:37
 A close shave? - bathtub tom
I recall buying SWMBO an epilator back in the '80s when they were a new thing. It consisted of a row of spinning wheels that met at the business end. They'd grab the hairs and yank them out. An office colleague was intrigued as to how it worked and ran it over the back of his hand - we still talk about the resultant scream thirty years later at re-unions.
 A close shave? - Ted

A trip round the shrubbery with that would have been entertaining, Bob !

 A close shave? - Armel Coussine
Talking of growlers, I remember a Desperate Dan story in which a tiger leaps on him and starts gnawing his face. He says smilingly that it's a comfortable way to shave (anyone else remember his stubble?). On other occasions he uses an axe and a circular saw.

Hellboy, stogie clamped between teeth, trims his horns with an angle grinder in front of the mirror in the morning.

But to remove beard and all hair easily, without the need for painful waxing, what could be better than standing in the yard starkers in front of a graffiti-covered concrete wall and getting a bodyshop paint guru to give you a brisk full-body blowover with a medium-sized flamethrower? Painless provided the bodyshop man really knows his business, efficient, cheap - flamethrowers are a glut on the tertiary weapons market - and makes a nice spectacle for the neighbours. You might be able to sell tickets to spectators unable to get into the Olympics to see the stuff they don't put on TV.
 A close shave? - devonite
Well i`m presently with the third future ex !! ;-)
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