Non-motoring > Reaction to cheese/egg Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Stuu Replies: 29

 Reaction to cheese/egg - Stuu
Since I was born ive not been able to eat anything with cheese in it whatsoever, my body rejects it instantly, as much now as ever.
Im also unable to consume egg unless it is in tiny quanitities such as in cakes.

Ive never thought much about why this is, my mum said even when I was very young it made me insanely ill if I was fed either so they soon stopped trying and even today, if im given something by accident ( my sister gave me a burger that had a small amount of cheese on it unknown to me and I couldnt keep it down, could barely swallow ).

Anyone more knowledgable than me know what it is? I can drink things like milk, eat butter and yoghurt no problems, so its not exclusively dairy.

 Reaction to cheese/egg - Zero
How about cream cheese? or maybe mozzarella and goats cheese?

What do they do?

Last edited by: Zero on Thu 7 Jul 11 at 17:54
 Reaction to cheese/egg - Mapmaker
Sounds like an allergy to me. Suggest you talk to your doctor - who will tell you not to eat eggs/cheese.
 Reaction to cheese/egg - AnotherJohnH
>> Sounds like an allergy to me. Suggest you talk to your doctor
>> - who will tell you not to eat eggs/cheese.

.... a trip to the Doc's may eventually result in an arm full of biro rings where different allergens have been tried, and an extra one to see if there is a reaction to biro.

What would you do with the knowledge gained?
 Reaction to cheese/egg - Stuu
Must admit Zero, ive not gone through the different types, being sick isnt fun.

I know goats milk makes me feel queasy but that may be cos it tastes funny!

I dont get on with cheesecake, tried that once, infact even the smell of cheese makes my throat close up, we cant have it in our fridge.

I know not to eat it, been doing that 30 years, but it just occurred to me I had no idea why it was that I couldnt and curiosity got the better of me, but I wouldnt waste a doctors time on it, im not ill an im sure they have better things to do.
 Reaction to cheese/egg - Zero
The two allergies are unconnected. As far as the cheese one goes you should have the same reaction to most other dairy products. Specially yoghurt.

Which is why I wondered if it was a psychosomatic reaction to crap cheddar?
 Reaction to cheese/egg - Ted

Faddy child, gerrit down yer frote and build up an immunity :-)

Anything 'mustardy ' does the same for me, Stu.
I can do without the eggs but to live without cheese ? Nonono !

 Reaction to cheese/egg - Stuu
Well, ive eaten cheese unknowingly and only when swallowed was I violently sick, at which point I then asked what on earth id been given, turned out the cooking tools had traces of cheese on them.

The only other dairy reaction I get is if I consume a serious amount of milk in a day, somewhere around the 3 pints mark I think made me unwell, but in normal consumption it doesnt seem to have much effect.

I stopped eating cheese before I knew what food was, mum said it wasnt worth it as they kept trying for several months but it didnt take, she said I used to gag at the smell even back then.

Just for a bit of fun I have a worsening reaction to all alcohol too, I get a rash, my skin goes bumpy and I get very dizzy, but thats on about half a mouthful of anything and its got progressively worse since my early 20's to the extent that last time I did try having a drink my wife was reaching for the phone because I couldnt stand or sit up even.

Im a weird one me.

 Reaction to cheese/egg - corax
>> Which is why I wondered if it was a psychosomatic reaction to crap cheddar?

I have that when I see the bright yellow slices on a McDonalds.
 Reaction to cheese/egg - corax
>> I know goats milk makes me feel queasy but that may be cos it tastes
>> funny!

Feta cheese doesn't agree with me - I'm not sick, but I soon have to stop eating it, and feel bad for the rest of the evening with a sore stomach next day.
 Reaction to cheese/egg - Runfer D'Hills
Sure it's not the Ouzo?...

