Non-motoring > Eh ... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dog Replies: 36

 Eh ... - Dog
Just to let you know that Dog had his anal glands 'expressed' over the weekend, and he's not feeling to good,

Well - that's what it feels like (PITA!) b'cos I had a partition corruption on my HDD and the thing wouldn't 'fire up',

Probably a MBR corruption caused by moi pulling the plug on the critter when it was 'hanging',

I tried everything (couldn't contact you clowns) but in the end I did an XP restore,

My 6 year old MESH MATRIX ASCENDA B2S1 is now working but ~ it's not the same machine anymore, so ...

I've ordered a Novatech iFlame + 22" widescreen jobby, that should keep me quiet, for a while :)
 Eh ... - R.P.
I'm just about to junk my Mesh - welcome to have any bits that might be specific to it if you want.
 Eh ... - Dog
>>I'm just about to junk my Mesh - welcome to have any bits that might be specific to it if you want<<

It's 6 years old Rob - For every season there is a time, and my MESH and the company itself is R.I.P.

Thanks for the offer :)
 Eh ... - Ted

Why are you using a foreign language....unknown to me, Doggo ?

 Eh ... - Old Navy
I think it is computer nerd (anorak) speak.
 Eh ... - Runfer D'Hills
Probably someone re-face-tooting about it on Tweetbook or whatever it is they do. What do they do?
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Wed 13 Jul 11 at 18:24
 Eh ... - AnotherJohnH
>> ....... I had a partition corruption on my HDD and the thing wouldn't 'fire up',

>> Probably a MBR corruption caused by moi pulling the plug on the critter when it
>> was 'hanging',

The damage may have been the cause of you needing to pull the plug.

A bit late now, but I guess you didn't/couldn't try booting from a linux CD/DVD?

Or even better:

as mentioned by others previously under similar circumstances.

It's probably worth making one for the next time...
 Eh ... - Dog
>>Why are you using a foreign language....unknown to me, Doggo ?<<

Sorry Teddo, it's just that I've learnt a few new words and thought I'd try em out, like.

Friday last, I was having a 'heavy session' with Black Sabbath via YouTube and when I tried to close my computer down, it just 'hung', i.e. wouldn't close down properly, it often does that and I normally hit the reset button, then close it down again from there but, if I'm throwing my toys out of the pram (throwing a strop!) I'll just jank the plug out of the wall and storm orf in a huff!

Come the morn, the critter wouldn't 'fire up', let alone tick over, so after 4 days of trying everything I know (not much) I resorted to re-installing Windows XP,

It's sort-of running OK now (in a fashion) but it's like using a completely different computer + it's just switched itself orf twice for no (some) reason in the last 24hrs,

So I gets to thinking, well - new house ... new (ish) car ... new (yes dear, coming dear) OUCH!

Jobs done now amyway ~ ordered direct from Novatech at 4pm today for delivery the morrow (maybe!)

MBR refers to the master boot record on the hard disc (I believe), and twerp here pulling the plug out like I did caused a partition corruption as it's called - it can be caused by a virus as well (they say)

>>as mentioned by others previously under similar circumstances.

It's probably worth making one for the next time...<<

Thanks for the good advice JohnH, hopefully it will be of help to others.

 Eh ... - bathtub tom
>>Just to let you know that Dog had his anal glands 'expressed'

I had a Springer that needed that doing on a regular basis. I can thoroughly recommend NOT being in the same room as a teaspoonful of concentrated essence of dog turd.
 Eh ... - Dutchie
All is ok Dog glad to see you are back.The missus computer was playing up a kind computer nerd friend sorted it out for her.
 Eh ... - Dog
>>All is ok Dog glad to see you are back.<<

All the best me ole Son :)
 Eh ... - Dog
>> I can thoroughly recommend NOT being in the same room as a teaspoonful of concentrated essence of dog turd<<

My 11 year old Ridgeback has got probs with his back door, I don't do Docs & Vets as y'all know, so I have 'attended' to his glands of late as one is infected/impacted,

I empty it, then treat the area with Iodene - seems under control at the mo but ... if I thought he needed ex spurt attention, then I would take him to a highly trained, highly qualified (and highly paid) Vet.
 Eh ... - Dog
Eh ... ordered my new computer from Novatech at 4pm yesterday, it arrived at 9.30am this morning = service!
 Eh ... - Mike Hannon
I upgraded to a six-year-old computer a couple of years ago.
 Eh ... - Dog
>>I upgraded to a six-year-old computer a couple of years ago.<<

Yeah, I like old things as well - s'why I married the wife :o}
 Eh ... - Zero
>> I upgraded to a six-year-old computer a couple of years ago.

