Non-motoring > Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now Computing Issues
Thread Author: car4play Replies: 31

 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - car4play
.. while we sync the London server this site is on to one up North where we will be moving the lot. It's been out of sync for a week so there is a few mins catch up to do. Just over half way now.
Last edited by: car4play on Fri 1 Jul 11 at 13:19
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - car4play
ok -all synced ok - sorry for the slowdown.
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - VxFan
Burp. Oops! too much Diet Coke.
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - spamcan61
>> Burp. Oops! too much Diet Coke.
To wash down the tinned Tuna?
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - car4play
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Old Navy
I hope Zero will use the "Up North" server, you know how much of a South Eastern snob he is. :-)
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Zero
Why not?

I burn you coal and use your oil.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 1 Jul 11 at 14:36
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Robin O'Reliant
Yeah, and we seduce your women too.

They're turned on by men who wash regularly ;-)
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Bobbin Threadbare
Nowt wrong with a Northern fella. None of that Nivea for Men crap, just soap and a bit of sandpaper.
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Roger.
There speaks a gal who knows, obviously!
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - PhilW
"Nowt wrong with a Northern fella. None of that Nivea for Men crap, just soap and a bit of sandpaper."

Forget that - just use the angle grinder (some great offers at B&Q at the mo) . Bit ticklish round the underarms but OK elsewhere.
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Robin O'Reliant
>> Forget that - just use the angle grinder (some great offers at B&Q at the
>> mo) . Bit ticklish round the underarms but OK elsewhere.
When I was in the SAS we used an angle grinder to clean our teeth.
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Skoda
>> When I was in the SAS we used an angle grinder to clean our teeth.

That's not how the other fella told it... :-P
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Iffy
...I burn you coal and use your oil...

But you can't get at our water.

Hosepipe ban yet?

 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Old Navy
Have you tasted the recycled stuff that passes for fresh water in the south east iffy? No wonder they pay through the nose for our bottled water.
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Iffy
...Have you tasted the recycled stuff that passes for fresh water in the south east iffy?...

All those knackered old lead pipes help much.

I used to think scum on your tea was normal until I moved to the north east.

 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - R.P.
Boris is trying to get his hands on our resources here.
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - MD
That Cold Grey place.
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - R.P.
Oh I don't know, London's brightened up a bit now since the smog laws.
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - MD
Much darker these days, but that's another subject!!
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Armel Coussine
>> darker these days, but that's another subject!!

What could you mean MD? It was its most winsome and cooperative self when I left it early this afternoon after an all-too-brief overnight swoop. Even the heart of the West End was as free flowing as years ago despite the Livingstone road system sabotage and vandalism.

Trouble with living in the country is you go native, ooo-aaarrr!, and perfectly familiar bits of London have somehow slipped off the edge of one's mental TomTom. I wouldn't have expected it to happen so fast, in a year.

I have a present from Brittany: a litre (in a Pastis bottle) of 'vrai Calva', proper artisanal French applejack flavoured and coloured with some sort of bark (not hangover-inducing caramel), smells divine and blazes its way down a treat. I am hoping that thimblefuls will do and it will last a while.

Just away now to ease out that fragile-looking cork.
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - PhilW
" 'vrai Calva'"
Now that brings back memories - seem to remember I had a really good night where I drank far too much "vrai calva". trouble is, I can't remember those memories.
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - R.P.
Like me, I drink to forget, trouble is I've forgotten what...
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Zero
You save me a drop there AC
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Zero

>> iffy? No wonder they pay through the nose for our bottled water.

Its not as tho you dont have any spare, its falling on your head for 360 days of the year.
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Runfer D'Hills
Speaking of drinking. I've just been chatting to my next door neighbour. Clearly he has had a tincture or two this evening. Not enough to cause serious disability but enough to be amusingly leathered. He's out in his back garden in shorts and a T-shirt, no shoes on and he's begun to build a huge three storey Guinea Pig hutch using the wood from some old pallets.

My attention was drawn to this project by loud sawing noises and occasional muttered oaths as he hammers his fingers.

We spent a pleasing ten minutes or so discussing potential additional design features, positioning of hinges etc and I've left him to it. They already have one Guinea Pig but it seems he's been left two more in someone's will. I kid you not.

Sometimes I remember why I choose to live in the North.
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - R.P.
Is his name Tudor (so you could mock him) - you live in the south where you are...North is all kilts, haggis, and gnats and is the last sanctuary of the Oxford Comma.
Last edited by: Pugugly on Fri 1 Jul 11 at 22:14
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Runfer D'Hills
Kilts, haggis, gnats and some of the best driving roads ever, if you have a Westfield...

Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Fri 1 Jul 11 at 22:17
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Fullchat
Instead of a Backroom meet how about a punch up at the Watford Services - North v South :-)
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Runfer D'Hills
Perspective. Funny thing. To me you see the South starts about Northampton. At the other end the North stops about Penrith where beyond that it's to all intents and purposes already Scotland which isn't the North at all because Edinburgh has much more in common with London than Manchester. Glasgow is more northern but you really only had to go there if you wanted a ship building so now it's probably not worth bothering. The Midlands, especially Birmingham, is best avoided altogether and indeed they built an extra motorway around it so that you can pay extra to get past it even quicker.

 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - Zero
>> Perspective. Funny thing. To me you see the South starts about Northampton.

Now you see you have completely erased a whole tribe from the map. The Midlander. A poor race who look longingly south at the wealth and success to be seen, and look north to the beautiful countryside. Alas they can never get to either because of the state of the M6.
 Just go for lunch - ok you can come back now - MD
Very funny FC
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