Non-motoring > Noise Cancelling headphones Miscellaneous
Thread Author: CGNorwich Replies: 10

 Noise Cancelling headphones - CGNorwich

Am thinking of getting some these for my next trip to Canada.

Two questions;

1 How effective are they

2 Any recommendations - Want to spend as little as possible!

 Noise Cancelling headphones - R.P.

I'm on my second pair of these - I broke the originals, but far better than the ridiculously over-priced Bose stuff.
 Noise Cancelling headphones - Mike Hannon
This might sound like a daft question, but I'm a bit out of touch with the world of sound these days. Doesn't the noise cancelling technology interfere with the sound reproduction?
 Noise Cancelling headphones - R.P.
Yes it does, but fine for none hi-fi listening from an iPod. Ideal on a plane as mine are almost good enough to cancel out squakers (see flying rant thread)
 Noise Cancelling headphones - WillDeBeest
On the best ones, apparently not. But you do need batteries, which means spares if you don't want to run out in mid-Atlantic. Some styles also take up a fair bit of bag space.

An alternative to consider is the noise-excluding type, which uses a squishy plastic earplug to seal the speaker into the ear canal. I was squeamish for a while but I've been using a Shure pair on long flights for three years and I'm very pleased with them. As a bonus they fit, complete with airline plug adaptor, into a case the size and shape of a rather flat egg.
 Noise Cancelling headphones - VxFan
From what I recall, The Gadget Show did a review of a few of them. Probably on their website somewhere.
 Noise Cancelling headphones - rtj70
The ones RP/PU mentions were in Tesco a short while ago at about £50 and I was tempted. Read reviews and the offer had gone. Seems it's back for online and you could get them delivered to store.

I assume the AAA batteries go in a compartment in the wire?

I keep thinking I like the idea of some Bluetooth noise cancelling headphones and then see the price.

I'd have been glad of any headphones this morning. Once again in the quiet coach to London... and people talking constantly loudly. I felt like telling them shut up or go to another coach. Same happened the day before I went on holiday at the end of June. Only this time I'd forgotten to put my headphones back in the laptop rucksack. Doh. Including the spares.
 Noise Cancelling headphones - smokie
Thumbs up for Rob's, I've been using them for years in all environments and they are great. I lost the first set when I left them on a car roof after sitting out to drip dry after dipping in the Gulf of Mexico on an unscheduled driving break. Got some rather good ear plugs in WalMart to replace them on the trip, and realised when I got home (I mean England) and was checking my bills that I'd walked out of Walmart without paying for them. Oops.
 Noise Cancelling headphones - rtj70
So how good are the ones mentioned above really for cancelling noise? Not just background noise from plane engines etc but the noise around you.

I was in John Lewis looking at TVs for the conservatory earlier and there were some BOSE ones out as part of a demo. Not sure if it was fully working as you couldn't get sound out of them but.... slip them on and the noise from the shop including screaming children almost totally went away, i.e. just wearing them when turned on. I was impressed.

But at £279 I cannot justify it either. But how does say an £80 pair from Sennheiser compare? So I mean blanking out sound without loud music.

Still to decide on the TV... maybe small Sony 24" in white with wifi. But could maybe go for 27". I could put a 50"+ screen in as there's room but this is for occasional TV watching.
 Noise Cancelling headphones - helicopter
I have a pair of Sony mdr nc40 headphones which you can pick up for around £50 on Amazon. Around £ 70 per pair on the high street

They need a AAA battery but do everything I want for a fraction of the price of the BOSE,
particularly suppressing engine noise on planes.

 Noise Cancelling headphones - rtj70
But do they suppress other noise around you - even without sound coming through them. I am thinking noisy office type noise (voices etc.). The BOSE headphones were very impressive.
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