With your ADSL link, its probably 4 years overpowered.
 Eh ... - VxFan
>> Eh ... ordered my new computer from Novatech at 4pm yesterday, it arrived at 9.30am this morning = service!

Wonder how many months that's been collecting dust on the shelf waiting to be sold ;o)
 Eh ... - Dog
>>Wonder how many months that's been collecting dust on the shelf waiting to be sold ;o)<<

Goes for anything though doesn't it DD ~ especially cars!

I connected the 22" monitor to my 6 year old MESH and it's brill compared to my old 17" square Sharp :)

I'll play with the new computer tomorrow (when it rains!) and Plusnet have sent me a 'free' router to replace my umteen year old Speedtouch modem ~ it's like xmas here :)

Did y'all know that MESH has gorn down the pan this week ~
 Eh ... - Mike Hannon
>>With your ADSL link, its probably 4 years overpowered<<

I dunno though - 586k today. It is the Bastille Day holiday of course.
 Eh ... - Zero


Blimey news travels fast down there in dartmoreshire. That was last month not this week!
 Eh ... - Dog
>>Blimey news travels fast down there in dartmoreshire. That was last month not this week!<<

Yeah, well - I wouldn't have known at all, if I hadn't spent 17 squid on computer mags to try and get my Mesh to fire up,

Interesting to read the comments though ~ I had no problems whatsoever with my computer in 6 years of ownership.

In fact I'm using it 'as we speak'.
 Eh ... - Dog
OK clowns ~ uma gonna be orf air for 2-3 weeks (maybe) as I'm 'decomissioning my old Mesh XP jobbie + speedtouch modem & plugging in this ere Novatech iFlame along with a router thing,

Been using the nova Novatech 22" widescreen for 24hrs now,and it's brilliant - literally!

So, being it's a bit quiet today - cop hold of this joke? before the mods get back from Madam Sins abode ~

"Dog For Sale

Free to good home. Excellent guard dog.

Owner cannot afford to feed him anymore as there are no more drug pushers, thieves, murderers, or molesters left in the neighborhood for him to eat.

Most of them knew Jethro only by his Chinese street name, Ho Lee Schitt".

 Eh ... - Zero
>> OK clowns ~ uma gonna be orf air for 2-3 weeks (maybe) as I'm 'decomissioning
>> my old Mesh XP jobbie + speedtouch modem & plugging in this ere Novatech iFlame
>> along with a router thing,

Thats a 2-3 minute job, at worse a 2-3 hours job.
 Eh ... - Dog
>>Thats a 2-3 minute job, at worse a 2-3 hours job<<

Well mate ... 3 hours later and I've gorn make to my old machine :o}

(1) All the connecting leads with the Novatech were much shorter than the old MESH jobby.
No probs - I just used the old ones, innit.

(2) Even the wires from the new mouse & keyboard were much shorter (gorn back to the old ones!)

(3) The Thomson wireless router (TG585 v8) that Plusnet kindly sent me, wont fire up,
I've tried the reset button on the back, turning it on & orf, but - the red light remains!

I tried using my old modem, but a window kept coming up saying - connect ethernet cable, well, the old Speedtouch job doesn't use an ethernet cable :)

While I've been fiddling about with these ere computer things over the last 7 days + reading up on PC Pro mag about MESH computers, I be reckoning that MESH jobbies were (once upon a time) a very well built & reliable product and it remains to be seen whether my nova Novatech machine gives me 6 trouble free years as did my good old clockwork MESH + Speedtouch modem via Windows XP.

