Non-motoring > Petrol mix of power tools. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Bigtee Replies: 22

 Petrol mix of power tools. - Bigtee
Been buying a stihl saw this week & to get a chain saw too, do you know what the petrol to oil mix is for 1 litre of petrol how much oil goes in this?

The info found on the web talks in us gallons confusing me!! :-)

To get a cement mixer next which also maybe petrol as got some gardening projects to start in September.

Love buying and using power tools a real man toy!!
 Petrol mix of power tools. - Old Navy
When you find out, B&Q, and others no doubt, sell a calibrated plastic bottle to make up the various mixes.
 Petrol mix of power tools. - Ted

The bottle of oil I have has a cap which contains the right amount for 1 gallon of petrol.

 Petrol mix of power tools. - Iffy
...Been buying a stihl saw...

Look after it, top tool, and the thieves know it.

 Petrol mix of power tools. - Soft Top
I have a Stihl strimmer and the mix is 25:1 although it can be anywhere in the range 20:1 to 30:1 depending on how much smoke you want to make!
 Petrol mix of power tools. - Old Navy
Don't quote me but I think they run in when new on a 50:1 mix for a specific time, then use 25:1.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Thu 30 Jun 11 at 17:23
 Petrol mix of power tools. - Soft Top
Forgot to say - a US gallon is equivalent to approx 3/4 of an imperial gallon.

For one litre of petrol you should put in 20 mls for a 50:1 mix as ON says for new kit and 40mls for a 25:1 mix when it's run in

Hope this helps.
 Petrol mix of power tools. - Bigtee
Saw my mate last night in the pub who worked for a hire firm and said 20mls to 1 litre of fuel. Spot on there Soft Top.!!

It's not been left in the shed drained of fuel and in the cellar as garden sheds get unwanted visitors at the moment according to the local paper.
 Petrol mix of power tools. - Manatee
You need to RTFM for the specific tool.

I have a chainsaw and a hedgetrimmer that want 40:1, and a Ryobi brush cutter that wants 20:1.

 Petrol mix of power tools. - Ted

I have a chainsaw but I never bother with 2 stroke oil.....

It's 240V eleccie !

 Petrol mix of power tools. - Old Navy
>> I have a chainsaw but I never bother with 2 stroke oil.....
>> It's 240V eleccie !
>> Ted

Isn't it a pain lugging a generator around the woods?
 Petrol mix of power tools. - CGNorwich
Always been intrigued by the number of people who buy chainsaws. Have you all got acres of timber to fell? What do you use them for? Have never fancied one myself - too dangerous. Have always managed with a decent bow saw, even when I had a wood burning stove. Certainly don't need one in a suburban garden to prune a few shrubs.


 Petrol mix of power tools. - nyx2k
my chainsaw is 50-1 using tcw3 spec so same as outboards for spec.
strimmer is 40-1 using cheapo 2stroke oil
 Petrol mix of power tools. - Manatee
I'm sure you're right CGN. Dangerous things. Even for health and safety officers it seems.
 Petrol mix of power tools. - CGNorwich
But if you insist on using one keep a bag of frozen pastry handy.
 Petrol mix of power tools. - Alastairw
Of course the great advantage of a bowsaw is you get nice and warm cutting the wood, so you don't need to burn so much.
 Petrol mix of power tools. - CGNorwich
A bow-saw is surprisingly quick and efficient. Secret is to change blades regularly
 Petrol mix of power tools. - Zero
how can she have been holding the ladder, and throwing a ball for the puppy?

 Petrol mix of power tools. - WillDeBeest
And what possessed anyone, let alone someone trained in safety, to stand directly below a running chainsaw? My children know not to stand below me if I'm holding so much as a screwdriver.

I wonder what a chainsaw costs, compared with 20 years ago. Is an unfortunate consequence of cheap power tools and expensive labour that people are now tempted to try jobs themselves that would be better left to an expert?

Still, whatever question the report leaves unanswered, at least it tells us the value of their house.
Last edited by: WillDeBeest on Fri 1 Jul 11 at 09:42
 Petrol mix of power tools. - corax
>> Always been intrigued by the number of people who buy chainsaws. Have you all got
>> acres of timber to fell? What do you use them for?

They're useful if you have a mature hedge that needs reducing and the hedgecutter can't cope, but you can get away with an electric one. Other than living in the woods and running a charcoal burning facility, you shouldn't need one, unless it's for self defence.
 Petrol mix of power tools. - Dave
All Stihl saws are 50:1. But make sure you use the red stihl oil. They also sell a nice fuel can that holds both chain oil and petrol, and also has a formula 1 type fillers so you just push the spout in and it stops when full.
 Petrol mix of power tools. - Manatee
>>They're useful if you have a mature hedge that needs reducing and the hedgecutter can't cope

Yup, it gets used for that. We have quite a few trees as well though I dare say we could use a bow saw. Hard work for chopping up for the fire though.

I do agree they are lethal and require the greatest care, eye, bonce and foot protection at a minimum. And no-one else anywhere near.

I had a pal (sadly now not with us, a different kind of accident) who 'did' trees. He had some serious chain saws, frequently swinging from his belt while he climbed big trees and used one handed. I couldn't bear to watch him.
 Petrol mix of power tools. - Cliff Pope
As others have said, the mix may vary for different machines. It's a nuisance if you have several different ones, having to keep separate labelled cans. My Seagull outboard uses 10:1.

I did have a petrol chainsaw once, but found it more of a nuisance for cutting logs because of the need to keep putting it down to lift a new log onto the saw-horse. I don't like having a running chain saw wandering its way around on the ground. I now use an electric chainsaw, which is good on anything up to 6" and of course has easy on/off.

When rarely I need to cut a bigger tree I either run several long extensions up the wood or else fell it with a bow saw and then drag closer to the electricity supply for chopping up.
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