 Reaction to cheese/egg - corax
>> Sure it's not the Ouzo?...
>> :-)

The Uzi 9mm.
 Reaction to cheese/egg - Runfer D'Hills
No Ouzo ! as in banzai bubble juice. Metaxa can wreck a decent tiramasu too.

 Reaction to cheese/egg - corax
>> No Ouzo ! as in banzai bubble juice. Metaxa can wreck a decent tiramasu too.

I'm sure it could. Only a buffoon would mix the two (don't know what I'm talking about)

Tiramisu I think.

 Reaction to cheese/egg - Runfer D'Hills
It is a mis rather than a mas isn't it? Sorry...
 Reaction to cheese/egg - Zero
Tiramisu is the 2000 version of black forest Gateaux.

The Modern day Berni Inn eaters favourite.
 Reaction to cheese/egg - Runfer D'Hills
Wouldn't know really. Never eat pud. Cheese man. To attempt a weak return to thread.
 Reaction to cheese/egg - teabelly
Might be the rennet (Sp?) that you're allergic to in cheese perhaps.

Are you the same with all eggs or just hen's eggs?

 Reaction to cheese/egg - Stuu
Ive never gone past hens eggs tbh, the reactions are so instant, its not something ive played with but on the occasions ive been caught out, I get a serious reminder.

Thanks tb, ill have a read about that.
 Reaction to cheese/egg - CGNorwich
I would be suspicious of the rennet used to make the cheese rather than the milk. Rennet is is a known allergen, both the natural protein extracted from the lining of a calf's stomach and also the artificial variety.

This would account for why you can tolerate other dairy products
 Reaction to cheese/egg - Zero
>> I would be suspicious of the rennet used to make the cheese rather than the
>> milk. Rennet is is a known allergen, both the natural protein extracted from the lining
>> of a calf's stomach and also the artificial variety.
>> This would account for why you can tolerate other dairy products

There is your link then - the protein in eggs is very similar.
 Reaction to cheese/egg - Lygonos
Allergies/reactions to food are usually to the protein component - these are altered by different types of cooking, hence the ability to eat cake but not egg itself.

The reaction to alcohol is probably some indication of Chinese ancestry - I assume you prefer a nice cup of tea? ;-)
 Favourite cheese - apm
So to hijack the thread, what's everyone's favourite cheese then (Stu need not apply..)?

I will allow myself 3:

1) Morbiers. Semi-hard and full of savoury, salty flavour. Layer of ash in the middle a distinguishing feature.
2) A really good, ripe oozing Camembert
3) A fully aged crumbly cheddar

Ok then 4

4) St Felicien- buttery and tart at the same time.

 Favourite cheese - CGNorwich
Laughing Cow
 Favourite cheese - Runfer D'Hills
Wasn't there a dustman called "Cheese & Egg" on a 70s sitcom? Don't know why that's bothering me....
 Favourite cheese - Bromptonaut

Wiki tells all
 Favourite cheese - CGNorwich
I dimly remember it;
 Favourite cheese - Mapmaker
1) St Felicien - when really ripe
2) A really ripe Epoisse (quite similar to (1) I suppose)
3) Warm, ripe Colston Bassett Stilton. (Long Clawson = ugh, Cropwell Bishop = OK)
4) A crumbly white cheese from the North - Wensleydale, Cheshire, Lancashire, Coverdale
5) A french mountain cheese, e.g. Beaufort.
6) St Killian - Irish cheese that also turns to soup when ripe like (1) and (2)

 Favourite cheese - CGNorwich
Laughing Cow is made from a mixture of Gouda, Emmenthal and Compte so you get to eat three cheeses at a time.

Browsing the web I came across this fascinating article which gives the origin of the trademark "La Vache qui Ri'.
Last edited by: CGNorwich on Fri 8 Jul 11 at 16:18
 Favourite cheese - Lygonos
Pretty much any hand-made cheese.

Some very nice ones from the Borders eg. Stichill.

Some beauts in that list.
Last edited by: Lygonos on Fri 8 Jul 11 at 22:40
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