Anyway, I've got the remake of "The Day The Earth Stood Still" on Blu-ray to watch tomorrow, if Amazon manage to deliver the Blu-ray player I've just ordered using express delivery.

 Eh ... - bathtub tom
>>Anyway, I've got the remake of "The Day The Earth Stood Still" on Blu-ray to watch tomorrow, if Amazon manage to deliver the Blu-ray player I've just ordered using express delivery.

And the leads long enough. ;>)
 Eh ... - Dog
- - - - > And the leads long enough. ;>) < - - - -

Get the hence to endless night!
 Eh ... - devonite
I`ve just had my anal gland impacted by the boot of the Hovel Hostess! - how was i to know you dont put china in the dishwasher??
 Eh ... - Dog
>>I`ve just had my anal gland impacted by the boot of the Hovel Hostess! - how was i to know you dont put china in the dishwasher??<<

Get back to your Bees, you!
 Eh ... - R.P.
I thought a dog of your pedigree would have an extending lead or walk obediently to heel.
 Eh ... - Dog
>>I thought a dog of your pedigree would have an extending lead or walk obediently to heel.<<

C'mon man ~ y'all know I'm a mongrel from the streets of sowf lunden.

I've even tried a Speedtouch ST585v6 that those nice people (cough, splutter, choke!) at AO-hell sent me but ...

even that wouldn't connect, so I've gorn back to my good ole solid reliable modem (4now)

Life was sooo much simpler in the 1960's ;o}
 Eh ... - Dog
Ere devonite, you were (likely) spot-on about those drivers, I just attempted to have a session with my mate,
~ and I haven't got any sound either!
 Eh ... - Dog
So ... I left my new router plugged in all last night but - the red power-on light still refused to go green, so I switched it on and off, on and off etc. etc., tried resetting it again and again, but nope, it wouldn't have it,

So I chucked the blimming thing onto the window ledge and took the mutt out for a walk,
came back, tried it once more - yes! the critter fired up and all the lights went green,

Booted up the new computer with it's windows 7 and IE9!!, yes I know peops aren't over-fond of it, it's certainly different, but the more I use it, the more I'll get used to it, maybe.
 Eh ... - Dutchie
You'r a mongrel from the streets of south London dog.:) True Londoners are the best like true Rotterdammers used to be.

First time in London we used to park our ship just before the Tower Bridge.Fifty five years ago now.The old man used to go ashore for a few pints and drank with the locals.I was seven,used to watch the ship getting cargo offloaded.The foreman docker always ended up with a bottle genever and sigs.Good luck with your computer damm things.
 Eh ... - Zero

>> First time in London we used to park our ship just before the Tower Bridge.Fifty
>> five years ago now.The old man used to go ashore for a few pints and
>> drank with the locals.I was seven,used to watch the ship getting cargo offloaded.The foreman docker
>> always ended up with a bottle genever and sigs.Good luck with your computer damm things.

The dockers were probably a member of my family. Only 3/4 of your cargo ever got out the dock, the rest got lifted!
 Eh ... - Dog
>>First time in London we used to park our ship just before the Tower Bridge.Fifty five years ago now<<

I was born & bred in that area Dutchie, I was bjorn in 52, so 50 years ago I was always around the Tower Bridge area with my mate Danny, getting up to mischief :)

Did you ever see the geezers that 'worked' around the Tower Hill area, 2 of them, one would tie the other up, chain him up, handcuff him, then put him in a sack, from which he would eventually escape from, Houdini style, then the other one would go around with the plate :-)

New computer etc. is all hunkey dorey now thanks.
 Eh ... - Dutchie
First time in London as a child.Never seen Double Decker busses before cars driving on the left.Dinkey toys,should have kept them.And big bars of white chocolate.I'm trying to remember about these blokes so long ago.And we used to go to Greenwich with cargo.

Born in 49 seems like yesterday.:)
 Eh ... - Dog
>>Born in 49 seems like yesterday.:)<<

You're only as old as the Woman you feel ;)
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